BNF Flashcards
Half black-Half white box means
JFC says less suitable for prescribing
Black triangle means
limited experience of the use of this product and the MHRA requests that all suspected adverse reactions should be reported
EMA says require additional monitoring
NHS with strike through
not prescribable under NHS
Very common side effect
> 1 in 10
Common side effect
1 in 10 - 1 in 100
Less common side effect
1 in 100 - 1 in 1000
Rare side effect
1 in 1000 to 1 in 10,000
Very rare side effect
Sugar-free means
No fructose, glucose, sucrose
Why do sugar-free marked products contain some sugars?
They do not cause dental caries
Unlicensed in the BNF Vs Unlicensed drugs
Unlicensed use in the BNF is off-label use
Unlicensed drugs are unapproved drugs in the country
CHM means
Commission on Human Medicines
MHRA means
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
Dose of Zopiclone
7.5mg at bedtime. 3.75mg in elderly or chronic pulmonary insufficiency
Appendix 1 of the BNF is
Appendix 3 of the BNF is
Cautionary labels
Appendix 4 of the BNF is
IV additives
Appendix 5 of the BNF is
Wound dressings
After the appendices there are
Dental Formulary
Nurse Formulary
Chlorhexadine solutions in neonates
Risk of burns
Dose of Atorvastatin
Primary Hypercholesterolaemia/Hyperlipidaemia or Familial Hypercholesterolaemia: 10mg
Primary Prevention CVD: 20mg
Secondary prevention CVD: 80mg (MAX)
Consequences of prescribing outside of marketing authorisation
Increases professional responsibility and liability
Must inform patient
Provide an oral syringe when
Dose prescribed is not a multiple of 5 (
Oral/Enteral syringes must
be labelled “Oral” or “Enteral” in large font size
Which excipients are shown in monograph
Aspartame, Gluten, Sulfites, Tartrazine, Arachis (peanut) oil, Sesame oil
Label is recommended to include
Keep out of sight and reach of children
Use this medicine only on your skin (when applicable)
Presence of Polyoxyl Castor oil in injections shown because
Associated with severe anaphylatic reactions
Presence of Propylene Glycol in oral/parenteral is shown because
Interacts with Disulfiram/Metronidazole
Adverse effects if elmination impaired - eg. renal failure in neonates/young/slow metabolisers
Freshly prepared must be made
No more than 24hours before its use
Recently prepared can be used for
4 weeks stored at 15-25deg
Water means
Freshly drawn drinkable from public supply
Freshly Boiled Cooled Purified
NICE against SMC in Scotland
SMC wins
Which drugs are irritant/potent and should be handled with caution
Corticosteroids, some Antimicrobials, Phenothiazines, Cytotoxics
Patients MUST be warned to
Keep all meds out of REACH of children
Child-resistant container unless
Original Pack inadvisable to break, Pt difficulty opening, requested, none available
Labelling MUST include
Patient Name, Name + Address of person dispensing, Date of dispensing, Name of medicine, Directions for use, Precautions
Label is recommended to include
Keep out of sight and reach of children
Use this medicine only on your skin (when applicable)
Can dispense prescriptions from
Doctors, Dentists from EEA and Switz except Sch 1,2,3 and unlicensed in UK.
Prescription requirements for EEA/Switz
Ink/indelible, dated, name patient, address prescriber, particulars, signed
PGD is
Patient Group Direction
National Institute of Health and Care Excellence
three times daily
NICE against SMC in Scotland
SMC wins
Normal Prescription requirements
Name and address patient, signed in ink, address prescriber, particulars, date, DOB if
before food
b.d, o.d, t.d.s, q.d.s
twice, once, three, four times daily
every morning
every night
after food
when required
every four hours
stat means
three times daily
Caution 1
Warning: This medicine may make you sleepy
Caution 2
Warning: This medicine may make you sleepy. If this happens, do not drive or use tools or machines. Do not drink alcohol
Caution 3
Warning: This medicine may make you sleepy. If this happens, do not drive or use tools or machines
Caution 4
Warning: Do not drink alcohol
Caution 5
Do not take indigestion remedies 2 hours before or after you take this medicine
Caution 6
Do not take indigestion remedies, or medicines containing iron or zinc, 2 hours before or after you take this medicine
Caution 7
Do not take milk, indigestion remedies, or medicines containing iron or zinc, 2 hours before or after you take this medicine
Caution 8
Warning: Do not stop taking this medicine unless your doctor tells you to stop
Caution 9
Space the doses evenly throughout the day. Keep taking this medicine until the course is finished, unless you are told to stop
Caution 10
Warning: Read the additional information given with this medicine
Caution 11
Protect your skin from sunlight—even on a bright but cloudy day. Do not use sunbeds
Caution 12
Do not take anything containing aspirin while taking this medicine
Caution 13
Dissolve or mix with water before taking
Caution 14
This medicine may colour your urine. This is harmless
Caution 15
