brain stem lesion_video Flashcards
In myelin stain, what color is the tract and What color is the nuclei?
Tracts are dark colored - heavily myelinated. lighter color is the nuclei, sometimes lightly stained nerve fibers.
Where is the hypoglossal nerve leaves the brain stem? How about the vagus and the glossalpharyngeal?
Between the swelling inferior to the olive and the pyramid. While the vagus and glossalpharyngeal leave dorsal to the swelling.
At which level is the central canal open to become the 4th ventricle? What is the openin g called?
Mid-Medulla; Obex
At which level is the inferior cerebellar peduncle?
Rostral medulla - on the lateral sides,swelling
What are the two structures connected by the middle cerebellar pedulcle?
caudal pons
At what level is the facial colliculus?
On either side of the midline, dorsal to the 4th ventricle
At what level is the superior cerebellar peduncle?
Mid to Rostral pons, composing the lateral wall of the 4th ventricle.
What is the distinguishable gross histology feature of the midbrain (mesencephalon)?
Cerebral peduncle
Between which peduncle is the intrapedunclar fossa. What nerve exits from the fossa?
Cerebral peduncle; Oculomotor nerve
Where is the tectum (4 coliculus)?
The 2 swellings @ the dorsal aspect of the mesencephalon.
What 2 structures do the sulcus limitan separate? What are the nuclei that near the sulcus functioning for?
It separates the alar plate (first start as dorsal, then lateral, seonsry) from basal plate. The nuclei near the sulcus is for viceral sensory and motor.
What is the nucleus ambiguus of CN X?
It is the SVE which sends motor to pharyngeal arch muscles.
What is the function of solitary nucleus and gustatory nucleus?
Gustatory nucleus is for the taste function at the rear of the tongue. Solitary Nucleus is for the GVA, including aortic baroceptor and pulmonary stretch receptor.
How much separate nuclei are associated with CN X?
GVE, SVE (Ambiguus), GVA (solitary), SVA (Gustatory), an GSA (link to spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve?)
What is the function of the nucleus ambiguus?
contains motor neurons to the muscles of the pharnx, soft palate, and larynx; sending fibers into the vagus and glossalpharngeal nerves.
What is MLF? What is the function?
Medial longitudinal facululus.
What is the inferior cerebellar peduncle connecting?
Cerebellum and pons
Where is cochelar nucleus?
wrapping around the dorsal side of inferior peduncle. This bump is the termination of auditory nerve fibers.
What is the function of sbstantia nigra
important in memory and degenerates in Parkingson’s disease.
What is red nucleus?
because it showed color when not stained.