Book/Newspaper Words & Quotes Flashcards


Quandary - a state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation.

Taut - concise and controlled

Pithy - terse and vigorously expressive

Incisive - intelligently analytical and clear-thinking

Decadence - luxurious self-indulgence, moral or cultural decline as characterised by excessive indulgence in pleasure or luxury

Pathos - a quality that evokes pity or sadness, sorrowfulness. “The actor injects his pathos into the role”

Nebulous - vague or ill-defined, unclear, hazy “his nebulous ideas about salvation”

Virtuosity - mastery, expertise, prowess, great skill in music or other artistic pursuit

Morbid desire/curiosity

Slavish conformity

Civility - formal politeness and courtesy in behaviour

Rapier-like wit/intelligence - very quick and accurate or incisive

Trenchant - vigorous or incisive in expression or style

Elicit - evoke or draw out (a reaction, answer, or fact) from someone.


Unnerve - to make someone lose courage or confidence

Indictment - a thing that serves to illustrate that a system or situation is bad and deserves to be condemned.

Evoke - bring or recall to the conscious mind

evocative - bring strong images, feelings or memories to mind; reminiscent

Melancholy - a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause

Misgiving - a feeling or doubt or apprehension

Cerebral pyrotechnics - brilliance of display

Admonish - reprimand firmly, rebuke

Veritable - bona fide, authentic, genuine, used an intensifier, often to qualify a metaphor

Exemplary - serving as a desirable model; representing the best of its kind

Decorum - behaviour in keeping with good taste and propriety

Disparage - regard or represent as being of little worth

Substantive - having a firm basis in reality and therefore important, meaningful or considerable

All-consuming loathing

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Supplant - supersede and replace

Meandering emptiness

Pilloried - criticised

Beset - trouble persistently, plague, bedevil, afflict

Beleagured - hard-pressed, troubled, in difficulties

Palpable - so intense as to seem tangible

Belittle - make someone or something seem unimportant

Bellicose - demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight

Anti-establishment fervour

Searing nostalgia

Confound - cause surprise or confusion in

Self-alienation - the process of distancing oneself from one’s own feelings or activities, such as may occur in mental illness or as a symptom of emotional distress.

overweening - showing excessive confidence or pride

overweening confidence/ambition

self-avowed - self-declared - self-professed

self-assured - confident in ones own abilities or character


Manifestly - obviously, plainly, unmistakably

Barbed reference - hurtful, biting, snide, ill-natured

Uncritical adulation/Medieval superstition

Profane - not respectful of religious practice; irreverent, ungodly, godless, impious, disrespectful, irreligious, unbelieving, disbelieving, sacrilegious, idolatrous

Agreeable - enjoyable and pleasant

Problematic - constituting or presenting a problem

Snarl - say something in an angry / bad-tempered voice


Desecrate - treat (a sacred place or thing) with violent disrespect

Xenophobic bile of right-wing press

Monopoly on faith but not on reason

Disdain cultivated in the aftermath of a divide quickly exceeds the original grievance

Smug disdain

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Angst - a feeling of deep anxiety or dread, typically an unfocused one about the human condition or the state of the world in general.

Anxiety - a feeling of woes, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.

Ambivalence - the state of having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about someone or something.

Redolent - strongly reminiscent or suggestive of

Temperance - moderation of self-restraint

Mandate - give authority to act in a certain way

Smokescreen - ruse

Half-baked - hare-brained, foolish, brainless, witless

Disinformation - false information intended to mislead

Assiduous - showing great care and perseverance

Turmoil - upheaval, commotion, disorder

Stagnate - cease development, languish, lie dormant

Exemplify - be an example of

Calamitous - ruinous, tragic, catastrophic

Scant - insufficient, minimal


Stigmatise - condemn, villify

Parochial - narrow-minded, insular

Pontificate - dogmatise, moralise, preach

Partisan - biased, partial, prejudiced

Stultify - render ineffectual, impede

Irrepressible - uncontrolled, unrestrained

Spurn - reject with disdain or contempt

Bamboozle - to deceive, trick, hoodwink

Cognisant - aware, knowledgeable

Fixate - acquire obsessive attachment to

Equanimity - calmness, composure

The micro-disappointments of an average day

Legitimise - make legitimate

Ruction - disturbance or quarrel

Squalid - showing or involving a contemptible lack of

Frivolity - lack of seriousness, lightheartedness

Gerrymander - manipulate electoral results

Juggernaut - a huge powerful and overwhelming force

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Duplicitous - deceitful

Hyperbolic - exaggerated

Nominally - only by name

Disingenuous - insincere

Countenance - admit as acceptable or possible

Luxuriate - to be self-indulgent; enjoy oneself in a luxurious way

Saccharine - excessively sweet or sentimental

Stupor - a state of near-unconsciousness; the lack of critical mental function

Endogamy - the custom of marrying only within the limits of a local community, clan, or tribe

Faustian (dow) bargain - from the medieval legend of Faust, who made a contract with the devil, exchanging his soul for worldly gains. The word Faustian describes a circumstance in which a person compromises her beliefs or morals in order to achieve some kind of success.


Lassitude - a state of physical or mental weariness; lack of energy; lethargy, weariness

Effrontery - insolent or impertinent behaviour; rude and not showing respect; impudence. cheek

Leaden dispiritedness that envelops so many persons both young and old (S-Town)

Inestimably - too large or too great to be estimated or appreciated.

Alacrity - brisk and cheerful readiness, willingness, eagerness

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