Bowlbys Monotropic Theory Flashcards
Bowlby suggested that attachment is an innate system that is inherited to improve survival. Therefore it is adaptive. Bowlby suggested infants born programmed to attach to parents are also programmed to attach
Social releases
Bowlby stated that infants are born with social releases such as smiling crying and looking cute this triggers a response in a caregiver and ensures that interactions take place to form an attachment
Critical period
Bowlby proposed a critical period for attachment in an infant to take place this is a biological period if an attachment does not take place during the set of developmental period of the first 2.5 years of life THEN GHEG MAY NOT GAKE PLACE AT ALL
Bowlbys theory is described as monograph because he placed great emphasis on a child’s attachment to one caregiver
He believed this is the most important attachment in the child’s development Bowlby called this person a mother but said it didn’t have to be the biological mother
Internal working model
- The internal working model is a mental representation that the child forms of their relationship with their primary caregiver.
- this serves as a template/model for what relationships are like a child uses their attachment relationship with their caregiver to build expectations or what fire relationships will be like
Research to support bowlbys monotropic theory of attachment comes from Lorenz. Lorenz studied imprinting on goslings and found a critical period of 12-17 hours in which imprinting had to take place otherwise it would not later. This supports bowlbys concept of a critical period that infants must attach within the first
2.5 years of life otherwise it would be difficult to form attachments later therefore strengthening bowlbys monotropic theory of attachment