Brainstem 1 Flashcards
How does CN VII exit the skull?
via the stylomastoid foramen.
The Branchial motor portion of CN IX innervates 1 muscle what is it?
Movements of the stapes are dampened by?
Stapedius (innervated by CN VII)
Primary sensory taste fibers have their cell bodies in the?
Geniculate ganglion
What are the 3 Nuclei associated with CN V
Mesenchephalic, Chief, and Spinal Trigeminal
fibers arising from ____________ with additional contributions from the ____________ ascend in the MLF to the oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens nuclei, to mediate the VOR
Medial vestibular nucleus, and superior vestibular nucleus.
Function of General somatic sensory (GSA)
Touch, pain, temperature, position, vibration sense for face, sinuses, and meninges.
2 small branches of the facial nerve?
Greater petrosal nerve, Chorda tympani
Oculomotor and Trochlear CN nuclei are located?
In the midbrain
Parasympathetic (GVE) include which CN nuclei?
Edinger-Westphal nucleus, Superior salivatory nucleus, Inferior salivatory nucleus, Dorsal motor nucleus of X
How does CN XII leave the skull?
via the hypoglossal canal
Visceral sensory (GVA) include which CN nuclei?
Nucleus solitarius, (caudal portion of Cardiorespiratory nucleus)
Brainstem nuclei of Special somatic sensory (SSA)
Cochlear nuclei, vestibular nuclei
In the Rinne test AC > BC if hot then it indicates?
Conductive hearing loss
Functions of Parasympathetic (GVE)
Parasympathetic innervation of the head of the thoracoabdominal visera above the splenic flexure
Brainstem nuclei of the Branchial motor (SVE).
Motor nucleus of CN V, Facial nucleus, Nucleus ambiguus, Accessory spinal nucleus
Brainstem nuceli of Visceral sensory (SVA)
Nucleus solitarius (rostral, gustatory nucleus)
Bony labyrinth is filled with a fluid called?
Membranous labyrinth includes what structures?
Cochlear duct, utricle, saccule, semicircular canals
Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers of the facial nerve originate in the ?
Superior salivatory nucleus.
Inferior vestibular ganglion receives input from the?
Posterior saccule and posterior semicircular canals
Visceral sensory (SVA) include which CN nuclei?
Nucleus solitarius, (rostral portion of gustatory nucleus)
Prominent bulges on the rostral medulla
Pyramids and inferior olivary nuclei
4th ventricle ends caudally at the
Sound waves transmitted by the tympanic membrane are amplified by the middle ear ossicles which are the ?
Malleus, Incus, Stapes
Foster-Kennedy syndrome presents how?
Anosmia, optic atrophy in one eye, papilledema in the other.
Brainstem nuclei of the Somatic motor (GSE)
Oculomotor, trochlear, abducens, and hypoglossal
The Chief nucleus and spinal trigeminal nucleus are analogous to what?
Posterior columns, and Anterolateral systems.
Function of Special somatic sensory (SSA)
Olfaction, vision, hearing, vestibular sensation
The pons is limited dorsally by the
4th ventricle
The olfactory nerves exit the skull via
The cribiform plate
Somatic motor nuclei (GSE) include which CN nuclei?
Oculomotor, Trochlear, Abducens, Hypoglossal
Pain sensation for supratentorial dura is supplied by?
Along the floor of the 4th ventricle there are several bumps visible and include?
Facial colliculi( from abducens nuclei, and fibers of facial nerve), hypoglossal trigone, and vagal trigone (formed by hypoglossal nucleus and motor nucleus of 10)
The pons is attached to the cerebellum via large what tracts called
Superior, middle, and inferior cerebellar peduncles
CN XII controls what muscles?
Muscles of tongue movement.
Lesions of the base of the frontal lobe can cause what syndrome?
Foster-Kennedy syndrome
Primary sensory neurons in the spiral ganglion send their axon which division of CN VIII
Cochlear division.
How do the 3 branches of CN V exit the skull?
