Basic Music Terminology (comprehensive) Flashcards
What is the function of a final double bar?

Final Double Bar
A final double bar designates the end of a piece.

What do you call these numbers, and what is their function?
What do these particular numbers indicate?

Time Signature/Meter
The function of the time signature/meter is to indicate the duration of each measure.
This is how you read the numbers in this time signature/meter:
top 2 = 2 beats per measure
bottom 2 = each beat is 1 half note/rest long
→ 2 half note/rest beats per measure

What do you call this rhythmic rest value and how does it relate to the other rhythmic rest values?

Whole Rest
2 half rests long
4 quarter rests long
8 eighth rests long
16 sixteenth rests long

What do you call a horizontal letter “V” with the open end on the left placed above or below a note?
What should you do when you see this marking?

Play with a stronger tone at the beginning of a note

What do you call the short lines that are added for notes above or below the range of the staff?

Ledger Lines

What does poco rit. short for, and what does it mean in terms of tempo?
poco ritard
Gradually slow down the tempo slightly
What do you call the small notes following the trilled note in the picture?
Rhythmically how should you play it?

Nachschlags should always be played before the beat of the next written note, so rhythmically you must detract time from the end of the previous written note in order to fit the Nachschlag notes in before the beat of the next written note.
Example (below): A whole note Trill in 4/4 meter, followed by Nachschlag G and A, then Bflat whole note
→ Trill between A and B-flat for the majority of the measure, leave just enough time at the end of the measure to play the Nachschlag G and A before moving to the Bflat on the first beat of the next measure.

What do you call a dash above or below a note?
What should you do when you see this dash?

Play the full duration of a note

What is the abbreviation for “Da Capo al Fine”?
What does “Capo” and “Fine” mean in English?
What do you do when you see a “Da Capo al Fine”?
D.C. al Fine
The abbreviation for “Da Capo al Fine” is “D.C. al Fine”.
“Capo” means “head” (the beginning) and “Fine” means “the end”.
→ Go back to the “head” (the beginning) and play until you see the “Fine” (the end).
“D.S. al Fine”
What does “D.S.” stand for?
What does “S.” and “Fine” mean in English?
What does a “S.” symbol look like?
What should you do when you see a “D.S. al Fine”?
D.S. al Fine
“D.S.” stands for “Dal Segno”.
“Segno” means “sign” and “Fine” means “the end”.
The “Segno” symbol is an “S” with a diagonal slash through it with dots on each side (see the picture below).
→ Play until you see the “sign”, go back to the location of the “sign” earlier in the piece, and play until you see the “Fine” (the end).

Describle the relationship of an eighth note rhythm to the other rhythmic note values.

Eighth Note
An eighth note is…
⅛ the length of a whole note
¼ the length of a half note
½ the length of a quarter note
2 sixteenth notes long

What do you call these symbols when they are used in contradiction to the key signature of a piece?


What does piu mosso mean in English?
piu mosso
More motion (Faster tempo)
What does leggiero mean in English?
Describle the relationship of a quarter rest rhythm to the other rhythmic rest values.

Quarter Rest
A quarter rest is…
¼ the length of a whole rest
½ the length of a half rest
2 eighth rests long
4 sixteenth rests long

What does this dynamic marking stand for?
What should you do when you see this dynamic marking?

Mezzo Forte
play with a moderately loud volume (one level louder than mezzo piano, one level softer than forte)

What does sostenuto mean in English?
What tempo does Moderato indicate?
Moderate tempo
What does con grazia mean in English?
con grazia
With Grace
What does the Up-Bow symbol look like?
What should you do when you see it?
The Up-Bow symbol looks like a capital “V”.
Move the bow toward the frog

What do you call a dash combined with a dote above or below a note?
What should you do when you see this dash combined with a dot?
Play only slightly shorter than full length of a note
What do you call these numbers, and what is their function?
What do these particular numbers indicate?

