Brain Anatomy 1 Flashcards
What are the names of the two parts of the nervous system?
Central Nervous system (CNS) and Peripheral Nervous system (PNS)
Which neurons is the Central Nervous System responsible for?
Interneurons->Neurons with local axons
Projection neurons->axon of cell go outside
Which neurons is the Peripheral Nervous System responsible for?
Motor neurons->axons are efferent fibers,outputs
Sensory neurons->axons are afferent fibers, inputs
What are the three meninges?
Dura mater->outer layer,though
Arachnoid membrane->Middle layer, soft and spongy
Pia mater->closest to brain, full of vessels
Where is located the subarachnoid space and what is it filled with?
It is located between arachnoid membrane and the pia mater and it is filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and blood vessels
What are the two parts of the pheripheral nervous system?
Somatic nervous system->interact with external environment
Automatic nervous system->body internal environment
What are the types of nerves and their fonction in the Somatic nervous system?
Afferent nerves->sensory signals from senses to CNS
Efferent nerves->motor signals from CNS to skeletal muscles
What are the types of nerves and their fonction in the Automatic nervous system?
Afferent nerves->sensory signals from internal organs to CNS
Efferent nerves->motor signals from CNS to internal organs
What are the two divisions in the Automatic nervous system?
Sympathetic division->automatic system/fight or flight
Parasympathetic division->relaxed state/feed and breed/rest and digest