Bonus Hit Parade Group 1 Flashcards
alloy (verb)
to commingle; to debase by mixing with something inferior; unalloyed means pure
appropriate (verb)
to take for one’s own use; to confiscate
arrest, arresting (verb/adj.)
to suspend; to engage; holding one’s attention: as in arrested adolescence, an arresting portrait
august (adj.)
majestic, venerable
bent (noun)
leaning, inclination, proclivity, tendency
broach (verb)
to bring up; to announce; to begin to talk about
brook (verb)
to tolerate; to endure; to countenance
cardinal (adj.)
major, as in cardinal sin
chauvinist (noun)
a blindly devoted patriot
color (verb)
to change as if by dyeing, i.e. to distort, gloss, or affect (usually the first)
consequential (adj.)
pompous, self-important (primary definitions are: logically following; important)
damp (verb)
to diminish the intensity or check the vibration of a sound
die (noun)
a tool used for shaping, as in a tool-and-die shop
essay (verb)
to test or try; to attempt; to experiment
exact (verb)
to demand; to call for; to require; to take
fell (verb)
to cause to fall by striking
fell (adj.)
inhumanely cruel
flag (verb)
to sap or droop; to become spiritless; to decline
flip (adj.)
sarcastic, impertinent, as in flippant; a flip remark
ford (verb)
to wade across the shallow part of a river or stream