Bone Surface Features Flashcards
What are the four basic surface feature categories?
elevations, depressions, tunnels or passageways, and facets
When do the surface feature of bone become prominent?
during and after puberty
What are the types of osseous elevations?
linear, rounded, and sharp
What are the types of osseous linear elevations?
line, ridge, and crest
What is an example of the slightest type of osseous linear elevation?
transverse lines of sternum
What is an example of an osseous ridge elevation?
sacral transverse ridges
What are examples of osseous crest elevations?
median sacral crest, intermediate sacral crest, and lateral sacral crest
What are the types of rounded osseous elevations?
tubercle , protuberance, trochanter, tuber or tuberosity, and malleolus
What is the definition of an osseous tubercle?
a small raised elevation from the surface of bone, usually associated with the attachment of a ligament or tendon
What are examples of an osseous tubercle?
spinous tubercle ,transverse tubercle, and the superior, inferior, and lateral tubercles of T12
What is the definition of an osseous protuberance?
rounded elevation from the surface of bone with a larger base that appears as a swelling or knot
What are examples of osseous protuberances?
mental protuberance of the mandible, external occipital protuberance of occiput
What is the definition of an osseous trochanter?
a large, blunt projection from the surface of bone with a significant base and height
What is an example of an osseous trochanter?
the greater and lesser trochanter of the femur
What is the definition of an osseous tuber or tuberosity?
a large projection with a significant base and a variable height on the surface of bone
What are examples of osseous tubers or tuberosities?
the frontal tuber of the frontal bone, tuberosity of the serratus anterior muscle on rib 2, the sacral tuberosity of S2, and the ischial tuberosity of the innominate bone
What is the definition of an osseous malleolus?
a hammerhead-like elevation on the surface of the bone
What are examples of an osseous malleolus?
the medial malleolus of the tibia and lateral malleolus of the fibula
What are the categories of sharp osseous elevations?
spine and process
What is the definition of the osseous elevation called “spine”?
a thorn-like elevation form the surface of bone
What is the definition of an osseous process?
a relatively sharp bony projection from the surface of bone with an increased length
What are examples of an osseous process?
mastoid process of the occipital bone, styloid process of the temporal bone, spinous process, transverse process, articular process of vertebrae, and xiphoid process of the sternum
What are the categories of osseous depressions?
linear and rounded depressions
What are the categories of osseous linear depressions?
notch or incisure, groove, and sulcus
What is the definition of an osseous surface notch or incisure?
a short indentation of variable depth on the surface of bone
What are examples of osseous surface notch or incisure?
superior vertebral notch (superior vertebral incisure) and inferior vertebral notch (inferior vertebral incisure) of the pedicle
What is the definition of an osseous groove?
a long furrow of variable depth on the surface of the bone
What are examples of an osseous groove?
groove for the superior petrosal sinus, groove for the greater petrosal nerve and mastoid groove of the temporal bone
What is the definition of an osseous sulcus?
a wide groove of variable length and depth on the surface of bone
What is an example of an osseous sulcus?
sulcus for the vertebral artery on C1
What are the categories of rounded osseous depressions?
fovea and fossa
What is the definition of an osseous fovea?
a shallow depression of variable circumference on the surface of bone
What are examples of osseous fovea?
fovea dentis of C1 and the pterygoid fovea of the mandible
What is the definition of an osseous fossa?
a deep depression of variable circumference on the surface of the bone
What are examples of an osseous fossa?
lacrimal fossa of the frontal bone and the mandibular fossa or glenoid fossa of the mandible
What are the names given to openings on the surface of bone?
ostium or orifice and hiatus
What is the definition of an osseous ostium?
a round or oval opening on the surface of bone
What is the definition of an osseous hiatus?
an irregular opening on the surface of bone
What are the names given to osseous ostia which completely penetrate bone?
foramen or canal
What is the definition of an osseous foramen?
an ostium passing completely through a thin region of bone
What are examples of osseous foramina?
basivertebral venous foramen of vertebrae, the foramen ovale of the sphenoid, and the jugular foramen of the temporal and occipital bones
What is the definition of an osseous canal?
an ostium passing completely through a thick region of bone
What are examples of an osseous canal?
pterygoid canal or vidian canal of the sphenoid, the carotid canal of the temporal, and the infraorbital canal of the maxilla
What is the name given to an ostium which does not completely penetrate through a region of bone, but appears as a blind-ended passageway?
What is the definition of an osseous meatus?
a blind-ended passageway that does not completely penetrate through a bone
What are examples of an osseous meatus?
internal acoustic meatus and external acoustic meatus fo the temporal bone
What are examples of an osseous hiatus?
hiatus for the greater petrosal nerve of the temporal bone and the sacral hiatus of the sacrum
What is an additional example of an opening in bone?
What is the definition of an osseous fissure?
an irregular slit-like or crack-like appearance between the surfaces of adjacent bones
What are examples of osseous fissure?
superior orbital fissure primarily of the sphenoid bone and the inferior orbital fissure of the palatine, zygomatic, sphenoid, and maxillary bones
What are the categories of osseous facets?
flat facets and rounded facets
What is the definition of a flat osseous facet?
a relatively planar or slightly curvilinear surface on bone for osseous articulation
What are examples of flat osseous facets?
the articular facets of most zygapophyses of the vertebral column
What are the categories of rounded osseous facets?
articular heads and articular condyles
What is the definition of an osseous faced named the “head”?
a bulbous rounded extremity of bone which directly articulates with another surface
What are examples of an osseous articular facet?
head of the femur
What is the definition of an osseous condyle?
a knuckle-shaped surface on bone for osseous articulation
What are examples of an osseous condyle?
occipital condyle of the occipital bone, mandibular condyle of the mandible, and the medial and lateral condyles of the femur