Bonus Hit Parade Group 2 Flashcards
abjure (verb)
to renounce or reject solemnly; to recant; to avoid
adumbrate (verb)
to foreshadow vaguely or intimate; to suggest or outline sketchily; to obscure or overshadow
anathema (noun)
a solemn or ecclesiastical (religious) curse; accursed or thoroughly loathed person or thing
anodyne (adj./noun)
soothing; something that assuages or allays pain or comforts
apogee (noun)
farthest or highest point; culmination, zenith
apostate (noun)
one who abandons long-held religious or political convictions
apotheosis (noun)
deification; glorification to godliness; an exalted example; a model of excellence or perfection
asperity (noun)
severity, rigor; roughness, harshness; acrimony, irritability
asseverate (verb)
to aver, allege, or assert
assiduous (adj.)
diligent, hard-working, sedulous
augury (noun)
omen, portent
bellicose (adj.)
belligerent, pugnacious, warlike
calumniate (verb)
to slander, to make a false accusation; calumny means slander, aspersion
captious (adj.)
disposed to point out trivial faults; calculated to confuse or entrap in argument
cavil (verb)
to find fault without good reason
celerity (noun)
speed, alacrity; think accelerate
chimera (noun)
an illusion; originally, an imaginary fire-breathing she-monster
contumacious (adj.)
insubordinate, rebellious; contumely means insult, scorn, aspersion
debacle (noun)
rout, fiasco, complete failure
denouement (noun)
an outcome or solution; the unraveling of a plot
descry (verb)
to discriminate or discern
desuetude (noun)
desultory (adj.)
random; aimless; marked by a lack of plan or purpose
diaphanous (adj.)
transparent, gauzy
diffident (adj.)
reserved, shy, unassuming; lacking in self-confidence
dirge (noun)
a song of grief or lamentation
encomium (noun)
glowing and enthusiastic praise; panegyric, tribute, eulogy
eschew (verb)
to shun or avoid
excoriate (verb)
to censure scathingly, to upbraid
execrate (verb)
to denounce, to feel loathing for, to curse, to declare to be evil
exegesis (noun)
critical examination, explication