What is Bonhoeffer’s justification for civil disobedience?
Is that Christians have a responsibility to the state to ensure that it acts in accordance with God’s will.
When is a Christian allowed to disobey the state according to Bonhoeffer?
If the state is making “reasonable people face unreasonable situations”.
What is tyrannicide?
Killing a tyrant.
How may tyrannicide be a Christian duty?
If it means establishing social order. He called this “suffering disobedience”.
What actions of civil disobedience did Bonhoeffer take?
- Spoke out in university, lost his job as a result.
- Spoke openly about praying for Germany’s defeat.
- Criticised Confessing Church for faltering under pressure to conform.
In what way did Bonhoeffer agree with Kant?
When a person acts out of duty he knows that he does so because he is acting in solidarity with all humankind.
What is the role of the Church according to Bonhoeffer?
To provide a moral and spiritual community, which helps people live morally.
What did Bonhoeffer believe the Church could not be?
Cannot be a middle class institution - should be stripped of false pretences.
What did Bonhoeffer mean when describing Western culture as a ‘world come of age’?
Embracing a rational view of the world and rightly discarding its childish superstitions.
What did Bonhoeffer mean by ‘religionless Christianity’?
Christianity without the baggage of the past and contamination by ideological beliefs of the present.
What does Bonhoeffer mean when he states that there should be ‘no rusty swords’?
Outworn ethical attitudes which have no use today. Rethink ethics theologically.
What is the metaphor of salt and light?
Presence of Christians amongst other people in the community: just as salt adds flavour to food, so Christians must act as moral people.
What did ‘German Christians’ promote?
The Nazi Aryan Clause, which prohibited ministers who had Jewish ancestry from working for the Church.
What did Bonhoeffer accuse the German Christians of?
Not confessing their faith, not being true to their discipleship and the commands of God.
What did Bonhoeffer see duty to God as?
Far outweighing duty to the State.
What was Bonhoeffer not content to accept?
The law of Germany’s new state. He spoke out against Nazi ideas in the university where he lost his job.
What was Bonhoeffer made a member of?
German Military Intelligence to protect him from arrest.
What does Bonhoeffer see from the Sermon on the Mount?
The requirement that the followers of Jesus must be salt and light.
What is Bonhoeffer writing about relating to the Sermon on the Mount?
What he calls the ‘visible community’.
What does Bonhoeffer note about the Sermon on the Mount?
Notes that the Bible does not say that you have the salt but you are the salt.
What did Bonhoeffer argue that Hitler was?
The anti-Christ.
What is the purpose of Christian life according to Bonhoeffer?
Not to be ‘religious’ but rather to be in a relationship with God, through living an existence for others.
Where did Bonhoeffer show solidarity?
In returning from America to be with the German people.
What did this idea of solidarity lead Bonhoeffer to do?
Get involved with the resistance, smuggling Jews into Switzerland, ultimately leading to his arrest.