Book 1 Flashcards
What is a flying stand pipe?
The use of the pre-piped master stream or laying a larger line (2.5 inch or 3 inch) up the aerial to serve as a stand pipe to deploy a hand line.
What is horizontal ventilation
Any technique by which heat, smoke, and other products of combustion our channel horizontally out of a structure by way of existing or created horizontal openings such as windows, doors, or other holes in walls
What is the purpose of an inspection cut?
A small cut used to determine conditions under the roof such as nature of the smoke, volume of fire, location of fire, direction of travel, roof thickness, rafter spacing, and or run of structural elements
What is a ladder tower?
An aerial device that contains a full size climbing ladder that also has a basket/bucket for firefighting operations attached to the tip
LIP serves as an acronym to identify primary incident priorities. What does LIP stand for?
Life safety.
Incident stabilization.
Property conservation.
What does the acronym RECEO-VS stand for?
The area of the building that the aerial tip or elevated platform can easily reach is referred to as the?
Scrub area
SLICERS is the acronym utilized by the first arriving officer while conducting a lap to aid in tactical decision making. What does SLICERS stand for?
Size up.
Locate the fire.
Identify the flow path.
Cool the space from a safe location. Extinguish the fire.
What is a tower ladder?
In Ariel device with a basket attached to the end of a boom that also contains a small ladder attached to the bottom that can be used for escape.
What is the typical reach in feet of a rear mounted aerial ladder?
Truck companies in this region typically have a rear mount aerial device that can reach 105 feet
What is the main difference between a tower ladder and a ladder tower?
The main difference is the size of the ladder leading from the turntable to the basket. A tower ladder has a narrow ladder, capable of only emergency egress while a ladder tower has a wide walkway that can be used for ascending and descending. In this region both are referred to as towers regardless of ladder type.
An apparatus that has a water tank, pump, and hose, in addition to an aerial device is referred to as a?
What is the job of the first due truck on a box alarm?
Officer does a 360 lap. Position for turntable placement, forced entry, ventilate accordingly with interior companies. Search for the location of the fire. Place portable ladders. Report with the first two engine company to the fire floor to assist with entry, primary search, and ventilation. Place ladders in announce their locations via radio.
During a box alarm, what area of the structure does the crew of the second due truck report to?
The second do truck crew typically reports to the floor above the fire to assist with forcible entry, search, vent.
 The most important factor in positioning the aerial is to determine the intended target/task and then to spot the turn table for which two incident priorities?
Immediate victim rescue that is beyond the reach of portable ladders.
Master stream operations.
 When responding to a structure fire, on which side of the structure should the first do truck position?
In front of the structure
When responding to a structure fire where should the second do truck position if possible?
The second dude truck should position on the opposite side of the structure if possible.
At residential structure fires, it is often not possible for the second truck to position on the opposite side of the structure. In this case, where and how should the second truck position?
When this occurs, the next option is to position the second due truck near the first truck in front of the structure, ideally bumper to bumper allowing for portable ladder access from both apparatus.
When a specific target has been identified for placement of the aerial ladder or platform, the turntable should be positioned in line with the target and in what relationship to the chassis?
Ideally the aerial ladder or platform should be positioned in line with a chassis
When smoke conditions are present, attempt to position the turntable slightly________ of the smoke.
The horizontal distance from the building to turn table table is known as_____________?
Optimally, towers should be able to place their buckets on the ground and or below grade in front of the building.
If an aerial apparatus is required to block the entire roadway at an incident scene, what must the officer do so that other responding units can make adjustments prior to arrival?
The action must be verbalized over the radio so other responding units can make adjustments prior to arrival
What is the degree of lateral grades that can be corrected for by using the stabilizers on the aerial apparatus?
Lateral grades of up to 5 to 6% can be corrected using the stabilizers
When a target building is located on a lateral grade, Is it preferred to pull past the building or stop short of the building to operate the aerial ladder?
Pulling past and operating the aerial off the rear is preferred on buildings located on lateral grades
What is an advantage of positioning on the corner of a building in regards to the Aerials scrub area?
Positioning on the corner of a building allows for coverage of two sides of the building.
Firefighters must remain aware of electrical hazards when an aerial is extended. What are four basic rules to be followed anywhere and anytime the area device is an operation?
Do not sit or lean against the truck. Firefighters should look up at the ladders location and make eye contact with the operator before touching truck. Touch truck with the back of hand before opening doors, handling tools or ground ladders.
Do not use truck for command or rehab operations if Ariel is being used near wires.
