Brainscape's 1000: Set 2 Review (200/1000) Flashcards
Odium (noun)
strong dislike
Supersede (verb)
to take the place of; to supplant
Exact (verb)
to forcibly obtain
Exhort (verb)
to strongly encourage someone to do something; to beseech
I exhorted Rachel to go on the Old Rag mountain trip with me.
Exigent (adj.)
Expedient (adj./noun)
adj. –> convenient and practical (though perhaps improper or immoral)
noun –> a means to an end, especially one with the qualities mentioned above
Expiate (verb)
to atone for
Circumscribe (verb)
to restrict within limits
Circumspect (adj.)
Extemporaneous (adj.)
made up on the spot
Refractory (adj.)
hard or impossible to manage
Remonstrate (verb)
to plead in protest
The protestors of abortion rights remonstrated all over capitol hill, rendering a timely commute home impossible.
Remunerate (verb)
to pay for work or troubles
Retiring (adj.)
reserved; shy
Platitude (noun)
flat, cliched remark, esp. one that is uttered as if it were fresh or profound
Poignant (adj.)
so emotionally intense as to be painful; pungent to the senses/emotions
Polemic (adj./noun)
adj. –> controversial
n. –> a controversial argument
Ponderous (adj.)
difficult to handle due to heaviness; requiring a lot of work
Portend (verb)
to foretell
Posit (verb)
to assume as fact, esp. for the basis of an argument or thought; to postulate
Bombastic (adj.)
Exacting (adj.)
making severe demands or requirements; requiring great care
In “The Merchant of Venice,” the exacting Jewish moneylender, Shylock, demands a pound of flesh from Antonio, the merchant, as he has not repaid his loan.
slovenly (adj.)
untidy; disheveled
Moribund (adj.)
dying, decaying; on the brink of extinction
Pine (verb)
to suffer from extreme desire or longing; to yearn deeply
Lionize (verb)
to treat as a celebrity
Skulk (verb)
to lie in wait
Emendation (noun)
correction or revision in a text
Once the Emendations have been made, the pamphlet can be sent out to the printer
Trite (adj.)
hackneyed; overused; uninteresting
Malefactor (noun)
Obtuse (adj.)
stupid; dull; slow
I responded obtusely: “Yeah, doesn’t L’Enfant mean ‘the child’ in French?” Yes, Slowsef Quinn.
Travesty (noun)
a spoof; a ludicrous parody
My attempt at playing the song on the ukulele came across as a travesty.
Philology (noun)
the study of linguistics and literature
Onerous (adj.)
causing hardship; burdensome; troublesome; PONDEROUS
Render (verb)
to take forcibly; to result in; to do something for someone else