Bone disease Flashcards
Risk factors
- Female
- Maternal history of fragility
- fractures / osteoporosis
- older age
- low BMI
- Weight loss >10
- post menopause
- long term steroid use
- smoker
- Endocrine conditions
- ## conditions assoc with malabsoption
Definition of osteoporosis
low bone density and abnormal bone structure - leads to compromised bone strength
1st line treatment of osteoporosis
bisphosphonate e.g. alendronate
Tools for assessing osteoporotic risk
QFracture or FRAX
WHO defines osteoporosis as…..
BMD of less than 2.5 SD below the young adult mean density
T score of what means treatment is recommended in osteoporosis?
how to bisphosphinates work?
decreases demineralisation in bone
SE of bisphosphinates
oesophageal uclers
diarrhoea / constipation
osteonecrosis of the jaw
may get an acute phase response - fever / myalgia and arthralgia
counselling on bisphosphinates
tablets should be swallowed whole with a glass of water
sit up / stand up for 30 mins
take before breakfast / another oral medication
regular dental check ups
life style factors on osteoporosis
stop smoking
pagets disease definition
chronic bone disorder - unbalanced bone turn over
focal bone reabsorption followed by excessive and chaotic bone deposition
which bones does pagets often affect
how does pagets disease most often present
but can present with long bone pain and facial pain
or pathological fracture
primary imaging modality in pagets disease
plain x-ray - abnormal sclerotic bone
Which blood test is raised in pagets disease