Caution: flammable. Keep your body away from fire or flames after you have put on the medicine
Caution 16
Dissolve the tablet under your tongue—do not swallow. Store the tablets in this bottle with the cap tightly closed. Get a new supply 8 weeks after opening
Caution 17
Do not take more than . . . in 24 hours
Caution 18
Do not take more than . . . in 24 hours. Also, do not take more than . . . in any one week
Caution 32
Contains aspirin. Do not take anything else containing aspirin while taking this medicine
Caution 21
Take with or just after food, or a meal
Caution 22
Take 30 to 60 minutes before food
Caution 24
Suck or chew this medicine
Caution 26
Dissolve this medicine under your tongue
Caution 27
Take with a full glass of water
Caution 28
Spread thinly on the affected skin only
Caution 29
Do not take more than 2 at any one time. Do not take more than 8 in 24 hours
Caution 30
Contains paracetamol. Do not take anything else containing paracetamol while taking this medicine. Talk to a doctor at once if you take too much of this medicine, even if you feel well
Caution 32
Contains aspirin. Do not take anything else containing aspirin while taking this medicine
On a FP10D a Dentist can prescribe
Only those meds in Dental Practitioners Formulary
Ordering for surgery use and Private Rx the dentist can order
Anything in any quantity
T/F: Dentists must contact GP if they prescribed something
Computer-issued Rx must have
- Patients first and last name and initials, patient address, age of patients under 12 and over 60, age under 5 in years and months
- Dr’s name, address, ref no, PCT, ph no
- English. Dose and quantity numbers, frequency words. Warnings in words.
- Max no items/Rx. Rest space spoilt
- Hand alterations exceptional - signed. Contraceptives with ♀sign. CD signed.
- “Confidential” on other side. Duplicate labelled as such
Emergency supply by patient
- Interview to check need, previous use, dose
- Max 5 days for Phenobarb and Sch 1,2,3. 30 Days anything else unless Insulin/Ointment/cream/aerosol/contraceptive/AB
- POM entry date, name, quantity, form, strength, pt name, address, nature emergency
- Label: date, name, quantity, form, strength, pt name, pharmacy name, address, words “Emergency Supply”, words “Keep out of reach of children”
Emergency supply for prescriber
- Satisfactory reason
- Give Rx in 72 hours
- Directions of prescriber
- No 1, 2, 3 except Phenobarb for epilepsy
- POM entry date of supply, date on Rx, date recieved RX, name, quantity, form, strength, prescriber name, address, pt name, address
Schedule 1 includes
Lysergide etc which are not used medicinally. HO special license
Schedule 2 includes
Diamorphine, Morphine, Pethidine, Amfetamines, Sodium Oxybate, Cocaine
Schedule 2 need
Safe custody (not secobarbital), registers etc
Schedule 3 include
Barbiturates (not secobarbital), Buprenorphine, Midazolam, Temazepam, Tramadol
Schedule 3 need
2 years invoice, Registers, Safe custody (except phenobarb, midazolam, tramadol, pentazocine, mazindol, meprobamate, phentermine)
Schedule 4 (1) include
Include Benzos (not tramadol, midazolam), zaleplon, zolpidem, zopiclone
Schedule 4 (2) include
Androgenic and Anabolic steroids, Clenbuterol, Gonadotrophins, Somatropin
Schedule 4 need
No Rx requirements, no safe custody
Schedule 5 need
Retention 2 years
Prescription requirements for CDs are
Indelible, signed by hand, dated, prescribers address, pt name and address, form and strength, volume in ml or dose units/total in words and figures, dose
Pharmacist can amend Sch 2 or 3 scripts by
if total quantity in words/figures only or minor typographical errors
Pharmacist amendment must be
clearly attributable to pharmacist
Script validity of Schedule 2, 3, 3 is
28 days from issue date or date post-dated
Instalment scripts must specify
Amount of instalments, intervals to be observed
Regarding repeats for schedule 2 and 3
not allowed
Private prescriptions for schedule 2 and 3 must be
Written on designated form giving prescribers identification number unless in hospital
30 days treatment on Rx for
Schedule 2, 3 and 4 unless justified (add to notes)
Canabis extract used for
spasticity in multiple sclerosis
Supervised consumption when
starting (3 months), after relapse, major dose increase
Continued until prescriber confident on compliance
Which drugs are not subject to import export licensing
Sch 4 (2) and 5
Personal import export license for carrying
Sch 2, 3, 4 (1) if travelling for more than 3 months
To treat addiction of Cocaine, Diamorphine and Dipipanone
need a HO license
To treat pain with Cocaine, Diamorphine and Dipipanone
no license needed
What should be reported via the Yellow Card Scheme
All suspected SERIOUS/new drug adverse drug reactions to any therapeutic agents even if due to overdose, misuse, medication error or off-label and unlicensed meds.
Who can report on Yellow card scheme
Healthcare professional or patient/carer
What is the Drug Safety Research Unit
Identifies selected patients on new meds and collects data on clinical events