Bones and Joints Lower limb Flashcards
Which part of the acetabulum is covered by cartilage?
- Lunate Surface
What type of joint is the sacroiliac joint?
- Plane synovial joint (gliding)
Name the type of cartilage covering the articular surfaces of the sacroiliac joint.
- Fibrocartilage ( stability and shock absorbing)
Name the item running in the ligament of the head of femur.
- acetabular branch of obturator artery
Where is the ligament of head of femur inserted?
- Fovea of head of femur AKA Fovea capitis
Name the ligaments forming the greater sciatic foramen.
1.Sacrospinous ligament
2.Sacrotuberous ligament
Name the ligaments forming the lesser sciatic foramen.
1.Sacrospinous ligament
2.Sacrotuberous ligament
What type of joint is the knee joint?
- Hinge type synovial joint
( hinge and pivot joint → trochoginglymus (functional))
What is the shape of the medial meniscus of the knee joint?
C-shaped meniscus or Crescent shaped
( attaches to medial collateral ligament so It’s less movable than
lateral meniscus)
What is the shape of the lateral meniscus of the knee joint?
O-shaped meniscus
Name the medial ligament of the talocrural joint.
- Deltoid ligament (answer)
( composed of these ligaments)
1.Anterior tibiotalar ligament
2.Posterior tibiotalar ligament
3.Tibionavicular ligament
4.Tibiocalcaneal ligament
Name the parts of lateral ligament of the talocrural joint.
1.Anterior talofibular ligament
2.Posterior talofibular ligament
3.Calcaneofibular ligament
What is the anatomical name of the Chopart’s surgical line?
- Transverse tarsal joint
What is the anatomical name of the Lisfranc’s surgical line?
- Tarsometatarsal joint