Bowings & Articulations Flashcards
What does arco mean?
→ Make sound by pulling or pushing the hair of the bow across the string.
What does the Down-Bow symbol look like, and where can it be found?
What should you do when you see it?
The Down-Bow symbol looks like a square without a bottom line which is placed above a note head.
→ Pull the bow across the string toward the tip.

What do you call this symbol?
Where can it be found?
What should you do when you see it?

Down-Bow sybols are placed above note heads.
→ Pull the bow across the string toward the tip.

What does an Up-Bow symbol look like, and where can it be found?
What should you do when you see it?
An Up-Bow symbol looks like a letter “V” which is placed above a note head.
→ Push the bow across the string toward the frog.

What do you call this symbol?
Where can it be found?
What should you do when you see it?

Up-Bow symbols are placed above note heads.
→ Push the bow across the string toward the frog.

What does the Bow Lift symbol look like, and where can it be found?
What should you do when you see the Bow Lift symbol?
Bow Lift
The Bow Lift symbol looks like a comma which is placed above the staff between two notes.
→ Lift the bow from the string then start playing from a different part of the bow (usually the frog).

What do you call this symbol
Where can it be found?
What should you do when you see it?

Bow Lift
Bow Lift symbols are placed above the staff between two notes.
→ Lift the bow from the string then start playing from a different part of the bow (usually the frog).

What does a slur look like?
What should you do when you see a slur?
A slur looks like a curved line that connects a group of two or more different pitches.
→ Play the notes under the slur in one continuously moving bow stroke.

What do you call a curved line that connects a group of two or more different pitches?
What should you do when you see this marking?

A slur is a curved line that connects a group of two or more different pitches.
→ Play the notes under the slur in one continuously moving bow stroke.

What does a Staccato marking look like?
When you see a Staccato marking what should you do?
A Staccato articulation marking is a dot placed above or below a notehead on the opposite side of the stem.
→ Shorten the duration of a note significantly.

What do you call a dot above or below a note head?
What should you do when you see this dot?

→ Shorten the duration of a note significantly.

What does a Tenuto marking look like?
When you see a Tenuto marking what should you do?
A Tenuto marking is a horizontal dash placed above or below a notehead on the opposite side of the stem.
→ Play the full duration of a note.

What do you call a dash above or below a note head?
What should you do when you see this dash?

→ Play the full duration of a note.

What does a Detaché marking look like?
When you see a Detaché marking what should you do?
The Detaché articulation marking is a horizontal dash (Tenuto, long) combined with a dot (Staccato, short) placed above or below a notehead on the opposite side of the stem.
→ Play slightly shorter than full length of a note.
What do you call a dash combined with a dote above or below a note head?
What should you do when you see this dash combined with a dot?
→ Play slightly shorter than full length of a note.
What does a Accent marking look like?
When you see a Accent marking what should you do?
The Accent marking is a horizontal letter “V” with the open end on the left which is placed above or below a notehead on the opposite side of the stem.
→ Play with a stronger tone at the beginning of a note.

What do you call a horizontal letter “V” with the open end on the left placed above or below a note head?
What should you do when you see this marking?

→ Play with a stronger tone at the beginning of a note.

What does a hooked bowing marking look like?
What should you do with the bow when you see a hooked bowing marking?
Hooked Bowing
A Hooked Bowing marking is a curved line that connects a group of two or more notes that have either Tenuto or Staccato articulation markings above or below them.
→ Play each note in the same direction with the bow but with a slight stop between each note (Tenuto indicates a shorter stop; Staccato indicates a longer stop).

What do you call the bowing where a curved line connects a group of two or more notes that have either Tenuto or Staccato articulation markings above or below them?
What should you do with the bow when you see this marking?

Hooked Bowing
→ Play each note in the same direction with the bow but with a slight stop between each note (Tenuto indicates a shorter stop; Staccato indicates a longer stop).

What is a Bowing? Give at least two examples of Bowings.
Bowings are markings that indicate an action that directly concerns the bow.
Possible Examples: Down-Bow, Up-Bow, Bow Lift, Hooked Bowing, Slur, Arco
What do we call markings that indicate an action that directly concerns the bow? Give at least two examples of these markings.
Bowings are markings that indicate an action that directly concerns the bow.
Possible Examples: Down-Bow, Up-Bow, Bow Lift, Hooked Bowing, Slur, Arco
What is an Articulation? Give at least two examples of Articulations.
Articulations are markings that indicate certain ways to play notes. Their function is to add a layer of character to a piece.
Possible Examples: Tenuto, Staccato, Detaché, Accent
What do we call these markings?
Tenuto, Staccato, Detaché, Accent
Articulations are markings that indicate certain ways to play notes. Their function is to add a layer of character to a piece.
Possible Examples: Tenuto, Staccato, Detaché, Accent