boudicca from tacitus and Dio Cassius Flashcards
Cause of revolt according to Tacitus?
- sudden rebellion in the province (england/Britain)
- kingdom and household plundered and wife Boudicca flogged and daughters raped
Iceni tribes deprived of hereditary estates, King’s own relative treated like slaves
What were some Omens mentioned by Tacitus?
- statue of victory at Camelodunum fell down
- Delirious women chanted of destruction at hand
- yells heard at local senate house, theatre echoed with shrieks
- at river of Thames, phantom settlement seen in ruins
- blood red colour in sea and shapes like humans corpses left by ebb tide, interpreted hopefully by Britons and terror by Romans
OMens in Dio Cassius?
- heaven gave them indications of catastrophe before hand
- houses seen underwater in river of Thames and ocean between island and Gaul once grew blood red at flood tide.
Boudicca’s appearance according to Dio Cassius?
- Briton women of royal family who possessed greater intelligence than often belongs to women
- very tall, terrifying appearance, fierce and harsh voice
- great mass of tawniest hair that fell to her hips
- large golden necklace
What was Bouddica’s speech to Britons from Tacitus?
- she is ordinary woman fighting for her lost freedom, bruised body and outraged daughters.
- god will grant vengeance they deserve
- encourage ppl to fight saying they are powerful and roman soldiers will be annihilated
Boudicca’s speech to Briton from Dio Cassius?
- bring about anger from being slaved, deceived by promises, poor treatment by Romans “robbed entirely of most of our possessions”
- to preserve the happiness of out state/island
- We are superior in bravery and ready for battle. They cower in fear with protection, we fight raw without thought
- the region is familiar to us but unknown to romans
Destruction of towns from tacitus?
- Camulodonum: roman’s ex-soldiers settlements (easy to destroy, no walls)
- Suetonius far away-> had send 200 men unarmed
- old ppl and women evacuated. Reliance on temple’s protection
- Garrison hide in temple, 2 day siege defeated
Destruction of towns - Dio Cassius
- 2 cities sacked, 80 000 Romans and allies died and island lost from Rome under Boudicca.
- those taken from cities were punished and tortured
- women’s breasts cut off and body skewed.
Paulinus’ speech to Romans Tacitus?
- used women leader as weakness
- offered encourage and appeal
- satisfaction of winning a big army with small numbers
- just keep close and “when you have won, you will have everything”
Paulinus’ speech to romans dio cassius?
- we have defeated numerous ppl
- britons have no training/strategy
- dont fear them cause they burned a few cities, captured by force/battle but one betrayed and other abandoned to them
- let them learn superiority and difference of us to Britons
Number of soldiers accroding to tacitus ?
Suetonius: nearly 10 000 armed men
No. of soldiers Dio Cassius?
Briton: 230 000 men
The battle and outcome: Tacitus
- Romans launched javelins accurately and in wedge formation, burst forward.
- demolished all resistance of Britons
- Remaining Britons fled and most slaughtered, even women
- Glorious victory for Romans
- 80 000 Britons fell, Romans 400 dead and few wounded
The battle and outcome: Dio Cassius
- Briton’s barbaric and shouting while Romans silently and in order
- Romans fights everywhere at once due to large no. of Britons
- fought long but romans prevailed
- captured many alive, few made escape but most preparing to fight again
- ready for defeat - scattered to their homes
Death of boudicca tacitus?
Death pf Boudicca Dio Cassius
- fell sick and died
- Britons mourned deeply and gave her costly burial