Arrays Flashcards
formula for reference for arrays
[ ] =
two ways to create an array
create and list the elements
create sufficient space`
how to create space eg. int array, name numbers, with 5 elements
int [] numbers = new int [5];
can you mix types in a list
how to find the number of elements in an array
when an array is empty its called
a null array
what happens if we refer to an index that is outside of the array
values of the indexes of an array
from 0 to array.length-1
if you change the contents of one array with multiple references does the array change for all the refernces
ways to make a cpoy of an array
using a for loop to cpoy over each element
arraycopy function
copyOf function
clone function
layout for arraycopy
(source array, starting at element, destination array, starting at element, how many elements are being copied over
layout for copyOf
(copy from, length to be copied)
is the size of an array fixed
to extend or shrink an array we musr
create a new array with our desired length and then copy over elements into that array
do we need to delete arrays if were no longer referencing them
no, java sends them to garbage automatically
how to create a 2d array
int [][] matrix = new int [x][y]
how to access the 3rdelement in the 5th row of the aray
array [4][2]
how to find number of rows in a 2d array
how to find number of c`olumns in a 2d array
can 2d arrays be jagged ie can rows have different numbers of elements
position in an array is also known as its
arrays start counting from