Bovine digestive system II Flashcards
What are the normal fore stomach physiology: Primary Cycle?
1) mixing of fluid and solid ingesta
2) Maceration of fibrous feedstuffs
3) Circulation of fluid causing increase in surface contact and increased absorption of VFAs
4) Filtering material for the reticule-omasal orifice and lower gastrointestinal tract
What is the normal fore stomach physiology: secondary cycle?
5) Removal of gas through the education.
6) Regurgitation of fiber for chewing.
What is pain or discomfort in the stomach associated with difficulty in digesting food?
What is the distinction of the rumen with gas in the rumen and reticulum because of failure of eructation known as?
Rumen tympani and/or bloat
What are the types of bloat?
Frothy bloat, free gas bloat, chronic free bloat
Which bloat is caused by legume pastures or high concentration diets and is the most important type of bloat?
Frothy bloat
Describe what happens in frothy bloat?
Stable form traps normal gas of fermentation in small bubbles which don’t coalesce, so can’t eructation. Commonly seen on third day of new pasture.
Which bloat is caused by the physical interference of eructation?
Free gas bloat
Which bloat is usually associated with calves with pneumonia, disruption of vagal trunks?
Chronic free bloat
What are the causes of bloat?
Failure of the cardiac sphincter to relax,obstruction of the esophagus or cardiac sphincter, failure of the reticulo-ruminal muscular contraction.
How do you treat a free gas bloat?
Remove esophageal obstruction, administer foam destabilizes, release gas via a stomach tube, administer calcium in cases of hypocalcemia
How to treat free gas bloat, chronic bloat?
Release gas through stomach tube, surgical fistulation
What can cause ruminal Hypomotility or stasis?
Absence of vagal input from gastric centers, ineffective or motor response
What can cause a decrease in motor response?
Decrease excitatory input to gastric centers, increase in inhibitory input, depression of gastric centers (drugs that depress the CNS and endotoxemia), defective vagal innervation.