BN Ch 81 Cardiovascular Disorders Flashcards
A test is used to assess the severity of symptomatic and asymptomatic cardiac disease.
Stress Test
________edema is a type of edema formed when a finger pressed on a swollen area leaves an indention that lasts longer than normal.
_________, one of the symptoms of CHF, refers to the presence of albumin in the urine.
_________ monitoring is a special kind of monitoring used when the heart pressures are increased.
________refers to an inflammation of the sac surrounding the heart, which may be caused by infection, allergy, malignancy, trauma, or some other nonspecific problem.
_____ angina is a type of angina pain that does not respond to therapy and is so persistent that the client cannot work.
Extremities are blanched and cold,perspire and feel numb and prickly.
Raynaud phenomenon
Groups of small dialated blood vessels treated with scleropathy.
First sign is cramps in the calf muscles, brought on by excercise, which disappears with rest.
Burger disease
Dark, tortuous superficial veins that become more prominent when the person stands and appear as dark protrusions.
Varicose veins
Why would the nurse take the client’s apical pulse before administering any digitalis preparation to the client?
- Before administering any digitalis preparation, the nurse should take the client’s apical pulse for 1 full minute.
- The nurse should not give the medication if the pulse is less than 60 beats/min and should report such a finding immediately.
- Low pulse may indicate overdigitalization.
Why would a nurse ask a client if they are allergic to shellfish or iodine before performing any test using radiopaque dye?
- The nurse must ask the client if he or she is allergic to shellfish or iodine before performing any test, such as an angiocardiogram, that involves injection of a radiopaque dye into the client’s vessel.
- If the client is allergic to shellfish or iodine, the dye could cause a severe anaphylactic reaction.
What are the nursing interventions when caring for a client who is scheduled to undergo cardiac catheterization?
- The nurse should inform the client who is scheduled to undergo cardiac catheterization that the procedure is not painful but could be uncomfortable.
- The nurse should also warn the client about a sensation of warmth and a “fluttering” in the heart as the catheter passes through the blood vessels.
- The nurse should get a signed informed consent from the client and make sure that the client has nothing by mouth (NPO) for at least 6 hours before the procedure.
What are the criteria for selection of clients for thrombolytic therapy?
- If thrombolytic therapy is to be administered to a client, the nurse should ensure that the client has not undergone or experienced a recent surgery, an organ biopsy, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, strokes, bleeding abnormalities, intracranial neoplasm, recent head injury, pregnancy, or allergy to streptokinase.
What are the important preoperative considerations required for a client who is scheduled for cardiac surgery?
- As part of preoperative care for a client who is scheduled for cardiac surgery, the nurse should ensure that the client consumes good nutrition, has extra oxygen for the body (which has been deprived of an adequate oxygen supply), follows the prescribed vitamin therapy, practices deep breathing, and has undergone the appropriate routine tests and procedures.