Book1 Flashcards
Meaning of “dread”
To fear greatly.
Meaning of “trunk”
The usually single, more or less upright part of a tree, between the roots and the branches
Fine powder in general, fine flour <br></br><br></br>A fine granular substance produced in flowers.
Meaning of “pollen”
Meaning of “crocus”
Meaning of “reward”
Something one gets for having done well<br></br>The greatest <b>reward</b> of being a parent is to see your child make a wise decision.
Meaning of “advocate”
To speak in favour of something<br></br><br></br>Some environmentalists <b>advocate</b> removing large dams from the Colombia River.
Meaning of “dam”
<span>A structure placed across a flowing body of water to stop the flow or part of the flow, generally for purposes such as retaining</span>
Meaning of “authority”
The power to make decisions, to tell others what to do.<br></br><br></br>The governor has the <b>authority</b> to call the <b>legislature</b> together for emergency sessions.
Meaning of “legislature”
A governmental body with the power to make, amend and repeal laws.<br></br><br></br>The Islamic Consultative Assembly also called the Iranian Parliament or ICA, is the national <b>legislative</b> body of Iran.
Meaning of “bitterly”
Strongly with a lot of bad feelings<br></br><br></br>Senator Thomas <b>bitterly</b> opposed the movement to design a new state flag.
Meaning of “candidate”
Someone who wants to be chosen, especially in an election, for a position<br></br><br></br>In most U.S. elections, there are only two major-party <b>candidates</b> for president.
Meaning of “abdominal”
<div><span>Of or pertaining to the <b>abdomen</b>; ventral.</span></div>
<div><span><b>abdominal</b> muscles</span></div>
<div><span><b>abdominal</b> cavity</span></div>
Meaning of “coalition”
A group of several different groups or countries that are working together to achieve a certain goal.<br></br><br></br>Several local churches, mosques, synagogues, and temples formed a <b>coalition </b>to promote understanding among people of different religious.
Meaning of “contest” as verb
To challenge<br></br><br></br>Dave Roper, who narrowly lost the mayor’s race, <b>contested</b> the result, demanding a recount of the votes.<br></br><i><b>Usage</b> <b>tips</b> </i>The noun <i>contest </i>can mean <u>a game, especially one played for a prize</u>.<br></br><br></br>
Meaning of “election”
A process in which people choose officials<br></br><br></br>Because of problems with vote-counting four years ago, international observer monitored this year’s <b>election</b> to make sure it was fair.
To bring into public office; to start formally<br></br><br></br>The U.S. president is elected in November but is not <b>…ed</b> until the following January.<br></br><br></br>An effort to bring service to farms and small towns was <b>…ed</b> with the Rural Electrification Act of 1936.
Meaning of “inaugurate”
Meaning of “policy”
An approved way for approaching a certain kind of situation.<br></br><br></br>The <b>policy</b> said that government money could not be given to any private hospital.
Meaning of “poll”
To find out a small group’s opinion so that you can guess what a much larger group think<br></br><br></br>The newspaper <b>polled</b> 500 registered voters and found that only 27 percent were in favour of expanding the city zoo.
Meaning of “hung”
simple past tense and past participle of hang
Meaning of “allegedly”
According to what people say<br></br>The chief financial officer of the company <b>allegedly</b> took company money for his personal use.
Meaning of “civil”
Involving a dispute between two citizens, not a criminal charge<br></br><br></br>In a <b>civil</b> suit against his neighbor, Barney claimed that the neighbor’s dog had bitten him.<br></br><br></br><b>Usage tips </b>In a court context, civil almost <u>always </u>appears in one of the following phrases: <i>civil action, civil court, civil proceeding, and civil penalties.</i>
Meaning of “convict”
To decide that someone is guilty of a crime<br></br><br></br>Dean was <b>convicted</b> of <b>assault</b> after the jury saw a video of him <b>striking</b> another man
Meaning of “assault”
To attack, threaten or harass.<br></br><br></br><b>Parts</b> <b>of</b> <b>speech</b> <b>assail</b> v, <b>assailant</b> n
Meaning of “strike”
hit forcibly and deliberately with one’s hand or a weapon or other implement.<br></br>He raised his hand, as if to <b>strike</b> me
to belong to or be a part of
Meaning of “pertaining”
Meaning of “ventral”
Related to the abdomen or stomach.
Meaning of “guilty”
Responsible for doing something bad<br></br><br></br>The jury found that the director was <b>guilty</b> of <b>embezzlement</b>.<br></br>
Meaning of “deed”
<div><span>An action or act; something that is done.</span></div>
<div><span>I have fulfilled my promise in word and in <span><b>deed</b></span>.</span></div>
Good <b>deed</b>, bad <b>deed</b>
Meaning of “embezzlement”
Theft or misappropriation of funds placed in one’s trust or belonging to one’s employer.<br></br>
Meaning of “fraudulent”
Dishonest; based on fraud or deception.<br></br>false, phony
Meaning of “offence”
A specific act that breaks a law<br></br><br></br><b>Convicted</b> twice of reckless driving, Victor will lose his license if he commits another serious traffic <b>offence</b>.
