BOP/ESS Electrical Flashcards
Why are the EP breakers to T-bus interlocked to prevent closure unless all other feed breakers to that bus are open?
EP is 30° out of phase with other grid connections through reserve power and unit auxiliaries
What is the EP maximum loading per unit due to the temperature limitation on the aluminum feeder cables?
600 amps
What is the voltage SDG output breaker trip coil?
48 VDC
When will 11BCMC automatically close?
For a fault located on either TR11BMC or on TR11CMC
When will 11BCMC not automatically close?
For a fault located on either bus (11BMC or 11CMC)
When would you pull open knife switches to prevent automatic closure of the reserve feed breaker?
-When a standing close signal from fast transfer exists and you want to control when the breaker closes
-Conditions in which anti-pumping circuit is energized without breaker closure and conditions now allow breaker to be closed
What do you have to do with both power sources lost to U1 Main Transformer cooling?
- Power is reduced to 50% using the RAPID POWER REDUCTION procedure.
- If cooling cannot be restored within 2 hours, TRIP the Reactor.
If winding temperature Hi-Hi is received accompanying loss of cooling on U1 Main Transformer, what must you do?
Rapid power reduction to 50%
Reactor trip if temperature not lowering (140 degrees C) if > P8
What do you have to do with both power sources lost to U2 Main Transformer cooling?
Restore one group immediately or Trip Reactor
How do you reset the Anti-Pumping Circuit?
Take the control switch to trip/reset
Where is transformer Cooling powered from for the Main Transformer?
Train A 600V Buses (11/21C and 11/21D)
Both SDGs are sized to support?
Sized to power one unit/one train of vital equipment needed to ensure RCS inventory control following a Station Blackout.
(For 24 hours to provide a reduction in PRA risk)
What is the SDG auto start sequence on a loss of EP?
- Senses the undervoltage on the 69kV EP bus, waits 150 seconds.
- Sends the open signal to the MDS.
- Verifies the MDS is open, and then sends the start signal to the SDGs
- 1st SDG to reach speed and voltage (25 secs) closes its breaker (12-52-SDGS-2 or 12-52-SDGS-3) onto the dead bus.
- The remaining SDG auto synchronizes to the bus and closes its output breaker.
- PowerLynx then closes the tie breaker (12-52-SDGS-4) to the station EP bus.
Per TS 3.8.1 B (AC Sources - Operating), if you have 1 required EDG inop (within1 hour actions)
WITHIN 1 hr:
- Verify both SDGs are available and perform SR (STP21)
Per TS 3.8.1 H (AC Sources - Operating), If you have 3 or more required AC sources INOP,
- Enter L.C.O. 3.0.3
Load Shed is sensed on which buses and at what voltage is it caused by in both units?
2/3 sensed on EACH T-Bus (T11/21 A, B, C and D)
And it has to sense 94V on Unit 1, and 93V on Unit 2 for 2 sec on 2/3 sensors
What buses are degraded bus voltage sensed on?
T11/21A and T11/21D (pump buses)
2/3 sensors
What will happen if your T11A Bus is at 113v for 8 sec?
Nothing yet, At 9 seconds, an alarm will come in for degraded bus voltage
What will happen if T11D is at 113v for 99 sec?
It will cause a fast bus transfer to associated RAT
What will happen if T11A Bus is at 113v for 120 sec?
It will trip the A and B RCP Bus x-tie bkrs and cause a load shed. AB EDG will start and load to the T11A and T11B bus and ESF equip will sequence on. Rx does not trip unless RCP bus is lost
Which transformer normally provides power to the AB RAT (Train B)?
Transformer 5
Which transformer normally provides power to the CD RAT (Train A)
Transformer 9
How long is the wait for the fast bus transfer to RAT if you have a generator trip?
How long is the wait for the fast bus transfer to RAT if you have a Turbine trip?
30 Sec
If an overcurrent is sensed on TR11B, what happens first?
It trips the low side breaker (11B11)
If an overcurrent is sensed on TR11B, what happens after the low side breaker trips and the fault is still sensed on TR11B after 30 cycles?
The HEA will activate causing a open signal to go to the RCP Bus tie bkr (T11B1), EP supply bkr (T11B2), and AB EDG supply bkr (T11B4). and if in modes 5 and 6 with 11BD (crosstie) racked in it will close due to a close signal to cross tie B and D 600V buses, An alarm will come in as well in CR
Per T.S. 3.8.9 E (Distribution Systems - Operating), what do you do if the required Train N 250 VDC electrical power distribution subsystem is inoperable
Declare Turbine Driven Aux Feedwater inoperable
Per T.S. 3.8.9 F (Distribution Systems - Operating), what do you do if one or more required Unit 2 electrical distribution subsystems is inoperable (assuming you are in Unit 1)
Declare associated ESW train(s) inoperable
Per T.S. 3.8.9 G (Distribution systems - Operating) what do you do if two or more electrical power distribution subsystems inoperable that result in a loss of safety function
Enter L.C.O. 3.0.3
Per T.S. 3.8.10 A (Distribution Systems - Shutdown), what do you do if one or more required AC, DC, or 120 VAC vital bus electrical power distribution subsystems is inoperable
- Declare associated supported required feature(s) inoperable
- Suspend core alterations, suspend fuel movement activities, do not reduce SDM or Boron concentration, initiate action to restore to operable, and declare RHR subsystems inop
Per T.S. 3.8.2 A (AC Sources - Shutdown), what if the required offsite circuit is INOPERABLE
- Declare associated supported required feature(s) inoperable
- Suspend core alterations, suspend fuel movement activities, do not reduce SDM or Boron concentration, initiate action to restore to operable
Per T.S. 3.8.2 B (AC Sources - Shutdown), what do you do if a required EDG is INOPERABLE
- Suspend core alterations, suspend fuel movement activities, do not reduce SDM or Boron concentration, initiate action to restore to operable
What does Load Conservation do?
