Brain Anatomy Basics Study Cards Flashcards
Are in crevasse looking parts of the brain.
Sounds like soul cuss. Picture a soul or ghost cussing then tripping and falling into a crevasse.
Is the Bumps in the brain. Think of Gyro as they look similar to them.
What’s is the cerebral cortex?
It is the outer layer of the brain and it has four main lobes.
Picture an iPhone doing brail (Siri brail) and putting on a gortex jacket (as its outer layer). Once it’s jacket is on the iPhone puts a hook through its ear and starts lightly tugging on it to indicate (4 lobes, get it?)
What are the four main lobes of the cerebral cortex?
frontal lobe
parietal lobe
temporal lobe
occipital lobe
Siri brail (with brail app on screen or Siri doing brail) goes to lunch to meet up with
A Parrot
A Piece of Tempura
A Forehead with a tail coming out of it
An Octopus with a furry cats tails coming out of it
Picture them all meeting at Eglinton and Warden all you can eat sushi (memory palace)
What functions are associated with pons?
Bladder Control Eye movement Facial expressions Hearing Posture Respiration Sleeping Swallowing Taste
Imagine yellow and black bee (so you know there are 9 pieces on the board) pawns.
(Using a chessboard as your memory palace)
The first pawn has to pee extremely badly and has his legs crossed and hands on his crotch while holding his toe.
Second pawn has googlie eye and is standing on a small arc
Third pawn is standing on a welcome mat that says home while he smiles and sticks his tongue out.
Fourth a pawn being hung from its ear by a hook
Five pawn is slipping on oil beneath it and is constantly trying to get its posture back and stand up straight.
Six a pawn is using a shoe as a breathing device.
Seven a pawn is hovering above the board in a ufo but fast asleep!
Eight see a hag swallowing the bee pawn
Nine the bee pawn is eating a bee and licking his lips with face saying I know this taste.. What does this taste like?
Where is the medulla located?
Picture medusa right at the base of your brain on the stem.
What are the functions of the medulla?
Picture medusa breathing heavily, with a heart beating out of her chest looking at the blood pressure cuff as if she is afraid of it.
Where is the Cerebellum located?
Picture medusa on your brain stem ringing a serrated bell.
Cerebellum (serrated bell)
What are functions associated with the Cerebellum?
Fine motor control
Balance & Equilibrium
Muscle Control
Picture a guy standing on my porch. He is standing on one leg with a serrated bell in his hand, standing on one leg, feeling a piece of silk while flexing that same arm. Lol
Where is the limbic system located?
Picture a bent Bic razor over the top of a cane like an expensive walking cane.
What are the two main components of the brain stem?
The hind brain and the midbrain.
Picture a stick
What are the 4 main loves of the Cerebral Cortex?
Where is the front lobe located?
Frontal lobe is located just behind your eyebrows and eyes at the front of your skull.
What is the function of the Thalamus?
Command Center of The Brain. Processes and relays sensory information.
Picture a thermos (as Captain Kirk) on the bridge of the starship enterprise. He is surrounded by
An ear Two eyes Fingers A nose A tongue
Where is the Parietal lobe located?
Back of head above brain stem.
Picture a parrot sitting on its stock going through the back of someone’s head.