Time Signature/Meter
The function of the time signature/meter is to indicate the duration of each measure.
This is how you read the numbers in this time signature/meter:
top 4 = 4 beats per measure
bottom 4 = each beat is 1 quarter note/rest long
→ 4 quarter note/rest beats per measure

What is the function of a double bar?

Double Bar
A double bar line designates the end of a section of a piece.

What does allargando mean?
More stately, Slow down the tempo
What do you call this symbol and what is its function?

A natural cancels any sharps or flats.

What is the function of bar lines?

Bar Lines
Bar lines designate the limits of each measure.

What do you call this rhythmic note value and how does it relate to the other rhythmic note values?

Half Note
½ the length of a whole note
2 quarter notes long
4 eighth notes long
8 sixteenth notes long

Allegro giocoso
What tempo does Allegro indicate?
What character does giocoso indicate?
Allegro giocoso
Allegro = Fast tempo
giocoso = Merrily
What do you call two pitches that are written in two different ways but indicate the same sounding pitch?

Enharmonic Equivalent
Example: Fsharp & Gflat
- The interval between F and G is one whole step or two half steps.
- When F has a sharp next to it, the pitch of F is raised to the half step between F and G.
- When G has a flat next to it, the pitch of G is lowered to the half step between F and G.
- The pitch that is the half step between F and G can be written as either Fsharp or Gflat.

Name one marking for gradually speeding up the tempo.
- accel.*
- accelerando*
What is the function of a natural?

A natural cancels any sharps or flats.

What does the Bow Lift symbol look like?
What should you do when you see the Bow Lift symbol?
Bow Lift
The Bow Lift symbol looks like a large comma (see the picture below).
lift the bow from the string then play starting from different part of the bow (usually the frog)

What is the name of this clef, and which pitch range on the cello does it cover?

Tenor Clef
The tenor clef covers the notes in the middle pitch range of the cello.

What tempo does Maestoso indicate?
Majestic, Stately, Solemn, Slow tempo
What do ledger lines look like and for what are they used?
Ledger Lines
Ledger lines are short lines that are added for the notes above or below the range of the staff.

What tempo does Allegretto indicate?
Is it faster or slower than Allegro?
Somewhat lively, Moderately Fast
Not as fast as Allegro
What does Tempo I mean?
Tempo I
Tempo of the beginning of the piece
What tempo does Andantino indicate?
Slow tempo (slower than Andante)
What does a Nachschlag look like?
What other decoration does it usually follow?
Rhythmically how should you play it?
A Nachschlag is one or more small unmeasured grace notes that follow a written note.
Nachschlags usually follow notes with trills.
Nachschlags should always be played before the beat of the next written note, so rhythmically you must detract time from the end of the previous written note in order to fit the Nachschlag notes in before the beat of the next written note.
Example (below): A whole note Trill in 4/4 meter, followed by Nachschlag G and A, then Bflat whole note
→ Trill between A and B-flat for the majority of the measure, leave just enough time at the end of the measure to play the Nachschlag G and A before moving to the Bflat on the first beat of the next measure.

What is rit. short for?
What does it mean to do in terms of tempo?
ritard or ritardando
Gradually slow down the tempo
What does a hooked bowing marking look like?
What should you do with the bow when you see a hooked bowing marking?
Hooked Bowing
A curved line that connects a group of two or more notes that have either Tenuto or Staccato articulation markings above or below them.
→ Play each note in the same direction with the bow and with a slight stop between each note.

What does this dynamic marking stand for?
What should you do when you see this dynamic marking?

play with a loud volume

What does the staff look like and for what is it used?
The staff consists of five lines and four spaces. Each of those lines and each of those spaces represents a different letter, which in turn represents a pitch. Those lines and spaces represent pitches named A-G, and the pitch sequence moves alphabetically up the staff repeating starting with A after reaching G for each octave.

“D.C. al Fine”
What does “D.C.” stand for?
What does “C.” and “Fine” mean in English?
What do you do when you see “D.C. al Fine”?
D.C. al Fine
“D.C.” stands for “Da Capo”.
“Capo” means “head” (the beginning) and “Fine” means “the end”.
→ Go back to the “head” (the beginning) and play until you see the “Fine” (the end).
What do you call a curved line that connects a group of two or more of the same pitches?
What should you do when you see this marking?

