Booleans Flashcards
equal to
not equal to
what do booleans do
compare two things
what will booleans be assigned
true or false
booleans are used with
if statements
how to invert a boolean
if a is true and b is false what will a&&b give
false (a and b)
if a is true and b is true what will a&&b give
true (a and b )
what sign is used for and
what sign is used for or
if a is true and b is false what will a||b give
if a is rue and b is true whta will a||b give
if a is false and b is false what will a||b give
if a is true what will !a give
boolean ! associativity (which direction is it read in)
right to left
boolean && associativity
left to right
boolean || associativity
left to right
what is the precedence of the three (!, || and &&)
- !
- &&
- ||
where do the boolean operators fir into the overall precedene
between equality and conditional
what order will the following operations occur in?
boolean cannotDrive = (age>17) || (!hasLicence) ;
- <
- !
- ||
- =
what order will the following operations occur
boolean canDrive = (age>17) && (hasFullLicence || hasProvisionalLicence);
- >
- ||
- &&
- =
Brackets override precedence
what would be the precedence here?
boolean canDrive = (age>17) && hasFullLicence || hasProvisionalLicence;
is that what we want?
- >
- &&
- ||
- =