Meaning of “peer”
(n) A person who is one’s of social equal<br></br><br></br>In requiring judgment by “a jury of one’s <b>peer</b>”, U.S. law meant to protect lower-class defendant from the possibly biased judgment of upper-class jury.<br></br><br></br>(v) To make equal in rank.
Meaning of “suspect”
Someone who, in the opinion of the police, might have committed a certain crime<br></br><br></br>The police were investigating the activities of five <b>suspects</b> in liquor l-store robbery.
Meaning of “verdict”
A judgment in a court case<br></br><br></br>It took the jury only 30 minutes to reach a <b>verdict</b> of “guilty”.
Meaning of “witness”
To see something, especially a crime, happen.<br></br>After <b>witnessing</b> the car, Rodney called the police.
Meaning of “victim”
Anyone who is harmed by another.<br></br><br></br>
Meaning of “unanimous”
(of two or more people) fully in agreement.<br></br>The doctors were <b>unanimous</b> in their diagnoses
Meaning of “chase”
To pursue, to follow at speed.
Ground (generally in front of or around a house) covered with grass kept closely mown.<br></br><br></br>An open space between woods.
Meaning of “lawn”
Meaning of “mown”
Past participle of mow
Meaning of “mow”
To cut down grass or crops.<br></br>He <b>mowed</b> the <b>lawn</b> every few weeks in the summer
Meaning of “bushy”
<div><span>Like a bush in having many widely spread branches.</span></div>
<div><span>the <b>bushy</b> tail of a squirrel</span></div>
Meaning and synonyms of “apprehend”
To capture<br></br><br></br>The police <b>apprehended</b> the rubbery suspect as he tried to get on a bus to Chicago.<br></br><br></br><b>Synonyms</b>: seize, arrest, catch
To make sure of<br></br><br></br>The police failed to <b>…</b> that the man the <b>arrested</b> was the Gregory Brown they were really looking for.
Meaning of “ascertain”
Meaning of “arrest”
seize (someone) with the authority of the law<br></br><br></br>The police have <b>arrested</b> a <b>suspect</b> in the murder <b>inquiry</b>.
Meaning of “bureacratic”
Related to a large organization with a lot complicated procedures<br></br><br></br>Before I could speak with chief, I had to go through a <b>bureaucratic</b> runaround of identify checks and written requests unnecessarily complicated.
Meaning of “evidence”
Something that makes the truth of a statement seem more likely.<br></br><br></br>The most <b>convincing</b> <b>evidence</b> that Garner robbed the store was a videotape from <b>surveillance</b> cameras.
Meaning of “surveillance”
A process of watching something or someone for a long time, usually because the person suspected of something<br></br>Police <b>surveillance</b> of one suspected car thief resulted in the arrest of a whole gang of carjacking.<br></br><br></br><br></br>Close observation of an individual or group
Meaning of “implicate”
To suggest that someone was involved in a crime or other wrong behavior<br></br><br></br>No group claimed responsibility for the bombing, but the type of explosive used <span><b>implicates</b></span> the Heartland Freedom Miltia.
An investigation<br></br>The FBI launched an <b>….</b> into the relationship between organized crime and the trucking company.
Meaning of “inquiry”
Meaning of “animous” or “animose”
(Latin) Resolute and <u>full of vigor</u>; vehement.
Meaning of “intrusively”
In a way that brings an unwanted person or thing into someone else’s affairs<br></br>The new consultant from company headquarters appears <b>intrusively</b> at meetings, staff parties, and other functions where he was not wanted.
Meaning of “vigour”
<span>Strength; efficacy<br></br>physical strength and good health.<br></br><br></br>I was 79, but still full of <b>vigour</b> and vitality</span>
Meaning of “animus”
A feeling of enmity
Meaning of “divert”
To turn aside from a course.<br></br>The workers <b>diverted</b> the stream away from the road.<br></br><br></br>To distract.<br></br>Don’t let him <b>divert</b> your attention; keep your eye on the ball.
Meaning of “unnoticeably”
In an unnoticeable manner.
Meaning of “noticeable”
Worthy of note; significant.
Meaning of “Amendment”
An alteration or change for the better<br></br><br></br>(law) Correction of an error in a <b>writ</b> or process.
Meaning of “Constitution”
(government) The formal or informal system of primary principles and laws that regulates a government or other institutions.<br></br>(law) A legal document describing such a formal system.
Meaning of “writ”
Noun: (law) A written order, issued by a court, ordering someone to do (or stop doing) something.
Meaning of “libertarian”
<div><span>One who advocates liberty, either generally or in relation to a specific issue.</span></div>
<div><span>civil <b>libertarian</b></span></div>
Meaning of “intrude”
To thrust oneself in; to come or enter without invitation, permission, or welcome
Meaning of “raid”
An attack or invasion for the purpose of making arrests, seizing property, or plundering<br></br>A police <b>raid</b> of a narcotics factory