Book 101 RIC Flashcards
Book 101 RIC
NFPA 1500
Created in 1987 and revised several times
FD Occupational Safety and Health programs
NFPA 1561
Emergency services Incident management systems
Shall also be used during drills and exercises
Book 101 RIC
Emergency Trigger
The radio will beep ___ times and the display on the radio will read “EMERGENCY”.
when the Emergency Button is depressed, the radio will automatically switch to EMERGENCY Channel 6 in the repeat mode and is locked on this channel.
Book 101 RIC
Members may encounter radio problems when operating in the following locations?
- Below ground level (basement, tunnels)
- Within or adjacent to shielded rooms (X - Ray rooms, sound stages, etc.)
- In enclosed elevator cars
- In steep or narrow canyons
- Anytime you are located outside the City limits
Book 101 RIC
All company personnel shall carry their assigned radio in the “repeat” mode in their turnout coat or brush jacket pouch.
Personnel on rescue ambulances can carry their radio without the external mic in the appropriate belt holder.
Book 101 RIC
Even if the hand-held radio is reset by turning the radio off then back on, the alarm and radio number display will continue at MFC until an investigation is completed to ascertain that no emergency exists.
The Floor Captain will then reset the alarm.
At this time, MFC has the ability to lock on only one radio number when an emergency trigger is activated. Activated emergency triggers from multiple radios will delete previous radio identification numbers.
Book 101 RIC
MX 800 Hand-Held Radios – The MX 800 radio is the most common hand-held radio currently in use. These radios have the Emergency Trigger located on the top of the radio near the base of the antenna. This button is orange in color.
Book 101 RIC
When an “EMERGENCY TRAFFIC” is announced, other personnel shall refrain from using these radio channels unless a radio message is necessary for the safety of personnel or involves the emergency situation.
Book 101 RIC
At the conclusion of the “ EMERGENCY TRAFFIC” situation, the Incident Commander shall transmit an “ALL CLEAR – RESUME RADIO TRAFFIC” on all assigned Incident Command and Incident Tactical Channel(s) in addition to the notification to MFC to conclude the emergency situation.
Book 101 RIC
IC shall monitor:
Dispatch Channel
Incident Command Channel
Incident Tactical Channel(s)
Rescue Tactical Channel (if assigned)
Emergency Channel 6
Book 101 RIC
As incidents expand beyond the first alarm assignment, the Incident Commander shall designate a Rapid Intervention Company to stand by.
The IC should not use companies from the first alarm assignment as RIC, unless a significant hazard to firefighters exists.
Book 101 RIC
Although the “Two In/Two Out” rule requires a standby team of at least two members to be organized to back up the initial entry team before they enter into an IDLH atmosphere, during the initial stages of an incident a standby Rapid Intervention Company does not have to be designated.
Book 101 RIC
Rapid Intervention Company/Companies should normally be located in proximity to the command post to ensure rapid dissemination of information from the Incident Commander (IC) and rapid deployment.
Book 101 RIC
The rapid intervention mission can be separated into two categories.
- ) The first category is defined as the Standby Mode or preparation for Rapid Intervention as a precautionary measure (most frequent mode).
- ) The second category is the Deployment Mode which can be an immediate rescue upon arrival at the incident, or deployment of designated RIC during the incident.
Book 101 RIC
STANDBY MODE (preparation for rapid intervention) - In this mode the resources assigned as RIC shall monitor the following radio
Incident Command Channel
Incident Tactical Channel(s)
Rescue Tactical Channel (if assigned)
Emergency Channel 6
Book 101 RIC
When assigned RIC at an incident and in the “DEPLOYMENT MODE” (immediate rescue) the
following radio channels should be monitored:
Rescue Tactical Channel (assigned by IC)
Emergency Channel 6 and/or Incident Tactical Channel
There may be a need to monitor the Incident Tactical Channel if this is the only means of communication by the affected member, during rescue operations.
Book 101 RIC
In high-rise fire incidents the Rapid Intervention Company/Companies shall be located at?