→ Play the total value of the tied notes
Example: two tied quarter notes = one half note

What is cresc. short for?
What is another symbol used for cresc.?
What should you do when you see cresc.?
cresc. is short for crescendo
The symbol for crescendo is a sideways “V” with the open end to the right (see the picture below)
gradually play louder

What do you call this thin and thick vertical line, and what is its function?

Final Double Bar
A final double bar designates the end of a piece.

What do you call the small note in the picture?
Rhythmically, how many ways can you play it?

Grace Note
Rhythmically, they can be played in one of the following two ways…
- On the Beat (Left Example, Bottom): Play the grace note on the beat, and detract time from the beginning of the written note following the grace note.
- Before the Beat (Right Example, Bottom): Detract time from the end of the previous written note, and play the grace note before the beat of the next written note.
It is up to you to decide which way sounds better in any given context.
Which pitch range on the cello does the treble clef cover?

Treble Clef
The treble clef covers the notes in the highest pitch range of the cello.

What does this dynamic marking stand for?
What should you do when you see this dynamic marking?

play with a soft volume

Name one marking for gradually slowing down the tempo.
- rit.*
- ritard*
- ritardando*
What do you call this symbol?
What should you do when you see it?

gradually play louder

Where can you find the time signature/meter in your music?
What is its function?
How do you read the time signature/meter?
Time Signature/Meter
The time signature/meter is the numbers located next to the clef at the beginning of a piece.
The function of the time signature/meter is to indicate the duration of each measure.
This is how you read the numbers in a time signature/meter:
The top number indicates the number of beats in each measure (3/4 Example: 3 = 3 beats per measure).
The bottom number indicates the rhythmic value of the beat in each measure (3/4 Example: 4 = each beat is 1 quarter note/rest long).
(3/4 Example → 3 quarter note/rest beats per measure)

What do you call this symbol?
To which family of symbols does it belong?
What does it specifically indicate?

Cut Time
The cut time symbol is a time signature/meter symbol.
It indicates the same time signature/meter as 2/2 (→ 2 half note/rest beats per measure)

What do you call this symbol?
To which family of symbols does it belong?
What does it specifically indicate?

Common Time
The common time symbol is a time signature/meter symbol.
It indicates the same time signature/meter as 4/4 (→ 4 quarter note/rest beats per measure)

What do you call these numbers, and what is their function?
What do these particular numbers indicate?

Time Signature/Meter
The function of the time signature/meter is to indicate the duration of each measure.
This is how you read the numbers in this time signature/meter:
6 = 6 beats per measure
8 = each beat is 1 eighth note/rest long
→ 6 eighth note/rest beats per measure

What is an Enharmonic Equivalent?
Enharmonic Equivalent
An enharmonic equivalent is two different ways of indicating the same sounding pitch.
Example: Fsharp & Gflat
- The interval between F and G is one whole step or two half steps.
- When F has a sharp next to it, the pitch of F is raised to the half step between F and G.
- When G has a flat next to it, the pitch of G is lowered to the half step between F and G.
- The pitch that is the half step between F and G can be written as either Fsharp or Gflat.

What do you call these, and what do you do when you see them?

First and Second Endings
- Play the first ending when you play through a piece the first time.
- Take the repeat by going back either to the repeat sign that faces the opposite direction or back to the beginning (whichever is closest) and play through some music a second time.
- When you arrive again at the first ending, skip it and play the 2nd ending music instead.
What does a slur look like?
What should you do when you see a slur?
A slur is a curved line that connects a group of two or more different pitches.
→ Play the notes under the slur in one continuously moving bow stroke

“D.C. al Coda”
What does “D.C.” stand for?
What does “C.” mean in English?
What is a “Coda”?
What does a “Coda” symbol look like?
What should you do when you see a “D.C. al Coda”?
D.C. al Coda
“D.C.” stands for “Da Capo”.
“Capo” means “head” (the beginning).
The “Coda” section is a section that brings a piece to a close.
The “Coda” symbol is a circle with a vertical and a horizontal line crossing through it (see the picture).
→ Go back to the “head” (the beginning), play until you see the “Coda” symbol, skip to the “Coda” section (marked with another “Coda” symbol), and play to the end.

