Boards Prep: Ocular Anatomy Video Flashcards
- Does the Superior Oblique Attach Anterior/Posterior to the Equator?
- From there, where does it attach (what area of the eye)?
- What does this tell us about the Action of the SO?
- How many degrees out isolate the Recti?
- How many degrees out isolate the Obliques?
- Posterior to the Equator
- Attaches to the Back LATERAL SIDE of the Eye.
- Primary action is to cause INTORSION.
- 23 degrees
- 51-55 degrees
- What makes up the Lateral Wall of the orbit?
- What makes up the Superior wall?
- Medial Wall: (ELMS)
- Where do all of the Recti muscles originate from?
- What sits in front of the Superior Orbital Fissure?
- Greater wing of the sphenoid bone and the Zygomatic Bone
- Frontal bone and Lesser wing of the Sphenoid Bone
- Ethmoid, Lacrimal, Maxilla, and Sphenoid bones
- The Annulus of Zinn
- The Common Tendinous Ring
- A Pt has a lesion within the Common Tendinous Ring. What would you expect? (NOAh)
- Nasociliary Nerve (Corneal Innervation), Oculomotor Nerve (CN 3: Accommodation, Miosis, Levator, 4/6 EOMs), and Abducens Nerve
- What makes up the inferior Orbit? (My Pal gets his Z’s on the floor)
- Maxillary, Palantine, Zygomatic
What are the 3 Branches of V1 (NFL)
- What are the 2 Branches of the Frontal Nerve?
Nasociliary Nerve (Cornea)
Frontal Nerve (Center of Forehead)
Lacrimal Nerve
- Supratrochlear (More medial) and Supraorbital (right above the orbit) Nerves
What does V3 do?
**CN V: Sensory Sensory Sensory w/a little bit of Motor
- What Reflex does CN 5 do?
- Sensory for Mandible as well as innervation to the Muscles of Mastication (esp…the Masseter Muscle)
- Reflex BLINKING (Sensory portion)…Afferent
CN 7: Motor Motor Motor, with a little bit of Sensory
- What are the Motor Functions?
- What’s the Sensory function?
- Facial Expression, Closing the Eye (Orbicularis Oculi)
2. Lacrimation (REFLEX TEARING!!!)
- What Reflex Blinking can CN 2 do?
- What Reflex Blinking does CN V do?
- What Reflex Blinking does CN 8 do?
- DAZZLE (Bright light) or Denace the Menace (someone coming to punch you in the face)
- Something touching your cornea/eye (ie, Cotton Swab Test)
- LOUD NOISES can cause u to blink.
What does the SPCAs do?
- Circle of Zinn
CN 12 Lesion on right side, what will happen to the tongue?
- The tongue will deviate towards the right.
CN 10: Vagus: Lesion: What will u see occur with the uvula if the lesion is on the right?
The uvula will deviate to the left.
Which CNs have Parasympathetic function?
(Lacrimation…reflex tearing)
(Accommodation and Miosis)
CN 7 (Pterygopalantine or Sphenopalantine Ganglion)
CN 3 (3—> Ciliary Ganglion)
Which CNs have Sympathetic Function to the eye?
(Meuller’s Muscle)
(Dilator Muscle)
3 to Meullers, 5 to Dilator (Nasociliary Division of V1 and it’s the Long Ciliary portion)
*SNS: Big Mooch
- Where are the Glands of Wolfring Located?
2. Where are the Glands of Krausse located?
2. In the Creases (the Fornices)
- What’s the most common Epithelial Dystrophy?
2. Whats the most common Stromal Dystrophy?
- EBMD (classic finding: NEGATIVE STAINING: Due to AD dystrophy that results in EXCESSIVE BM Production…pushing epithelium out in that area)
- Granular