Book 101 RIC
As rescue scenarios become more complex or when two or more Rapid Intervention Companies are assigned, the Incident Commander shall consider assigning a Rescue Group Supervisor.
Book 101 RIC
If a Rapid Intervention Company/Companies is deployed to affect a rescue of a firefighter, the Incident Commander shall assign an additional RIC as a backup for the RIC that was deployed.
Book 101 RIC
Rescue Ambulance personnel should obtain the location of available hospitals in the area. In a high-rise incident, paramedics should be assigned as a medical standby in staging.
Book 101 RIC
If a member is in a life-threatening situation, the best way to get help is to activate the emergency trigger button.
Book 101 RIC
OPTION: If the effected member communicates an ”Emergency Traffic” call on the original Incident Tactical Channel(s), the Incident Commander should attempt to have the affected member(s) initiate their emergency trigger button. This will keep the Incident Commander from having to move all resources on scene to a new Incident Tactical Channel.
In a worse case scenario (member unable to initiate his/her emergency trigger), the Incident Commander may have to consider moving all other companies, with the exception of the rescue companies, to another Incident Tactical Channel if the affected member is unable to trigger the emergency button. The Incident Commander should do this through established Branch Directors, and or Division and Group Supervisors to facilitate the change in tactical channels(s).
Book 101 RIC
NFPA Standard 1500 requires that all company members’ names be immediately available on scene of the incident.
Book 101 RIC
The information that will be contained on the magnetic strip is as follows:
- The member’s full civil service name
- The member’s rank
The LAFD will continue to use magnetic strips that will be carried in a visible location on the Captain’s side of the cab on heavy apparatus and passenger side in rescue ambulances and other staffed apparatus. In Division and Battalion SUV’s, the magnetic strips shall be carried in a visible location on the communication console, dashboard, or visor.
Book 101 RIC
The “EVACUATION SIGNAL” will consist of repeated short blasts of the air horn for a period no longer than 10 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of silence. This sequence of air horn blasts for 10 seconds followed by a 10-second period of silence will be done three times; total air horn evacuation signal including periods of silence will last 50 seconds.
The apparatus selected to conduct the air horn “EVACUATION SIGNAL” should not be apparatus in close proximity to the Command Post, if possible, thus reducing the chance of missing any radio messages.
Book 101 RIC
After an “EMERGENCY TRAFFIC” evacuation of a building, a Personnel Accountability Report (PAR) shall be conducted to assure all companies and members are accounted for at the incident or in a specific Branch, Division or Group.
Book 101 RIC
MFC will start an incident clock when the first dispatched unit arrives on scene of a structure fire, or other incidents, which appear to be time sensitive or dangerous. At each ____-minute interval, MFC will advise the IC of the elapsed time on the incident clock until the IC requests cancellation.
Will continue to advise every 15 minutes until incident is under control (knockdown)
Book 101 RIC
The assisting agency and the primary agency use a pre-designated common frequency. The frequency that is most commonly used is?
OES White 2 & 3.
Book 101 RIC
Book 101 RIC
The RIC SCBA Kit consists of the following: Nylon bag with sling and carrying handles, 60 minute air cylinder, First stage pressure reducer with ___ feet of intermediate pressure hose, Second stage regulator, Facepiece, Pelican Flashlight with integrated holder, and 150 feet drop bag line)
Book 101 RIC
A safety zone or safe refuge area is one that does not require any protection, (such as SCBA’s and hoselines), for survival.
The exception to this statement would involve a high-rise fire, where depending on the intensity of the fire a minimum of two floors above the fire maybe designated a safety zone.
Book 101 RIC
The member operating the nozzle might be described as having tunnel vision. They are focused on the flame location, direction and reaction created by their hose stream.
The hydrant member backing up the nozzle member will have a field of view in front of the nozzle with a somewhat wider field of vision.
The company officer operating on a hoseline with their crew may be described as having surrounding vision.
The engineer operating immediately outside the structure gets the big picture.