What tempo does Allegro indicate?
Fast tempo
What do you call the 5 lines and 4 spaces on which music is written?

The staff consists of five lines and four spaces. Each of those lines and each of those spaces represents a different letter, which in turn represents a pitch. Those lines and spaces represent pitches named A-G, and the pitch sequence moves alphabetically up the staff repeating starting with A after reaching G for each octave.

What do you call the sharps and flats found at the beginning of each line of a piece, and what are the two functions of these sharps and flats?

Key Signature
The key signature has two functions:
- The key signature changes the notes throughout each line.
- The number of sharps or flats designates the key of the piece.

Describle the relationship of a whole note rhythm to the other rhythmic note values.

Whole Note
A whole note is…
2 half note beats long
4 quarter note beats long
8 eighth note beats long
16 sixteenth note beats long

What do you call this rhythmic note value and how does it relate to the other rhythmic note values?

Eighth Note
⅛ the length of a whole note
¼ the length of a half note
½ the length of a quarter note
2 sixteenth notes long

What is the name of this clef, and which pitch range on the cello does it cover?

Bass Clef
The bass clef covers the notes in the lowest pitch range on the cello.

Andante pastorale
What tempo does Andante indicate?
What character does pastorale indicate?
Andante pastorale
Andante = Slow tempo
pastorale = a character evocative of peaceful rural living
What do you call the bowing where a curved line connects a group of two or more notes that have either Tenuto or Staccato articulation markings above or below them?
What should you do with the bow when you see this marking?

Hooked Bowing
→ Play each note in the same direction with the bow and with a slight stop between each note.

What tempo does Allegro Moderato indicate?
Allegro Moderato
Moderately Fast tempo
What do you call the numbers located next to the clef at the beginning of a piece?
What is its function?
How do you read it?

Time Signature/Meter
The function of the time signature/meter is to indicate the duration of each measure.
This is how you read the numbers in a time signature/meter:
The top number indicates the number of beats in each measure (3/4 Example: 3 = 3 beats per measure).
The bottom number indicates the rhythmic value of the beat in each measure (3/4 Example: 4 = each beat is 1 quarter note/rest long).
(3/4 Example → 3 quarter note/rest beats per measure)

What do you call this symbol, and what do you do when you see it?

Repeat Sign
Go back either to the repeat sign that faces the opposite direction or back to the beginning of a piece (whichever is closest).

What do you call these numbers, and what is their function?
What do these particular numbers indicate?

Time Signature/Meter
The function of the time signature/meter is to indicate the duration of each measure.
This is how you read the numbers in this time signature/meter:
3 = 3 beats per measure
4 = each beat is 1 quarter note/rest long
→ 3 quarter note/rest beats per measure

What do you call the line that designates the limit of each measure?

Bar Line

What does the cut time symbol look like?
To which family of symbols does it belong?
What does it specifically indicate?
Cut Time
The cut time symbol is a lowercase “c” with a vertical slash mark.
The cut time symbol is a time signature/meter symbol.
It indicates the same time signature/meter as 2/2 (→ 2 half note/rest beats per measure)

What happens to the rhythmic value of a note/rest when it has a dot next to it?

Dotted Notes/Rests
A dot next to a note/rest adds ½ the value of the note written.
Example: A dotted quarter note is…
1½ quarter notes long
3 eighth notes long
6 sixteenth notes long

What do you call this rhythmic rest value and how does it relate to the other rhythmic rest values?

Eighth Rest
⅛ the length of a whole rest
¼ the length of a half rest
½ the length of a quarter rest
2 sixteenth rests long

What do you call these two vertical lines through the staff, and what is their function?