V1= Superior orbital fissure V2= Foramen Rotundum V3= Foramen Ovale
Sensation of Infratentorial dura is innervated by?
Lingual nerve and chorda tympani carry what fibers?
Special visceral sensory which mediate taste
Functions of Branchial motor (SVE)
Muscles of mastication, facial expression, middle ear, pharyns, larynx, SCM, upper portion of Trapezius
Caudally the 4th ventricle drains into the subarachnoid space via
Foramina of lushka (laterally), adn foramen of Magendie (midline)
Greater petrosal nerve projects to the?
Lacrimal glands and nasal mucosa
Most CN nuclei project to or receive input from predominantly 1 CN with 3 exceptions, what are they?
SAT. Solitarius, Ambiguus, Trigeminal.
Function of Visceral sensory (GVA)
Cardio-respiratory, digestive function
CN VIII innervates?
The inner ear within the temporal bone
V3 of CN V exits the skull via?
Foramen Ovale
The main nerve trunk of CN VII carries the ______ fibers controlling facial expression?
Branchial motor fibers
Brainstem nuclei of General somatic sensory (GSA)
Trigeminal nuclei
CN VII and CN VIII exit the cranial cavity via?
Internal auditory meatus to the auditory canal
Brainstem nuclei of Visceral sensory (GVA)
Nucleus solitarius (caudal, Cardiorespiratory nucleus)
Membranous labyrinth is filled with fluid called?
Secondary taste sensory neurons then travel to the?
Rostral nucleus solitarius
The lateral vestibulospinal nucleus gives rise to the ___________ which is part of the medial descending motor systems.
Lateral vestibulospinal tract
V2 of CN V exits the skull via?
Foramen Rontundum
Dura of the posterior fossa is innervated by?
CN X and upper cervical nerve roots
Medial vestibulospinal tract extends to the _________ and is responsible for controlling __________.
Cervical spine, controls head and neck position.
Optic nerve exits via
Optic canal
Ventral surface of the midbrain is formed by the
Cerebral pedumcles
Movements of the malleus are damped by?
Tensor tympani (innervated by CN V)
Branchial motor (SVE) include which CN nuclei?
Motor nucleus of V, Facial Nucleus, nucleus ambiguus, Accessory spinal nucleus.
General somatic sensory (GSA) include which CN nuclei?
Trigeminal nuclei
What nerves exit via the superior orbital fissure?
CN III, IV, VI, and V1 of CN V
Brainstem nuclei of Parasympathetic (GVE)
Edinger-Westphal nucleus, Superior salivatory nucleus, Inferior salivatory nucleus, Dorsal motor nucleus of CN X.
The superior vestibular ganglion receives input from?
Utricle, Anterior saccule, and anterior and lateral semicircular canals.
Special somatic sensory (SSA) include which CN nuclei?
Cochlear nuclei, vestibular nuclei.
Abducens nucleus is located in the?
The smaller branch of CN VII is called the ______ and carries fibers for parasympathetic, visceral sensory, and general somatosensory functions?
Nervus intermedius
Large diameter sensory neurons mediating fine touch and dental pressure enter the lateral pons and synapse?
at Chief trigeminal nucleus
Chorda tympani joins the lingual nerve and travels to the?
Submandibular ganglion
The medial vestibulospinal tract arises from?
Medial vestibular nucleus with additional contributions from the inferior vestibular nucleus.
2 bumps on the dorsal surface of the midbrain
Superior Colliculi, Inferior colliculi
CN VII innervates what muscles?
Muscles of facial expression
Medial vestibular nucleus is also called?
Deiters’ nucleus.
Postganglionics from the submandibular ganglion supply?
Submandibular and submaxillary salivary glands.
The jugular foramen transmits which CN?
CN IX, X, and XI
The lateral vestibulospinal tract runs the length of the spinal cord and is important for?
Maintaining balance and extensor tone.
Functions of somatic motor (GSE)
Extraocular muscles, intrinsic tongue muscles
The Labyrinth (inner ear) consists of what 2 structures??
Bony labyrinth, and membranous labyrinth