Half-Life:(1-2 hrs)
Mechanism of Action:activation of neuronal nicotinic receptors
Elimination: (urine)
Rx: withdrawal symptoms of smoking cessation
NICK activates neuronal NICK R and pees
Half-Life: (5-8min)
Mechanism of Action: Depolarizing block of muscle nicotinic receptors
Elimination: Butyrl Cholinesterase
Rx: Neuromuscular block for electroconvulsive shock therapy or emergency intubation
Sucky C(h)OLE is not polar, can block NICK, who gets ride of him? Booty (butyrl) COLE–his big bro. Sucky COLE is used for his neuromuscular block of acdc or ER inTUBE
Half-Life: 150msec
Mechanism of Action: nicotinic and muscarinic agonist
Rx: NONE (not used clinically)
Half-Life: (relatively short)
Mechanism of Action: muscarinic agonist
Elimination: AchE
Rx: Diagnosis of subclinical asthma, or test for severity of asthma
Meth addict Cole is a barely a weezer, test to see how bad he weezes.
Half-Life:(4-8hrs topically, 24hrs intraocular)
Mechanism of Action: muscarinic and nicotinic receptor agonist
Elimination: AchE
Rx: Miotic agent in ocular surgery, to reduce pressure following ocular surgery
cole likes carbs. mitosis during eye surgery to take the pressure off.
Mechanism of Action: muscarinic agonist
Elimination: unknown
Rx: urinary retention, bladder atony
cole took the long way to bethlehem, couldnt urinate, bladder dilated cant empty properly
Mechanism of Action: muscarinic agonist
Elimination: AchE
Rx: Dry mouth from head and neck radiation (or Sjorgren’s syndrome), narrow angle glaucoma
there is a huge pile of crap on me for an hour. glaucoma, cant see the water fountain so have dry mouth but jk its actually from head/neck radiation cuz i have cancer.
Half-Life: (50-90 min)
Mechanism of Action: AchE inhibitor
Elimination: AchE and plasma esterases
Rx: Myasthenia gravis, reverse neuromuscular block
new stigma around myasthenia gravis (my weak and easily tireable muscles), reverse reverse neuromu block
Half-Life: ~10 min
Mechanism of Action: AchE inhibitor
Elimination: Bile
Rx: Dx of myasthenia gravis, reversal of neuromuscular block
the phony ed/pedro: edro. its a scam, he only lasts 10 mins
Half-Life: (45-60min)
Mechanism of Action: Reversible AchE inhibitor
Elimination: AchE
Rx: Delirium from anticholinergic drugs, glaucoma
being physical is stigmatized, that made me sad, so now im delirious from anti-ACh drugs and I cant see (glaucoma)
Half-Life:(~70 hrs)
Mechanism of Action: reversible AchE inhibitor
Elimination: Liver
Rx: Alzheimer’s Dx
When you have Alzheimers youll be DONEzo
Half-Life: ~75 min
Mechanism of Action: peripheral AchE reactivator
Elimination: Urine
Rx: Respiratory muscle weakness in organophosphate poisoning
my doxen had a praline, it got stuck because he has weak breathing muscles that were weakened by orgo PP. took 75 mins to get the praline out
Half-Life: VERY LONG
Mechanism of Action: irreversible AchE Inhibitor
Elimination: unknown
Rx: open angle glaucoma
Theo was alone in the open corridor for a VERY LONG time, couldnt see but could hear the echo
Half-Life: (2hr)
Mechanism of Action: muscarinic ANTagonist
Elimination: Liver
Rx: Excess secretions during surgery, the increased frequency and urg. association with cystitis, hypertonic gut, organophosphate poisoning, bradycardia
d santagg is a-trooper for dealing with excess secretions during surger, OPP, tom brady, HYPER gut, cystitis
Half-Life: (~9.5hr transdermal, 24 intra)
Mechanism of Action: muscarinic ANTagonist
Elimination: unknown
Rx: motion sickness, anti-salilagogue in surgery
i was on deck trying to scope the laminator but i got motion sick and had surgery to stop drooling.
Half-Life: (0.5-2hrs)
Mechanism of Action: muscarinic receptor ANTagonist
Elimination: urine
Rx: protects against excessive muscarinic activation during reversal of neuromuscular blockade, ANTI-sialagogue (ANTI saliva secretion)
hes a little late, but gl(e)yco is a pyro. He uses fire to protect against excess (naughty) action during reversal of neuromuscular