Bowen's Family Systems Approach Flashcards
th role to coach ct through the process of differentiation of self.
Displacement Stories:
Guerin’s: assist individuals in creating distance between themselves and their problems and encourage rationality by having them reflect on another couple’s conflict as opposed to their own.
Family Projection Process:
individuals with limited emotional resources are likely to project their needs onto others
families will automatically attempt to triangulate the therapist into their conflict— The therapist detriangulates by remaining neutral and differentiated, thereby decreasing emotionality across the family and making room for constructively resolving conflict.
Differentiation of Self:
individual’s capacity to balance thinking with feeling—and thereby, balance individuality with togetherness.
Going Home Again:
encourage adult individual clients to go home and repair any conflicted relationships.
Emotional Cutoff:
problematic manner in which individuals deal with unresolved attachment issues
Individuality & Togetherness:
The two counterbalancing forces that drive human relationships. anxiety is experienced when these two needs polarize the individual. Balance occurs when one has learned to manage emotionality
Multigenerational Transmission Process:
emotional forces in families that continue over the years in interconnected patterns,
Nonanxious Presence:
importance of the therapist to model by remaining differentiated and providing a non-anxious presence.
Nuclear Family Emotional System:
emotional forces in a nuclear family that are expressed through recurrent patterns of individual behavior and interpersonal connectedness.
Process Questions:
aim to slow individuals down, thereby decreasing emotionality and increasing rationality as the individual becomes more aware of how stress and anxiety influence behavior.
Relationship Experiments:
help clients become aware of systemic processes within their relationship through understanding how their behaviors impact others. directive: instructed clients to experiment with different ways of responding
Person-to-Person Relationships:
relate t openly and freely without the need to triangulate through the use of taking an “I” position—with a sense of wisdom and rationality.
Sibling Position:
personality development is highly influenced by his or her birth order and how children are chosen as the object for the family projection process.