Bordeaux Flashcards
Name four 5th growths of Bordeaux
Château Dauzac (Haut-Medoc)
Château Pontet-Canet (Paullac)
Château Cos Labory (St. Estephe)
Château Croizet Bages (Paullac)
Name four 4th growths of Bordeaux
Château Talbot (St. Julien)
Château Pouget (Margaux)
Château Lafon-Rochet (St. Estephe)
Château St. Pierre (St. Julien)
Name the top five 1st growths of the 1855 classification
Château Margaux Château Lafite-Rothschild Château Latour Château Haut-Brion Château Mouton-Rothschild
Mixture of sand, gravel, and light clay found in Graves
What are the four premiere Grand Crus Classé A Châteaux
Château Ausone
Château Angélus
Château Pavie
Château Cheval-Blanc
What is the minimum must weight and grams of residual sugar for sweet wine in Barsac & Sauternes?
221 grams per liter min. must weight
45 grams per liter residual sugar
Name four 3rd growths of Bordeaux
Château Palmer (Margaux)
Château Lagrange (St. Julien)
Château Calon-Segur (St. Estephe)
Château Giscour (Margaux)
Name eight 2nd growths of Bordeaux
Château Cos d'Estournel (St. Estephe) Château Montrose (St. Estephe) Château Lascombes (Margaux) Château Brane-Cantenac (Margaux) Château Leoville-Las-Cases (St. Julien) Château Léoville-Poyferré (St. Julien) Château Pichon-Longueville-Baron (Paullac) Château Pichon-Longueville-Lalande (Paullac)
What departments are included in the Atlantique IGP?
Gironde Charente* Charente-Maritime* Dordogne Lot-et-Garonne
**Cognac producing