Bone Health ☠️ Flashcards
Why is is important to consume enough CALCIUM, particularly during childhood and adolescence?
This is because at these stages most CALCIUM is laid down in our bones
PEAK BONE MASS refers to the stage at which the bone is at its strongest
When is PEAK BONE MASS reached, for boys and girls?
It is usually reached at the age of 18 for GIRLS and 20 for BOYS. After this age, BONE mass gradually decreases
What ways can we increase our PEAK BONE MASS?
Increasing PEAK BONE MASS can be achieved by having adequate intakes of vitamin D and calcium. Taking regular weight-bearing activity (in which the bones bear body weight), such as jogging
What 2 other things can we do to increase our PEAK BONE MASS?
It is also necessary to limit alcohol intake and avoid smoking
Why is VITAMIN D important for healthy bones?
It helps to absorb calcium, which strengthens bones and teeth
List 3 sources of VITAMIN D
> Dairy products
Oily fish
List 3 sources of CALCIUM, and 2 non-dairy sources of CALCIUM:
> Milk
> white flour
> canned sardines