Bottom Line Intro Flashcards
What is the study of the structure of the human body
This type of anatomy considers the body as organized into segments or parts
Regional anatomy
This type of anatomy sees the body as organized into organ systems
Systemic anatomy
This type of anatomy emphasizes application of anatomical knowledge to the practice of medicine
Clinical anatomy
These are descriptive terms standardized in an international reference guide
Anatomical terms
Are eponyms used in clinical settings
Are eponyms recommended
These are based on the body in the anatomical position
Anatomical directions
How many planes divide the body
What are the 4 planes that divide the body
Frontal, sagittal, median, and transverse
Are anatomical variations common
What does the integumentary consist of
Epidermis, dermis, and specialized structures
What are the specialized structures of the integumentary system
Hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and sweat glands
This divides muscles into groups
Intermuscular septa
This invests individual muscles and neurovascular bundles
Investing fascia
This lies between musculoskeletal walls and the serous membranes lining the body cavaties
Subserous fascia
This holds tendons in place
What are closed sacs formed of serous membrane
What do bursae enable
One structure to move freely over another
What can the skeletal system be divided into
The axial and appendicular skeletons
What are the 4 tissues that compose the skeleton
- Cartilage
- Bone
- Periosteum
- Perichondrium
What are the 2 types of bone
Spongy and compact
How do you divide spongy and compact bone
Based on the amount of solid matter
What are the 5 classifications of bone
- Long
- Short
- Flat
- Irregular
- Sesamoid
What are the 2 processes in which bone grows
- Intramembranous ossification
2. Endochondral ossification