What is the minimum distance that the aerial device must stay away from wires at all times?
A minimum distance of 10 feet shall be maintained between Ariel device in the wires at all times
When spotting for the placement of outriggers, outriggers she’ll never be placed on what types of structures?
Outriggers she’ll never be placed on manhole covers, storm sewer boxes, under ground faults, or curves not supported by a sidewalk.
What is true about most Ariel devices and their limitations on ladder use when short jacking?
Most arrow devices will not permit the use of the ladder on the short jacked side as safety limitors prevent this operation
When responding to a structure fire of a townhouse or rowhouse development in the fire address is confirmed in the end unit, where should the truck best position for the most access?
The truck company can position to access the fire unit, the bravo exposure, and the alpha exposures.
If heavy fire conditions are encountered at a strip shopping center, requiring either an offensive exterior attack or defensive operations, how might the incident commander use a truck?
Position the truck on side alpha for mobile ground level heavy caliber streams.
When positioning for high-rise structure fires, where should the first do truck park unless fire locations can be readily identified?
The first dude truck ship position on side Alpha of high rise fires. If feasible, the responding trucks can be placed at the corners of the building to ensure two-sided scrub area.
Where should the truck consider parking when responding to advanced fires at outdoor self storage facilities?
The truck should consider positioning the aerial device down a parallel alley and use the aerial master stream over the exposure. This allows for a master stream attack but prevents positioning within the collapse zone and away from radiant heat.
What is the minimum staffing for truck companies in Northern Virginia?
Minimum staffing for truck companies in northern Virginia includes an officer, driver, and one fire fighter.
What is included in the generic complement of tools and equipment carried by all crews into a structure fire?
Set of irons.
Hydraulic forcible entry tool.
Appropriate length hook.
Thermal imager.
Hand lights.
Door chalks.
Water can.
Portable radio.
What are the primary tasks of the interior truck crew to be completed simultaneously in a structure fire?
Force entry,
search for victims and fire,
communicate location and path of fire, perform coordinated ventilation,
control utilities.
What are the primary tasks of the exterior truck company crew at a structure fire?
Placement of portable ladders. Horizontal and vertical ventilation.
Where should portable ladders be placed on a structure fire?
Portable ladders should be placed at any windowsill were the access or egressive the firefighters is needed and two locations were victims are present or suspected.
What is a major consideration regarding the placement of portable ladders and controlled ventilation?
The placement of portable ladders does not authorize a fire fighter to remove a window without confirmation from interior personnel.
In buildings with fire control rooms equipped with key boxes, what types of keys should be found in the key box?
Multiple sets of building keys and elevator keys as stipulated by building code
What is in often overlooked part of our operation on the fire ground to aid in property conservation?
Salvage. Salvage may be done in conjunction with fire fighting efforts.
What is overhaul?
Overhaul is a thorough and deliberate check for fire extension.
What tasks or items should be taken into consideration by the incident commander when developing an overhaul plan?
-Scene integrity for investigators.
-Current and pending weather.
-Resources required to complete the task.
-Required staffing and or possible rotation of personnel.
-Ensure all safety precautions are maintained.
-Support services.
During overhaul when my personal discontinue the use of SCBA?
Personnel must wear SCBA until the air is monitored and deemed safe by the I C or designee.
What is a consideration concerning cold smoke after a sprinkler activation?
Sprinkler activation may create cold smoke. Although cold smoke is typically translucent it may obscure vision and contain toxic gases and high CO levels
What should operators consider using to penetrate deep seeded fires during overhaul?
Consider using Class A or B foames at 1% to penetrate deep seeded fires
What is the minimum size for support members in conventional wood roof construction?
2 x 6
The greater the span required of the structural member, the larger the dimension of Lumber
Unlike conventional construction which derives its strength from the mass of the Lumber, how does light weight construction derive its strength?
Lightweight construction derives its strength as a result of geometry and individual, light weight members that are in compression and tension
What is a truss?
A truss is a framed structure consisting of a triangle or group of triangles arranged in a single plane in such a manner that loads applied at the points of intersection of the members will cause only direct stressors in the members.
What is true about the strength of the entire trust system should one component fail?
The entire trust system is dependent on each component. Should one component feel it is likely the entire trust system will fail.
What is the dimension of lumber used in common lightweight construction practices?
2 x 3 or 2 x 4 wood structural members held together by metal trust connectors
Structures that are three stories or larger, what dimensions of lumber will the first floor be constructed using?
