Brain Cancer Treatment Protocols Flashcards
Primary tx for all grades of gliomas:
Safe surgical resection.
The surgical goal is …?
Gross total resection.
==> Less aggressive resection is employed for tumor potentially involving eloquent brain.
==> Under certain circumstances, weighing risk versus benefit, expectant monitoring with serial imaging is used.
There is significant divergence of opinion on treatment approaches, particularly …?
For grade II lesions, such as grade II astrocytoma.
==> Radiation and chemotherapy regimens may vary among institutions.
Grade I (pilocytic astrocytomas):
These lesions are typically uncommon and noninvasive and are considered benign and potentially curable by surgery.
==> When total surgical removal is not possible, radiation therapy or expectant management is typically employed.
Grade II (low-grade infiltrative astrocytomas, oligodendroglioma, mixed gliomas) - Surgery:
Recommended for grade II with maximal safe resection.
Grade II (low-grade infiltrative astrocytomas, oligodendroglioma, mixed gliomas) - Unfavorable prognostic factors:
- > 40y.
- Astrocytoma histology.
- Largest dimension of tumor >6cm.
- Tumor crossing midline.
- Presence of neurologic deficit before resection.
- Pts with up to 2 of these are considered low risk, while pts with 3 or more are high risk.
Grade II (low-grade infiltrative astrocytomas, oligodendroglioma, mixed gliomas) - Low-risk pts should undergo …?
Observation, as well as pts who are <40y.
Grade II (low-grade infiltrative astrocytomas, oligodendroglioma, mixed gliomas) - High-risk pts:
Should be treated with fractionated external-beam RT (EBRT) or adjuvant chemo.
The standard radiation dosage for low-grade astrocytomas is …?
45-54 Gy, delivered in 1.8-2.0 Gy fractions.
Adjuvant chemo includes:
Temozolomide 150-200 mg/m2/day PO on days 1-5 of a 28d cycle for 6-8 cycles.
Grade II (low-grade infiltrative astrocytomas, oligodendroglioma, mixed gliomas) - Recurrence or progressive, low-grade disease (previously untreated):
Temozolomide 75 mg/m2 PO daily on days 1-21 or 150-200 mg/m2 PO on days 1-5 of a 28d cycle until disease progression or for a max of 24 cycles.
Grade II (low-grade infiltrative astrocytomas, oligodendroglioma, mixed gliomas) - Post-op RT:
Post-op RT is often employed for UNRESECTABLE, residual, or recurrent tumor.
Grade II (low-grade infiltrative astrocytomas, oligodendroglioma, mixed gliomas) - Chemo:
Often used for low-grade oligodendrogliomas, particularly tumors with the 1p, 19q del, which is a marker for tumor susceptibility to chemo.
Grade III (anaplastic astrocytoma, oligoastrocytoma) - Standard of care is …?
Surgical resection followed by EBRT (60Gy in 30-35 fractions) + Adjuvant temolozomide, 75 mg/m2/day PO on days 1-42, usually 1-1.5h before radiation.
Grade III (anaplastic astrocytoma, oligoastrocytoma) - Port-RT:
- Continue temozolomide at higher doses of 150-200 mg/m2/day PO on days 1-5 every 28d OR
- PCV (procarbazine, lomustine, vincristine): lomustine (CCNU) 90-130 mg/m2 PO on day 1 + Procarbazine 60-75 mg/m2 PO on days 8-21 + Vincristine 1.4mg/m2 IV (not to exceed 2mg/dose) on days 8 and 29. Administer every 6 wk for up to 4 cycles with deferred RT.
Grade IV (glioblastoma) - The standard of care:
Surgical resection followed by EBRT (60 Gy in 30-35 fractions) + Adjuvant temozolomide 75 mg/m2/day PO on days 1-42, usually 1-1.5h before radiation.
Grade IV (glioblastoma) - Post-RT:
Continue temozolomide at higher doses of 150-200mg/m2/day PO on days 1-5 every 28d.
Recommendations for recurrent tumors - Consider the following:
- There is no standard therapy for recurrent glioma.
- Pts who were spared RT or chemo commonly receive these therapies at recurrence.
- Numerous agents are used in cases of primary Tx failure.
- Many clinical trials are ongoing.
Current avenues available include the following:
- Anti-angiogenic agents.
- Tyrosine kinase inhibitors.
- Cancer vaccines.
- Stereotactic radiosurgery.