Brainstem motor and sensory nuclei week 5 Flashcards
What do motor nuclei in the brainstem consist of? (what fiber types, where do they go)
What order neurons are sensory nuclei in the brainstem? Where do they project to? What role do they play in reflexes?
Motor Nuclei: consist of 1) efferent lower motor neurons (both GSE and BE/SVE) to skeletal muscles and 2) preganglionic neurons (GVE) for parasympathetic outflow to smooth muscle and glands.
Cells in Sensory nuclei receive afferent fibers and serve as secondary neurons projecting up to the thalamus and cortex, as well as connecting locally to motor neurons for brainstem reflexes (e.g. pupillary light, corneal blink, jaw jerk and gag reflexes).
In the brainstem, motor nuclei are located more ____ and sensory nuclei are located more _____.
What is the embryologic origin of motor nuclei? Sensory nuclei?
In the brainstem, motor nuclei are located more medially (MM) and sensory nuclei are located more laterally.
- Motor nuclei medial (Basal plate derivatives)
- Sensory nuclei lateral (Alar plate derivatives)
What separates motor from sensory nuclei?
Nuclei with what fiber types (GSA, etc.) are autonomic nuclei (both sensory and motor) located btwn?
State the order of classification of nuclei (GSA, SSA, etc.) from lateral to medial in the brainstem.
Nuclei with what fiber types migrate to more anterolateral regions during development?
- The sulcus limitans separates motor from sensory nuclei.
- Autonomics are located between Somatic motor (GSE) and Somatic sensory (either GSA or SSA). see attached pic
- Lateral to medial (see attached pic): SSA, GSA, GVA, GVE, BE, GSE
- During development some BE and GSA neurons migrate to more anterolateral areas (see attached pic)
State what part of the brainstem each cranial nerve is associated with.
Midrain: III and IV
Pons: V, VI, VII, VIII
Medulla: IX, X, XI, XII
In the brainstem, state where each of the following pathways are (medial, lateral, ventral/anterior, etc)
medial lemniscus
lateral spinothalamic tract
If applicable, state what pathways join within the brainstem.
1) Corticospinal and Corticobulbar pathways are always ventral/anterior
2) Medial lemniscus changes position from midline caudally to more lateral at rostral levels
3) Lateral spinothalamic tract stays lateral and is joined by the Medial lemniscus rostrally
What parts of the brainstem (medial, lateral) does the vertebral-basilar-PCA stem supply?
The cerbellar branches? (PICA, AICA, SCA)
Specifically state what parts of the brainstem the PICA, AICA, and SCA supply. (midbrain, pons, medulla)
1) The vertebral-basilar-PCA stem supplies medially placed structures via small penetrating feeder branches
2) Cerebellar branches ( PICA, AICA, SCA) supply the lateral brainstem, each at a different level
PICA: lateral medulla
AICA: lateral pons
SCA: dorsolateral midbrain
What CNs have GSE fiber types?
General Somatic Efferents (GSE)
• Cranial Nerves III, IV, VI, and XII
In what part of the midbrain is the oculomotor (III) nucleus?
What is the position of the oculomotor nucleus in relation to the cerebral aqueduct and periaqueductal gray?
What is the position of the IIIrd nucleus in relation to the superior colliculi?
What is the function of CN III?
Oculomotor Nucleus (III) – ventral to cerebral aqueduct and periaqueductal gray at level of superior colliculus in rostral midbrain
CN III is the only motor nucleus at this level. Note that it exits btwn the cerebral peduncles.
Nerve Fibers innervate levator palpebrae (muscle which holds the eyelid open), and four of the six extraocular muscles (excluding the superior oblique and lateral rectus). Controls adduction and elevation of the eyeball.
In what part of the midbrain is the trochlear (IV) nucleus?
What is the position of the IVth nucleus in relation to the periaqueducatal gray?
What is the position of the IVth nucleus in relation to the inferior colliculi?
Explain the pathway CN IV takes to exit the midbrain.
Does it exit ventrally or dorsally?
What is the function of CN IV?
Trochlear Nucleus (IV) : beneath the PAG at the level of the inferior colliculus (caudal midbrain).
Fibers cross midline and exit dorsally, passing around the brainstem to innervate the superior oblique muscle : medially rotates (intorts) and moves eyeball down.
In attached pic, note that there is less substantia nigra than in the rostral midbrain and that the cerebral peduncles are closer together
In what part of the pons is the nucleus of CN VI located?
What is the position of the nucleus of the abducens nerve in relation to the 4th ventricle?
What is the function of CN VI?
Abducens Nucleus: CN VI - located in the midline of the caudal pons, just beneath the floor of the 4th ventricle
CN VI innervates the lateral rectus muscle which abducts the eyeball for lateral gaze
In what part of the medulla is the hypoglossal nucleus located?
Where does CN XII exit the medulla?
What is the function of CN XII?
The hypoglossal nucleus (XII) is located in the midline of the rostral to middle medulla and supplies musculature of the tongue. The nerve fibers exit anterior to the inferior olive (in the pre-olivary sulcus).
Lesions of the hypoglossal nerve cause tongue deviations to what side (with respect to the lesion)?
- LMN lesion to Hypoglossal nerve following Lymph node removal
- Same effect with damage to CN XII nucleus
- tongue deviates to the side of the lesion (ipsilateral) when asked to protrude
- Tongue muscles are weak on that side and overpowered by those on the opposite side
What CNs contain BE fibers? What structures (generall) do they innervate?
Branchial Efferent (BE) Review
- Innervate muscles of mastication (V), facial expression (VII), and muscles of the pharynx (IX, X), larynx (X), and soft palate (V, X)
- Derivation from pharyngeal or branchial arches; therefore innervation is classified as BE rather than GSE (which refers to an embryologic derivation from a somite)
Arches 1,2,3, and 4-6 corespond to CN V, VII, IX, and X, respectively.
In what part of the brainstem is the motor nucleus of CN V located?
What do the fibers from the motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve travel with?
What does CN V innervate?
The motor nucleus of cranial nerve V is located in the pons. These motor fibers will course together with the sensory fibers of V as they exit the pons. The motor fibers of cranial nerve V innervate the muscles of mastication, anterior belly of digastric, mylohyoid, tensor veli palatini (Arch 1 derivatives).
In what part of the pons is the facial motor nucleus located?
What is the facial colliculus? What is it created by?
What does CN VII innervate?
What will damage to the facial nerve or its nucleus cause?
The facial motor nucleus is in the caudal pons. Axons wrap around Abducens nucleus creating a bump called the facial colliculus. Innervate muscles of facial expression. Damage to CN VII or its nucleus results in Bell’s palsy: paralysis on the entire ipsilateral half of the face.
Where in the brainstem is the nucleus ambiguus?
What CNs have nerve fibers stemming from this nucleus? What kind of fibers?
What structures do these fibers innervate?
Where do these fibers exit?
The Branchial Efferent fibers (BE) of cranial nerves IX and X are derived from a single nucleus, the Nucleus Ambiguus (N.A.). These fibers will innervate skeletal muscles of the pharynx, larynx, and palate. Fibers from this nucleus exit in the post-olivary sulcus.
Note that we will not have to ID this nucleus on a picture of the medulla.