In three-story structures in larger, the first floor will be constructed using 2 x 6 lumber
Truss connectors 35 years ago were commonly heavy steel with 1/2 inch prongs. What are modern truss connectors today made of?
Modern truss connectors today are stamped out, light gauge aluminum with 3/8 inch or less prongs.
How should firefighters work on the roof of a structure where fire is suspected or confirmed in the truss area?
Firefighters should not be on the roof of a structure where Fire is suspected or confirmed in the truss area without being independently supported
How is a plywood I-beam constructed?
A plywood I-beam it’s constructed using 2x4 for the top and bottom cords and the webbing or center core is accomplished using OSB
During a STME – 119 testing, how fast did engineered floor joists fail under fire exposure?
Engineered floor joist failed at about 6 minutes. Traditional lumber joist failed at about 16 minutes
What is a likely characteristic when a one piece laminate arch roof subjected to extended heat exposure loses its structural integrity?
This roof design tends to kick out at the base and collapse violently into the structure upon failure and without warning.
What is a characteristic of ordinary construction, light weight or wood frame roofs when subjected to Fire?
These roofs tend to burn away rather than collapse into the structure
What is a characteristic of multi section laminated arches in heavy roof construction when subjected to high heat and extended fire conditions?
The multi section laminated arch is typically bolted together with metal gusset plates. These metal plates absorb rate at a higher rate than would end when they fail, the entire arch will fail. These tend to collapse into the structure without warning
What is a characteristic of unprotected metal bar joists in the construction of a metal roof deck subjected to heavy fire conditions?
Unprotected metal bar joists are subject to rapid failure under fire conditions. Should a failure of the steel support girder system occur, there may be no warning at all, dropping the entire route system at once.
What are visible warning signs or indicators of the impending failure of a metal roof deck?
Hot bubbling melting tar, white smoke issuing from the deck, and a soft feel under foot are all signs of pending failure
Metal deck roofs were initially designed to resist the effects of fire. What did engineers discover regarding the asphalt surface and the potential for fire spread?
Engineers discovered that as the asphalt surface becomes hot, it emits vapors that are pushed down through the metal deck seams and contribute to the extension of fire.
What is true about the tensioning of the cables used in pour in place concrete roofs?
The cables are encased in PVC and our post tensioned
What is considered the highest strength design for a concrete roof?
The roof design that offers the most strength is a flat slab concrete roof with supporting columns. The columns consist of exterior columns and Capitol columns
Precast lightweight concrete roof/tilt up construction does not rely on columns. Instead the roof rests on what?
The precast roof rests on metal connectors attached on the tilt up walls.
What are the minimum dimensions of heavy supporting wood Timbers?
The supporting wood timbers are, at their minimum dimension, 8 inches and may withstand several hours of fire exposure
What is the typical roofing material used in a heavy timber roof?
The roofing material is generally 2” -3” thick wood planks with a weatherproof seal
What is the main concern with heavy timber roofing construction in fire conditions?
The main concern with this type of roof construction wise in the connections used to tie the roof system to the rest of the structure. Some of these connections were chosen to allow the roof to burn away without affecting the supporting walls
What is a gable roof?
A gable roof is typically in a framed tape that consists of a ridge pole in rafters that extend down to a beam that rests on the outside walls in ordinary or conventional construction
What are the typical lumber dimensions for the ridge pole in rafters or trusses on a gable roof?
Rafters or trusses will run perpendicular to the roof line and are usually 2 x 6 dimensional lumber or larger
What is the typical decking material for a gable roof?
Typical decking can be 1 x 4 or 1 x 6 boards or 4 x 8 plywood sheathing of 3/4” thickness or less
What is true concerning continuous ridge polls in lightweight construction using an A-frame truss?
In lightweight construction using an A-frame truss, there will not be a continuous ridge pole. A small section of 2 x 4 may be nailed between each truss as a spacer. In trust construction it is common for a 2 to 3 inch gap covered with aluminum or vinyl to be present at the Ridgeline. This is referred to as a ridge vent.
What is an important consideration regarding void spaces in both Cape Cod and barn style (Gambrel) roofs?
Both Cape Cod‘s and barn style roofs may contain voids or near walls that must be checked for fire extension.
What is true concerning all 4 exterior walls in hip roof construction?
A hip roof is constructed similar to the gable roof, with the exception that all exterior walls are loadbearing. Conventional construction will consist of a ridge pole in hip rafters that extend from the ridge pole to the outside walls. Valley rafters are used where the two roof lines meet.
Cross gable roofs are architectural projections, similar to dormers, for aesthetics. What is the major concern with the increased dead load in regards to fire conditions?