- Trips and locks out selected non-essential vital bus loads (only trips 600 V loads)
- Prevents restarting any stripped loads until either the 75 second load conservation timer times out or SI is reset after the 60 second SI timer times out.
- Trips NESW pump
What will give you a Load Conservation?
- LOOP with a SI
- LOOP with a CTS Actuation
- SI followed by a Load Shed
- CTS followed by a Load Shed
What is a Load Shed?
Under Voltage 2/3 Phases on ANY T-Bus 94 (U2 93) V for 2 sec
What happens on a Load Shed?
Trips RCP X-Tie Bkrs and trips Load Shed loads, Starts EDG and sequences loads on.
What switch [CR and Yard] configuration must you have to be able to close Generator Output Breakers?
Control Switch in Yard and in CR must be in close to be able to close breaker.
Where do the Generator Output Breakers get their Control Power from?
Powered from 125VDC Yard power (each unit has its own)
Where do SDG and EP bkrs get their control power from?
48V DC
What powers the SDG output breaker closure?
230V AC from SDG output
What is the response to a differential (HEA) fault condition on Transformer TR21BMC?
Transformer TR21BMC high-side and low-side breakers trip, then the bus 21BMC and bus 21CMC crosstie breaker closes.
Describe the design capacity of EP?
EP is designed to handle a Concurrent Blackout in both Units with a CTS in one of the Units
What is the capacity of Supplemental Diesel Generators (SDGs)?
1 Unit, 1 Train to maintain the core covered during a Station Blackout
RAT cooling comes from?
11/21 D
Normal Supply
The UNIT Differential (HEA) is powered by train?
Train B (AB buses)
33VED is powered by which train?
33VED powered by Train A (CD)
OVERALL Differential (HEA) is powered by?
Switchyard Cabinet
What is the normal, SPLIT BUS ALIGNMENT for Reserve Feed
Breaker BD is normally OPEN
TR-5 supplies train B reserve feed (34.5 kV) via 12AB Breaker (both units)
TR-9 supplies train A reserve feed (34.5 kV) via BG Breaker (both units)
What are the 3 lineups for Reserve Feed?
1) Preferred - Normal Split Bus Alignment
2) Alternate - Train A- TR4 and Train B- TR9
3) Backup - Train A- TR5 and Train B-TR4
What voltage is Reserve Feed?
34.5 kV
What Voltage is EP?
69 kV
When degraded bus is sensed, what happens?
After 9 Seconds, control room alarm annunciates. IF coincident with SI or SG Low Low, then the T bus feeders open (Load Shed, meaning EDGs are providing power)
IF not, there is an additional 90 second delay before auto transferring to the RATs
After another 21 seconds of low voltage, then the T Bus Feeders open (Load Shed)
Opens BOTH RCP Bus Ties for that Train after 120 sec delay
What is the purpose of the ANTI-PUMPING CIRCUIT?
Prevents breaker from attempting a second (repeated) closure with a standing close signal when the first closure attempt was followed by a trip open signal.
With both SDGs available, how long is the AOT for an inoperable EDG is extended to?
What then happends if 1 of the SDGs become unavailable?
14 days
AOT reverts to 72 hours if you don’t have 2 SDGs available
What pumps can be powered by SDG for inventory control?
When is Loss of Voltage function required?
Modes 1-4
Modes 5,6, Defueled when the EDG is required to be operable
When is Degraded Voltage function required?
Modes 1-4
(ESFAS equipment is not automatically actuated in Modes 5,6)
What is the purpose of RCP Bus Fast Transfer?
Designed to maintain power to RCP Motors to prevent stall
What are the Two qualified circuits between the offsite transmission network and the onsite Class 1E AC Electrical Power Distribution System per T.S. 3.8.1
Preferred - Reserve Feed (auto xfr on turbine trip)
Alternate - EP (manually aligned)
What are the 3 power supplies to the Safety related 4kV buses?
Why are the 600V cross tie breakers normally racked out at power?
Concern with potentially overloading the EDG
Where are the 480V pressurizer heater buses powered from?
PHA is from T11/21A
PHC is from T11/21D
What are the effects of not having control power available to a breaker? (light is not lit in control room)
- Cannot operate remotely
- Protection scheme not available (not going to trip when it should)
What is the purpose of Transformer 4?
To serve as a connection between the 345 and 765 kV yards. Can also be utilized when Transformers 9 or 5 are out.