Bowlby (1944) Forty-four juvenile thieves: Their character and home-life Flashcards
What was Bowlby’s study?
A series of case studies (NOT AN EXPERIMENT!!)
He used children from his guidance clinic.
The 44 thieves
All children attended Bowbly’s child guidance clinic. 31 boys, 13 girls aged between 5-17 years old. They had all been found guilty of stealing.
The binet scale was used to measure their intelligence. 80% had an IQ between 85-114, 15 had above average and 2 had below average.
Grades of stealing
Grade 1 (only one theft) - 1
Grade 2 (few thefts) - 8
Grade 3 (persistent but irregular thefts) - 10
Grade 4 (chronic and serious thefts) - 22
The control group
Also children who attended the guidance clinic. Same ages to the thieves and similar IQ’s. None of them had stolen anything but were also said to be emotionally disturbed.