Bowlby's MDH Flashcards
What acronym can be used to remember Bowlby’s MDH?
- My Selfie Looks Excellent
- Mother Love, Seperation from mother, Long term consequences, Effects are irreversible
What was stage one of Bowlby’s MDH?
Mother love in infancy is just as important for a child’s mental health as vitamins and minerals are for physical health
What was stage two of Bowlby’s MDH?
Seperation from the mother (maternal deprivation) would - he believed - result in severe damage to a child’s social, emotional and cognitive development
What was stage three of Bowlby’s MDH?
Maternal deprivation could potentially lead to a number of long-term effects including:
- Affectionless psychopathy
- Developmental retardation
- Delinquency
- Increased aggression
- Depression
What is affectionless psychopathy?
An inability to show affection or concern for others. Such individuals act on impulse with little regard for the consequences of their actions. For example, showing no guilt for antisocial behaviour
What is developmental retardation
There is a critical period for sustained intellectual development. Deprivation could lead to significantly impaired intellectual and adaptive functioning throughout life ie. they will become underachievers
Describe Goldfarbs research into developmental retardation
- Studied 2 groups of children: those who spent a few months in an orphanage before being fostered and those who spent 3 years there (little chance to form attachment in early life)
- both groups tested until age 12
- the study found that those who had spent longer in an orphanage performed worse on IQ test, were less social and more likely to be aggressive
What is delinquency?
Tendency to commit minor crimes e.g. trespassing, vandalism, shoplifting. If a child is deprived of their caregiver, Bowlby suggested they might turn to crime to compensate for their lost relationship
What is increased aggression?
What is depression?
- Displaying antisocial behaviour towards others
- low mood, withdrawal from activities,disinterest, disengaged from others
What was stage four of Bowlby’s MDH?
The effects of maternal deprivation are irreversible and could not be counteracted by later care i.e. once the damage is done there is no going back
Summarise evaluations of Bowlby’s MDH
- research to support - Bowlby’s 44 thieves - 16 affectionless psychopaths - 87% had experienced deprivations - compared to 4% of non-thieves
- methodological issues - study is correlation + Bowlby carried study out
- contradictory evidence - Hetherington + Stanley - only 25% of children with divorcing parents experience long term adjustment problems
- practical applications - mothers in prisons
- what is deprivation? Difference between deprivation (attachment lost) and privation (attachment never there)