Bowlby and Monotropic Theory Flashcards
Bowlby’s ‘evolutionary explanation’?
bab. have innate drive to survive
Bowlby supp. evidence fort EE
based on Harlow and Lorenz imprint and contact comf
unique, strong attachment to single care giver, mother
Bowlby ‘critical period’?
strong attach. Bowlby suggested attach must be in first 2/3 years after birth. IF NOT long lasting neg. soc consequences
‘Internal Working Model’?
First strong attach. with Moth. provides schema for future relations. based on Harlow AND Freud
When do stronger attach form?
Bowlby. sug. will form if care is consistent and weaker attachments form with frequent/long sep
‘safe base behaviour’.
infants with good attach. use mum as a base to explore environment. exp. stranger and sep. anxiety
‘social releasers’ and why babies use
instinct. use crying, smiling, vocalisations attract caregiver attn. adults find them distressing so want to sooth them.
EVAL: - Bowlby’s source of information
based on animal studies, lacks app. to human condition
Focus on the mother creates ALPHA BIAS as exaggerates diff. btwn men and women carers. LACKS TEMP. VALID
EVAL: - Behaviorists (social learning theory) disagree
ENVIRON. NOT BIOLOGY as most important sources of attach. CUPBOARD LOVE and assoc. of mother with food more powerful than BIO
EVAL: - Internal Working Model deterministic?
IWN seen as fixed and a poor schema is difficult to change. FREE WILL and HUMANISTIC approach would disagree.
EVAL: - Bowlby’s study lacks validity
Schaffer and Emerson found multiple attach. possible at early stages.
EVAL: + support of Bowlby’s social releasers
Brazelton (1975) obs babies who did not have social releasers responded to by PCG become distressed and even reclusive.
EVAL: + support of Bowlby’s internal working model
Bailey (2007) mother with poor attach. had poor attach. with their own babies