Double Bar
A double bar line designates the end of a section of a piece.

What do you call this symbol?
What should you do when you see it?

move the bow toward the frog

What do you call this rhythmic note value and how does it relate to the other rhythmic note values?
Sixteenth Note
1/16 the length of a whole note
⅛ the length of a half note
¼ the length of a quarter note
½ the length of an eighth note

What do you call this symbol and what is its function?

A flat indicates that a pitch is one half step lower than the written pitch.

What is the abbreviation for “Da Capo al Coda”?
What does “Capo” mean in English?
What is a “Coda”?
What does a “Coda” symbol look like?
What should you do when you see a “Da Capo al Coda”?
The abbreviation for “Da Capo al Coda” is “D.C. al Coda”.
“Capo” means “head” (the beginning).
The “Coda” section is a section that brings a piece to a close.
The “Coda” symbol is a circle with a vertical and a horizontal line crossing through it (see the picture below).
→ Go back to the “head” (the beginning), play until you see the “Coda” symbol, skip to the “Coda” section (marked with another “Coda” symbol), and play to the end.

What does the Down-Bow symbol look like?
What should you do when you see it?
The Down-Bow symbol looks like a square without a bottom line (see the picture below)
move the bow toward the tip

What is dim. short for?
What is another symbol used for dim.?
What should you do when you see dim.?
dim. is short for diminuendo
The symbol for diminuendo is a sideways “V” with the open end to the left (see the picture below)
gradually play softer

Describle the relationship of a half note rhythm to the other rhythmic note values.

Half Note
A half note is…
½ the length of a whole note
2 quarter notes long
4 eighth notes long
8 sixteenth notes long

What is the function of a sharp?

A sharp indicates that a pitch is one half step higher than a written pitch.

What tempo does Andante indicate?
Slow tempo
What does a mordant symbol look like?
What should you do when you see a mordant written over a note?
The Mordant symbol is a sideways squiggly line (see the picture below)
- Play the written note first.
- Play the note above in the key in which you are playing in a quick unmeasured tempo at the beginning of the note.
- Return back to the written note and sustain it for the remainder of the note.
(Similar to a trill, except you only alternate with the upper note once at the beginning of the note)
Example: Mordant on D quarter note
→ Play D-E-D quickly at the beginning of the note and sustain D for the remainder of the duration of the quarter note.

What tempo does Grazioso indicate?
Gracefully, Moderate tempo
Where can you find the key signature of a piece, and what are the key signature’s two functions?
Key Signature
The key signature is the sharps or flats found at the beginning of each line of a piece.
The key signature has two functions:
- The key signature changes the notes throughout each line.
- The number of sharps or flats designates the key of the piece.

What are the two aspects of music that calando effects?
How does it effect those aspects?
What are two musical terms for the way calando effects those aspects?
calando effects both tempo and dynamic
Gradually slow down and get softer simultaneously
It is a combination of ritard (gradually getting slower) and diminuendo (gradually getting softer).
What is the name for this symbol, and what should you do when you see it?

Hold a note/rest longer than written. You get to decide how much longer is appropriate.

What are accidentals?
Accidentals are sharps, flats, or naturals that contradict the key signature of a piece.

Describle the relationship of a sixteenth note rhythm to the other rhythmic note values.
Sixteenth Note
A sixteenth note is…
1/16 the length of a whole note
⅛ the length of a half note
¼ the length of a quarter note
½ the length of an eighth note

What do you call this rhythmic rest value and how does it relate to the other rhythmic rest values?

Quarter Rest
¼ the length of a whole rest
½ the length of a half rest
2 eighth rests long
4 sixteenth rests long

What does molto rit. short for, and what does it mean in terms of tempo?
Molto Ritard
Gradually slow down the tempo significantly
What do grace notes look like?
Rhythmically, how many ways can you play them?
Grace Notes
Grace notes look like a small unmeasured notes that precede a written note and sometimes have a diagonal slash through them.
Rhythmically, they can be played in one of the following two ways…
- On the Beat (Left Example, Bottom): Play the grace note on the beat, and detract time from the beginning of the written note following the grace note.
- Before the Beat (Right Example, Bottom): Detract time from the end of the previous written note, and play the grace note before the beat of the next written note.
It is up to you to decide which way sounds better in any given context.
What does this dynamic marking stand for?
What should you do when you see this dynamic marking?

