Book 1 Italy 1848-49 Flashcards
Who did Charles Albert, king of Piedmont, join in a customs union and legal reform?
Pope Pius IX and Tuscany
What was the Statuto?
A constitution granted by Charles Albert, King of Piedmont, in 1847.
What did Pius IX do to incite crowds in Rome to chant ‘O sommo Pio’?
Release political prisoners
1/3 of Austrian tax revenue came from which two wealthy Italian states?
What happened at Ferrara in 1847?
Austrian troops occupied the town causing the Pope to lodge a formal protest and asking the lord to bless ‘Italia’.
What is subsistence farming?
Farming just enough food to feed oneself. In a good year any surplus may be sold at market.
What caused maize and wheat prices to rise in 1847?
Europe wide harvest failure and shortages
What was the average life expectancy in Naples in the 1840s?
What did the Sicilians blame their rulers in Naples for in 1836?
Cholera outbreak that killed 65,000
Which city did the Italian revolutions of 1848 break out in?
Palermo, Sicily
Who were the lazzaroni?
Poor peasant masses of Naples
The King of Naples was forced to withdraw from Sicily in 1848 and introduce a constitution. Who was he?
Ferdinand II
Which two states followed Naples and introduced constitutions in February 1848?
Tuscany and the Papal States
What type of monarchy did Charles Albert create in Piedmont?
Constitutional Monarchy
Austria had problems at home too. There were uprisings in the capital city. What was the capital?
Where were ‘Five Glorious Days’?
Milan, Lombardy
What did the ‘Five Glorious Days’ achieve in the short term?
Anti Austrian uprising causes General Radetzky to withdraw and gains an alliance with Piedmont
Who set up the Venetian Republic known as the Republic of St Mark?
Daniel Manin
What was Pius’ Allocution of April 1848?
Pius, afraid of upsetting Austria, publically stated that he did not support war, did not want to lead Italy and called Charles Albert an aggressor
What do the Sicilians declare in April that isn’t very pro Italian Unification?
Sicilian independence
After early military wins, how does Charles Albert show a lack of commitment to unity?
Refuses to accept recruits to his army that won’t swear loyalty to him. Garibaldi is refused.
In which battle does Radetzky crush Charles Albert on 24th July?
Custozza, Lombardy
The Piedmontese are expelled from Lombardy on the 11th August, what was the name of the armistice?
Armistice of Salasco
Ferdinand crushes the uprising in Sicily, earning himself what nickname?
King Bomba
Why does the Pope flee Rome in November 1848?
His anti-liberal PM, Count Rossi, is murdered by a mob
Who set up the Costituente in Rome, which later created the Roman Republic?
Giuseppe Galletti
Charles Albert attempted to fight the Austrians again in March 1849, but was defeated where?
Battle of Novara
Name the 3 members of the Roman Triumvirate.
Mazzini, Armellini and Saffi
List the liberal reforms introduced by the Roman Republic.
legal reform, slum clearance, ended press censorship, abolished the death penalty, removed church control of education, promised a constitution
Who replaced Charles Albert when he abdicated in March 1849?
His son, Victor Emmanuel II
Why did Louis Napoleon send 20,000 French troops to defeat the Roman Republic in April?
To help the Catholic Church and gain favour at home
How long did General Giuseppe Garibaldi and the volunteer Republican army hold off the French?
2 months
What was Piedmont’s punishment for supporting revolution against Austria?
Reparations of 65 million francs
Which revolt was the last to fail?
Republic of Venice in August 1849 due to Cholera outbreaks and hunger
Until what date did the French troops stay in Rome protecting the Pope?