Boot Camp Tuesday Flashcards
What are fovea?
They are depressed articular surfaces
Examples of sites where muscles attach?
Tubers, tuberosities, throchanters, epicondyles, spines, crests, processes
What are fossas (singular =fossae)?
They are depressed areas
What are foramina (singular= foramen)?
They are openings in the bone
What does Supraglenoid process mean?
It is above the supraglenoid cavity of the scapula
What does Infraglenoid process mean?
It means it is below the glenoid (or supraglenoid) process(lateral view)
What articulates in the glenoid cavity?
The shoulder socket where the humerus articulates with the scapula
What are bones?
They are living dynamic tissue. Left handed or right handed individuals have diferent growth on their hand bones
What is another name used for Supraglenoid process?
Supraglenoid tubercle
Dog Humerus, how can you tell the different views?
Cranial view: Trochlea is prominent on the distal epiphysis facing you. The radial fossa surrounds the Suprathroclear foreman (cranial view)
Humerus in the caudal view
The head is most prominent on the proximal epiphysis
Do any structures go through the Supratrochlear foramen?
What is or are some of the main differences between the dog and cat humerus?
The supracondyloid foramen where the median nerve and the brachial artery go through in the cat.
What are the distinct aspects of the radius in the cat?
Nothing different than in the dog
What is important to understand about the radius?
It crisscrosses with anti-brachium (at styloid process of radius)
How can you tell the Styloid process location in the radius?
It is facing/point down on the medial aspect and caudal view of a left radius
Which are important parts of the ulna? Where are they located?
Throchlear notch where it articulates with ..
Anchoneal process
Olecranon process
Styloid process
What is another name for the claw?
Distal phalanx
Claw attached also to?
Axial and abaxial surfaces of the digit
What are the parts of the Os-Coxae?
Ilium, pubis, Ischium
How can you tell the difference btw a dog an a cat’s Os-coxae?
The dog’s Ilium and ischium are flaring while the cat’s is slender box-shape
How can you tell the difference btw a dog an a cat’s Os-coxae?
The dog’s Ilium and ischium are flaring while the cat’s is slender box-shape