Mezzo Piano
play with a moderately soft volume (one level louder than piano, one level softer than mezzo forte)

Describle the relationship of a sixteenth rest rhythm to the other rhythmic rest values.

Sixteenth Rest
A sixteenth rest is…
1/16 the length of a whole rest
⅛ the length of a half rest
¼ the length of a quarter rest
½ the length of an eighth rest

What does a Accent articulation marking look like?
When you see a Accent articulation marking what should you do?
The Accent articulation marking is a horizontal letter “V” with the open end on the left which is placed above or below a notehead on the opposite side of the stem.
Play with a stronger tone at the beginning of a note

Describle the relationship of a half rest rhythm to the other rhythmic rest values.

Half Rest
A half rest is…
½ the length of a whole rest
2 quarter rests long
4 eighth rests long
8 sixteenth rests long

What is the abbreviation for “Dal Segno al Fine”?
What does “Segno” and “Fine” mean in English?
What does a “Segno” symbol look like?
What should you do when you see a “Dal Segno al Fine”?
D.S. al Fine
The abbreviation for “Dal Segno al Fine” is “D.S. al Fine”.
“Segno” means “sign” and “Fine” means “the end”.
The “Segno” symbol is an “S” with a diagonal slash through it with dots on each side (see the picture below).
→ Play until you see the “sign”, go back to the location of the “sign” earlier in the piece, and play until you see the “Fine” (the end).

What does a Trill symbol look like?
What should you do when you see a Trill written above a note?
The Trill symbol is a lowercase tr. (see the picture below)
This is how you play a Trill:
- Play the written note first.
- Alternate quickly in an unmeasured tempo between the written note and the note above in the key in which you are playing throughout the duration of the note value.
- The last note of the Trill should be the written note.
Example: Trill on C quarter note
→ Start on C, alternate quickly between C and D for the entire duration of the quarter note. C should be the last note before moving on to the next note of the piece.

Which pitch range on the cello does the bass clef cover?

Bass Clef
The bass clef covers the notes in the lowest pitch range of the cello.

Describle the relationship of an eighth rest rhythm to the other rhythmic rest values.

Eighth Rest
An eighth rest is…
⅛ the length of a whole rest
¼ the length of a half rest
½ the length of a quarter rest
2 sixteenth rests long

What does A Tempo mean?
A Tempo
Tempo of the beginning of the piece
What is the function of a flat?

A flat indicates that a pitch is one half step lower than the written pitch.

What does a tie look like?
What should you do when you see a tie?
A tie is a curved line that connects a group of two or more
of the same pitches.
→ Play the total value of the tied notes
Example: two tied quarter notes = one half note

What do you call this symbol?
What should you do when you see it?

gradually play softer

What do you call this rhythmic note value and how does it relate to the other rhythmic note values?

Quarter Note
¼ the length of a whole note
½ the length of a half note
2 eighth notes long
4 sixteenth notes long

What do you call this rhythmic note value and how does it relate to the other rhythmic note values?

Whole Note
2 half note beats long
4 quarter note beats long
8 eighth note beats long
16 sixteenth note beats long

What does espressivo mean in English?
What does a Detaché articulation marking look like?
When you see a Detaché articulation marking what should you do?
The Detaché articulation marking is a horizontal dash (Tenuto, long) combined with a dot (Staccato, short) placed above or below a notehead on the opposite side of the stem.
Play only slightly shorter than full length of a note
What does a Staccato articulation marking look like?
When you see a Staccato articulation marking what should you do?
A Staccato articulation marking is a dot placed above or below a notehead on the opposite side of the stem.
Shorten the duration of a note significantly

What do you do when you see a first and second ending?

