Boldface and EKQ Knowledge Flashcards
Emergency Ground Egress
- Seat Pin - Fit to Seat
- QRF - Release
- PEC - Disconnect
- PSP - Disconnect
- Leg restraint lines - pull through
- Canopy - Open
- Egress
Engine hot start on ground
- if T6 rapidly approaches 637°C :
Throttle - Off
- Throttle - Idle/Off as required
- Chute - STREAM
- Brakes - Apply
- Control column - fully back <100kts
Emergency on Take Off
If decision is made to stop:
1. Abort
If Take Off is continued:
1. Throttle - maximum
2. Stores - Jettison (if required)
If unable to maintain altitude and airspeed:
3. Eject
Blown Tyre on Take-Off
If decision is made to stop:
1. Abort
If Take-Off is continued:
1. Landing gear and flap - Leave Down
Barrier Engagement
- Aim for centre panel
- Throttle - Off
Before barrier engagement: - Brakes - Release
- Head - Down
Engine Fire in Flight
([Fire] warning light and “FIRE, FIRE” audio)
- Throttle - Min Practical
- Check for signs of fire
APU Bay Fire in Flight
([APU] warning light and caption, “APU FIRE, APU FIRE” audio)
- Eng Start - Off
- Height 5000’ AGL Minimum
- Airspeed Min Practical
- Check for signs of fire and monitor tailplane control
Jet Pipe Bay Overheat In Flight
([JPOHT] Caption, “JET PIPE, JET PIPE” audio)
- Throttle - Minimum Practical
- Land as soon as possible
Fire, APU Fire or JPOHT on the ground (associated alerts, captions and audio)
- Throttle - Off
- Eng Start - Off
- Batt 1 and Batt 2 - Off
- Fuel pump - Off
- LP Fuel Cock - Closed
- Carry out Emergency Ground Egress
T6NL Overlimit Warning and/or EEC and/or MFC ([T6NL] caption, “T6NL, T6NL” audio, and/or [EEC] “EEC, EEC” and/or [MFC] “MFC, MFC”)
- Throttle - Minimum Practical (not below 70%)
- AOA and Sideslip - Minimise
- EMP - Monitor
Engine Surge (“SURGE, SURGE” audio, [SRG] indication)
- AOA and Sideslip - Minimise
- EMP - Monitor
If EEC fails to automatically recover from surge:
3. Throttle - Idle
If engine remains locked in surge:
4. Carry Out Immediate Relight
Immediate Relight
- Airbrake - In
- Throttle - Off
- RPM >10%
- Relight Button - Press
At the same time:
5. Throttle - Idle, check IGN indicator
If IGN indicator Off:
6. Relight Button - Press and Hold
In all cases:
7. RPM/T6 - Monitor
Engine Oil Pressure Low [OIL]
- Throttle - set 78-87% RPM
Engine Mechanical Damage
(Note: may be indicated by vibration, abnormal T6, abnormal RPM, loss of thrust)
- Throttle - Minimum Practical
- T6 - Monitor
- Land ASAP
Engine Seizure
- Airbrake - In
- Throttle - Off
Total Hydraulic Failure in Flight
WARNING - Loss of all hydraulic pressure may result in the tailplane moving to full deflection
- Hydraulic Pressures - Check
If HYD1 and HYD2 pressures are less than 1230+/- 110 PSI:
Hydraulic Failure or Uncommanded RAT Extension in Flight ([HYD1]”HYDRAULICS 1” and/or [RAT] and/or [HYD2]”HYDRAULICS 2” and may be accompanied with momentary [HYD]”TOTAL HYDRAULICS”
- Air brake - IN, DO NOT select OUT again
- Airspeed - Below 300 KCAS/0.60M
- Hydraulic Pressure - Check
Oxygen Failure ([OXY] “OXYGEN, OXYGEN”)
If below 10kft Cabin alt, land ASAP
If above 10kft cabin alt:
1. Back Up Oxygen - EMERG
If BUOXY contents below 1/8 or [BUOXY] caption OFF:
- Emergency Oxygen Handle - Pull
Suspected Hypoxia
- Oxygen Mask - Toggle Down
- Descent below 10,000ft cabin altitude
If Hypoxia symptoms persist or [BUOXY] Caption not ON:
4. Emerg oxygen handle - Pull
Oxyflow or restricted breathing ([OXFLW] “OXYGEN FLOW, OXYGEN FLOW”)
- Oxygen mask - check flow, connections not leaking
If OXY Flow indicator shows no flow or breathing restricted:
Below 10,000ft CA = Land as soon as Practical
If above 10,000ft CA:
2. Regulator Bypass - ON, descend below 18,000ft aircraft altitude
If breathing still restricted:
