Body map Flashcards
So, hands up if you have had days or moments in days..
if this has happened to you - not feeling okay and perhaps not knowing why
How do you think someone knows
if they are having a day when they don’t feel ok? What might they be feeling in their body?
This picture represents
they physical symptoms we might experience when we are not ok - when we may be worried, sad or down.
You might be wondering what these physical symptoms
have got to do with our mental health - well, how we think and feel emotionally is very much felt physically in the body.
Sometimes we can feel these symptoms
but have no awareness of the emotions behind it.
So, if one of your friends came to school
with all of this going on inside, what behaviours might you notice?
This picture represents
the way people can respond to the difficult feelings they have inside. We are not labelling them as being good or bad, just ways of coping with or responding to a difficult feeling.
If this was your friend
What could you do to help?