Book 101 RIC
Pulling back forcefully on the line should indicate to the crew that they need to retreat and investigate the cause for alarm.
Book 101 RIC
Only one of the two backup personnel outside the IDLH atmosphere may be engaged in other duties.
Book 101 RIC
Exception to operate with less than four members on-scene:
Initial attack operations shall be organized to ensure that if upon arrival at the emergency scene, initial attack personnel find an imminent life-threatening situation where immediate action could prevent the loss of life or serious injury, such action shall be permitted with less than four personnel when conducted within risk management considerations specified above. Any such actions taken
with less than four members on-scene shall be thoroughly investigated and a written report (F-225) shall be submitted to the Commander, Bureau of Emergency Services, who will advise the Fire Chief.
Book 101 RIC
A rapid intervention company shall consist of at least ___ members and shall be available for rescue of a member or a company if the need arises.
Book 101 RIC
In a high rise incident, the initial company a minimum four-member fire attack team shall ascend to the reported fire. Two members of this team shall be used as fire attack and the remaining two members shall standby in the stairwell.
Book 101 RIC
Do not attempt to support more than one entry point.
Book 101 RIC
When more than one company is assigned to rapid intervention functions, assign an officer - preferably a Task Force Commander or Battalion Commander, as the Rescue Group Supervisor.
The tenth member can assist the Rescue Group Supervisor as needed.
Book 101 RIC
It is the responsibility of all on scene Engineers to turn all apparatus pick-up lights and side mounted quartz lights on aerial apparatus towards the involved structure, to illuminate the potential openings of the building. If the first arriving companies have not done this act routinely, Rapid
Intervention companies should request, through the IC, that this operation be completed.
Book 101 RIC
A standard set of signals is in use by this Department and shall be memorized by all members.
A full swing of the arm helps to prevent signals from being confused with the jerking of the line caused by normal movement.
O - 1 tug means ok
A - 2 tugs Advance Line going ahead
T - 3 tugs Take-up slack, backing out
H - 4 tugs Help, emergency assistance needed
Book 101 RIC
Parallel Position: illustrates how two personnel of a RIC have temporarily left their position, (wall-Orientate Right) to increase their area of search.
This technique requires the company leader to remain in contact with the wall and the tether, which is anchored to the outside.
When using a tether, ensure that it provides constant contact between the company members, yet is easily detachable if necessary.
Book 101 RIC
The RIC leader then utilizes nozzle fan drop-bag that contains 150’ of cord with overhand knots tied at every six feet.
Book 101 RIC
Members should consider changing over to one hour breathing apparatus bottles if time permits. However, changing over shall be carefully conducted so that only one- half of the company is always available to initiate a rapid rescue during the change over process. When a task force is assigned as the RIC only one company at a time should change over to one-hour SCBA bottles.
Book 101 RIC
The entire (single resource) Rapid Intervention Company should remain in the immediate proximity of the command post to ensure the rapid dissemination of information from the Incident Commander and to obtain updated changes in the firefighting operations. This location will change during a High Rise incident, where RIC will normally be deployed at Staging.
Book 101 RIC
RIC at a Metro-Rail incident should involve a Company at each train station.
F-tel phones are located at each standpipe outlet every 250’ in the tunnel.
Descent – Deploy to the platform level. Check in with “Station Division” for the acquisition of a “Rescue Train”. Use this train for priority movement of personnel and equipment to support rapid intervention operations. Utilize uninvolved tunnels. Cross passages are located every 750’.
EMERGENCY TRIGGER – This button activates the emergency feature of the hand-held radio and is a factor for personnel _______.
“EMERGENCY TRAFFIC” RADIO TONE – A distinctive high/low tone initiated by MFC on the Incident Tactical Channel(s) and the Command Channel.
There are a number of considerations for Incident Commanders and Rapid Intervention Companies in regards to rapid intervention structure size-up. These considerations can be broken down into 3 categories –
a. ) Enroute;
b. ) On scene (reconnaissance)
c. ) Continuous size-up (throughout the incident).