If BUOXY content below 1/8 or [BUOXY] caption OFF:
4. EMERG Oxygen Handle - Pull
Cockpit Smoke, Fumes or Fire
- Oxygen Mask - Toggle Down
- Altitude - below 18,000ft AMSL
- Cabin conditioning control - OFF
Landing Gear Emergency Retraction
(Caution, there is a risk to damage during retraction. The emergency retraction should only be used in extreme circumstances at the captain’s discretion)
- EMERG ORIDE Button - Push
- ORIDE caption - Check On
- Landing Gear - UP
Loss of directional control on the ground
- Brake Chute - STREAM if practical
- Brakes - OFF
- Anti-Skid- OFF
- Brakes - Reapply
If directional control problem remains:
- NWS - disengage
- Use differential braking
Nose Wheel Steering System Failure (amber [NWS] caption “NOSE WHEEL STEERING”)
- NWS - Disengage
- Use differential braking
Anti-Skid Failure or Brake Failure (with or without [SKID] caption and “SKID, SKID”)
On Ground:
1. Brake Chute - STREAM if practical
2. Brakes - Release
4. Brakes - Reapply
If still no braking
5. Parking Brake - gently apply if practical
6. Throttle - off if practical
Brake Chute
(Uncommanded/inadvertent brake chute deployment in the air)
- Throttle - MAX
- Brake Chute - STREAM, then JETT/NORM
What are the training G limits for the 167 when:
>500 KCAS / M0.8
CLT Fuel >165KG = 0G to 3G
CLT Fuel <165KG = 0G to 5G
What are the training G limits for the 167 when:
Speed <500KCAS / M0.8
CLT >75KG = -2G to 5G
CLT <75KG = -2G to 7G
What is the max speed for the landing gear? (Locked down OR cycling)
200 KCAS
What are the maximum speeds for 1/2 OR 3/4 and Full OR combat flap? And what are the respective G limits?
1/2 Flap - 250 KCAS (0 to 2.5G)
3/4 or Full Flap - 200 KCAS (0 to 2.5G
Combat Flap - 350 KCAS / M0.8 (-2 to 8G
What is the max operating altitude for the 167?
What is the max tailwind for engine start?
What are the crosswind limits for the 167?
30Kts singleton / 15Kts formation
What is the maximum acceptable combined taxi and wind speed with canopy open?
What is the min power setting to be used during a normal approach? (Until committed to land)
70% NH
What are the limitations for the brake chute?
25Kts crosswind, 160KCAS max streaming speed
What is the Standard Stall Recovery?
- At the same time:
a. Unload back pressure on the stick
b. Throttle - Full Power
c. Roll - wings level - Select airbrake in
- Maintain 10 AoA until 7.5°NU in the HUD (10° NU on the HDFD)
- Complete After TO Checks
What are the Spin Recovery Actions?
- Check Ht - sufficient for recovery
- Centralise - centralise stick AND rudder
- When rotation stops and speed increasing:
a. Select Combat Flap
b. 100kts -Roll to nearest horizon,
c. 150kts -pull using light Buffet then 4G to level - Once level - ensure engine surge free
Engine limits
…………………….%NH T6(°C)
Max Rating 104 880
Ground start 637
Relighting 840
Transient 104.5 885
In pre landing checks - what is max acceptable brake pressure for each wheel with brakes off?
150 PSI
At runway threshold, with QFE set, what are the limits for the altimeters?
HUD +/- 20ft
HDFD +/- 25ft
Baro +/- 50ft
The APU must be run when the outside air temperature is above what value? (For taxi out)
What is the maximum barrier entry speed at Leeming?
What is the recommended maximum fuel weight for a touch and go from a normal approach (clean or CLT config)?
What is the threshold speed for an aircraft with CLT carrying out a flapless approach?
151Kts +1.5Kts per 100KG of fuel remaining
Fuel Pressure Low [FPR] caption
Throttle - Min prac
How is IMBS calculated?
IMBS is as per line up card, adding 3kts per 100kg fuel below 800kg
E.g. with an 800kg figure on the line up card of 128kts, landing at 500kg, IMBS is 137kts (800-500=3, 3x3=9, 128+9=137)