First and Second Endings
- Play the first ending when you play through a piece the first time.
- Take the repeat by going back either to the repeat sign that faces the opposite direction or back to the beginning (whichever is closest) and play through some music a second time.
- When you arrive again at the first ending, skip it and play the 2nd ending music instead.

Describle the relationship of a quarter note rhythm to the other rhythmic note values.

Quarter Note
A quarter note is…
¼ the length of a whole note
½ the length of a half note
2 eighth notes long
4 sixteenth notes long

What do you do when you see a repeat sign with the dots on the left?

Go back either to a repeat sign that faces the opposite direction or back to the beginning of a piece (whichever is closest).

What do you call this symbol?
What should you do when you see it?

Bow Lift
lift the bow from the string then play starting from different part of the bow (usually the frog)

What should you do when you see a fermata?

Hold a note/rest longer than written. You get to decide how much longer is appropriate.

What do you call this symbol?
What should you do when you see this symbol written above a note?

- Play the written note first.
- Play the note above in the key in which you are playing in a quick unmeasured tempo at the beginning of the note.
- Return back to the written note and sustain it for the remainder of the note.
(Similar to a trill, except you only alternate with the upper note once at the beginning of the note)
Example: Mordant on D quarter note
→ Play D-E-D quickly at the beginning of the note and sustain D for the remainder of the duration of the quarter note.

What does the common time symbol look like?
To which family of symbols does it belong?
What does it specifically indicate?
Common Time
The common time symbol is a lowercase “c”
The common time symbol is a time signature/meter symbol.
It indicates the same time signature/meter as 4/4 (→ 4 quarter note/rest beats per measure)

What do you call this symbol?
What should you do when you see it?

Move the bow toward the tip

Describle the relationship of a whole rest rhythm to the other rhythmic rest values.

Whole Rest
A whole rest is…
2 half rests long
4 quarter rests long
8 eighth rests long
16 sixteenth rests long

What do you call a curved line that connects a group of two or more different pitches?
What should you do when you see this marking?

→ Play the notes under the slur in one continuously moving bow stroke

What tempo does Presto indicate?
Very Fast tempo
What does Con moto mean in English?
Con moto
With Motion
What does largamente mean in English?
Broadly, Slow down the tempo
Which pitch range on the cello does the tenor clef cover?

Tenor Clef
The tenor clef covers the notes in the middle pitch range of the cello.

What do you call this rhythmic rest value and how does it relate to the other rhythmic rest values?

Sixteenth Rest
1/16 the length of a whole rest
⅛ the length of a half rest
¼ the length of a quarter rest
½ the length of an eighth rest

What is accel. short for?
What does it mean in terms of tempo?
accel. is short for accelerando
Gradually speed up the tempo
What does Meno mosso mean in English?
Meno mosso
Less Motion (Slower tempo)
What do you call this symbol?
What should you do when you see this symbol written above a note?
This is how you play a Trill:
- Play the written note first.
- Alternate quickly in an unmeasured tempo between the written note and the note above in the key in which you are playing throughout the duration of the note value.
- The last note of the Trill should be the written note.
Example: Trill on C quarter note
→ Start on C, alternate quickly between C and D for the entire duration of the quarter note. C should be the last note before moving on to the next note of the piece.

What is the name of this clef, and which pitch range on the cello does it cover?

Treble Clef
The treble clef covers the notes in the highest pitch range of the cello.

What do you call this symbol and what is its function?

A sharp indicates that a pitch is one half step higher than the written pitch.

What does a Tenuto articulation marking look like?
When you see a Tenuto articulation marking what should you do?
A Tenuto marking is a horizontal dash placed above or below a notehead on the opposite side of the stem.
Play the full duration of a note

What does dolce mean in English?
What do you call a dot above or below a note?
What should you do when you see this dot?

Shorten the duration of a note significantly

What do you call this rhythmic rest value and how does it relate to the other rhythmic rest values?

Half Rest
½ the length of a whole rest
2 quarter rests long
4 eighth rests long
8 sixteenth rests long