A soace or compartment in the body that houses organs and structure.
Body Cavities
2 tyoes of body cavities in human body
Dorsal Cavity and Ventral Cavity
Cavity in the back of the body?
Cavity in the Front of the body?
Dorsal cavity have 2 sub cavities called?
Cranial Cavity and Spinal Cavity
Ventral cavity have 2 sub cavities called?
Thoracic Cavity and Abdominopelvic Cavity
Abdominopelvic Cavity have 2 sub cavity that is ?
Abdominal cavity and Pelvic cavity
What Cavity houses the Central Nervous System?
Dorsal Cavity
Cranial Cavity houses what organ?
Spinal Cavity houses what organ?
Spinal Cord
This Dorsal Cavity located around Superior Dorsal cavity
Cranial Cavity
A Dorsal Cavity that is located at Inferiror Dorsal Cavity
Spinal Cavity
Ventral Cavity that is located at the superior ventral cavity?
Thoracic Cavity
Ventral cavity that is located at the inferiror ventral cavity
Abdominopelvic Cavity
It is in central cavity that houses Heart, lungs, Esophagus.
Thoracic Cavity