Boxer Flashcards
“Steady, hardworking Boxer”
Shows even though Boxer is stupid, he is liked and congratulated
“Faithful disciples…Boxer and Clover”
Shows Boxer’s devotion and loyalty. Shows how he worships the pigs through word choice
“Absorbed everything they were told”
Shows their natural loyalty, too stupid to think for themselves - easily exploited. Verb choice compares to a sponge
“Toiling up the slope inch by inch, his breath coming fast…filled everyone with admiration”
Keeping the animals motivated and inspired. He is hardworking and determined to get the windmill done. Napoleon doesn’t even have to do much to keep the animals working
“His answer to every problem, every setback, was ‘I will work harder!’”
Boxer thinks working harder will solve all problems on the farm. He is blinded by loyalty and does everything he can to help. He thinks the problems are his fault
“‘He is dead,’ Boxer said sorrowfully. ‘I had no intention of doing that.’”
Boxer is innocent and pure - he didn’t want to kill anyone, even if he hates them, and is upset at the idea he has
“Boxer, rearing up on his hind legs and striking out with his great iron-shod hooves”
Showing Boxer’s loyalty to the farm. He is a determined fighter and does everything he can to stop the attackers
“He adopted the maxim ‘Napoleon is always right’”
Blindly loyal to Napoleon and doesn’t think. Believes Napoleon van never make mistakes - gullible and stupid
“Down to the site of the windmill unassisted.”
Boxer is going above and beyond expectations and is deserving of respect. His work ethic is admirable
“Animals found more inspiration in Boxer’s strength and never failing cry of ‘I will work harder!’”
Boxer is hurting the other animals with his loyalty to Napoleon
“Perhaps his great muscles were not quite what they once had been”
Boxer is becoming aware of his condition and has been bought back to reality. Losing enthusiasm. Working too much and losing strength. Foreshadowing
“Boxer refused to take even a day off”
Boxer is that determined he is destroying himself - no one is asking him to do this. He is so obsessed that he doesn’t want to take a day off even when he has collapsed
“Boxer saw them coming and put out his great hoof, caught a dog in mid air and pinned him to the ground”
shows how easily Boxer can overpower the dogs with adjective choice. He could easily take over the farm as he has the strength to
“His strength had left him”
Boxer is too weak to get free from working too hard. Irony from Orwell as his strength fails when it is needed most
Who does boxer represent?
Workers of russia