Cross cable roofs are known to collapse. Do use lightweight/low mass lumber in a trust configuration held together with trust plates. It is common to see the cross cable collapse into the top floor.
Bridge truss roofs are primarily used on commercial and warehouse buildings. What are the lumber dimensions of the top and bottom courds, and what are the dimensions of the compression members?
Wooden top and bottom cords are constructed of 2 x 12 lumber, and the compression members are 1x6 or larger.
Trust arch roof is seen in many small and large commercial buildings in the 30s, 40s, and 50s. What are the typical lumber dimensions?
The trust arch is constructed of 2 x 12 or 2 x 14 lumber
How does a bowstring truss roof provide lateral support for walls of the building?
A bowstring truss uses metal tire rods or turnbuckles to provide lateral support to the walls of the building.
What is the typical Lumber utilized in a bowstring truss roof?
The top chords of the arch may utilize laminated 2 x 12 or larger and 2 x 10 rafters that are covered by 1x6 sheathing and composition
What are the dimensions of lumber used in conventional wood flat roofs?
Conventional wood flat roofs contain rafters starting at 2 x 6 and larger which are laid across the outside and inside bearing walls. Rafters are covered with either 1x6 sheathing or plywood and composite roofing material.
What is a significant problem to firefighters operating on flat roofs covered with plywood rather than 1” x 6” sheathing?
The plywood deck may be burned out from underneath without showing signs of weakness from the top. Truck crews must check the roof for stability before stepping onto the roof
What is the typical construction of open web bar joist construction in a metal flat roof?
Top and bottom cords are constructed of 1/8 steel and web supports are solid 5/8 steel bars
What is the material used on a corrugated metal decking to construct the lightweight concrete top layer?
This consists of an air in trained mix of sand, cement, and often pea gravel to a thickness of 3 to 6 inches
How is an inverted roof constructed?
The insulation for an inverted roof is above the waterproofing membrane, which is opposite in flat roofs. Usually the insulation is held in place by a layer of rocks. These roofs are inherently spongy and give firefighters a false reading of the conditions below
What is a rain roof?
A rain roof is essentially a second roof, either flat or gabled, of lightweight construction built over the original roof of a building.
What are alternatives for ventilating a building with a rain roof?
Alternatives for ventilating these roofs include reaching the gable vent to attack fire within the rain roofs void space as well as attacking fire through the cockloft events. In most instances vertical ventilation will not be viable.
What is the concern to firefighters regarding façades and commercial structures?
Façades are constructed to conceal equipment. This presents a void space and heavy fire load. Crews must avoid working under the façade.
When encountering a commercial building with a façade or parapet wall, what feature may be an indicator of the actual height of the roofline?
The presence of scuppers may indicate the height of the actual roofline.
What are the three types of roof systems on green buildings with vegetation?
Extensive, having a growth soil of 6” or less.
Intensive, having a growth soil of 8” or more.
Simple intensive, having a combination of both to make a hybrid system
What are thermal roof systems?
Thermal roof systems generate heat using water or other fluids to transport the solar energy to be used. They may use gravity or a series of pumps to circulate the water.
What are photovoltaic systems on roofs?
Photovoltaic systems use solar panels to convert the suns energy. Electrical shock hazard exists and may leak causing a potential hazmat emergency or inhalation hazard. Securing power should be the first tactic employed followed by extinguishment.
While positioning the Truck, when multiple locations are identified, position the turntable to reach as many locations as possible. What must be considered a priority when positioning?
A priority must be assigned to life safety of civilians and fire department personnel.
When positioning a Tiller at the incident scene, how should the tiller operator consider positioning the trailer so that the ladder bed is not being blocked by other fire apparatus or vehicles?
The Tiller operator should consider positioning the trailer at an angle that prevents the ladder bed from being blocked by other fire apparatus or vehicles.
When operating at a fire, Rescue is a priority. What is often times the best initial action that can be taken to help victims would be to perform what action?
It should be reinforced that many times the best action the initial units can take is to suppress the fire.
When forming a strategy at a fire scene, a solid risk assessment of the incident scene should be performed. An acronym for factors that influence strategies are often expressed as LIP. What does LIP stand for?
Life safety
Incident stabilization
Property conservation
Aerial apparatus drivers often operate independently of the officer in crew. When operating independently at a fire scene, what are three questions in operator should consider?
-Is this a defensive fire in which master stream preparation is a priority?
-Is a crew searching directly over a fire and require ladder placement to the windows?
-Is there a victim on a balcony?