Bones Flashcards
smallest bone in the human body
The stapes or stirrup bone
humans have ? bones
206 in adults and 300-350 in infants
Functions of bones
• Support • Protection • Movement • Mineral storage • Blood cell formation • Energy storage . Attachment sites for muscle
Compact bone tissue - in outer regions of the bone. Why?
• Bending exerts strongest forces in these areas.
• Spongy bone tissue -
in inner regions,
mainly near epiphyses
- Spongy bone “pillars” (trabeculae) are aligned along stress lines
- Red bone marrow (even in adults) – in marrow cavities
- Osteoblasts:
bone-building cells
bone-dissolving cells. Larger than other bone cells.
mature osteoblasts, trapped in matrix
Compact bone tissue. In outer regions. Why?
Strongest force there.
Red bone marrow tissue
Lymphoid tissue, all lymphoid tissue is reticular tissue.
In the spongy bone cavities.
What structure is flat bones of the skull.
Spongy bone sandwiched between compact bone. Think about how heavy a compact bone head would be. Also spongy bone helps impact.
- Which acts like a girdle to to resist outward pressure of the cartilage
- growth and repair of cartilage
- 60-80% water very resilient
Hyaline cartilage
Most abundant
• Periosteum:
- Dense irregular CT
- Covers most of bone - Functions:
– Resists tension
– Growth
– Attachments
(Periosteum secured by perforating fibers)
• Articular cartilage
a thin layer hyaline cartilage covering the joint surface of each epiphysis.