Bodies Of Water Flashcards
Sea on the northern coast of Turkey
Black Sea
Small body of water southwest of the Black Sea
Sea on the northwest coast of Iran
Caspian Sea
Gulf on the southern coast of Yemen
Gulf of Aden
Gulf on the northern coast of Omen
Gulf of Omen
Ocean below the Arabian Sea and off the coast of the Arabian Peninsula
Indian Ocean
Sea on the southern coast of Turkey
Mediterranean Sea
Gulf off the south coast of Iran and the northeast coast of Saudi Arabia
Persian Gulf
A long sea on the west coast of Saudi Arabia and Yemen
Red Sea
Strait between the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Omen
Strait of Hormuz
Sea in Irael
Dead Sea
The western most river going from the Persian Gulf to the Anatolia Peninsula
Euphrates River
River that goes along the inland border of Israel
Jordan River
Canal between the Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea
Sues Canal
The eastern River connecting the Persian Gulf to the Black Sea
Tigris River