bmsc 207 muscle Flashcards
function of muscle
primary function is generate force and movement in response to stimulus
- body movement
maintenance of posture
production of body heat
constriction of organs and vessels
types of muscles
skeletal: voluntary by somatic motor neurons, striated and multinucleated
cardiac: involuntary, spontaneous electrical activity can be altered by autonomic NS hormones
striated and uninucleated
smooth:involuntary, autonomic control, spontaneous, hormones, pararcrines and autocrines
non striated and uninucleated
control of: digestive tract, urinary tract, reproductive tract, blood vessels, airways
skeletal muscle
how is it attached?
antagonstic muscle
usually attached to bones by tendons
40% of total body weight
origin: closest to the trunk or to more stationary bone
insertion: more distal or more mobile attachment
antagonistic muscle groups: flexor-extensor pairs
flexor: brings bone together
extensor: moves bones away
thin filaments
F-actin: back bone of thin filaments, double stranded alpha helical polymer of G-actin molecules. contains binding site for thick filaments (myosin)
tropomyosin: two identical alpha helicies that coil around each other and sit in the two grooves formed by actin strands, regulates the binding of myosin and actin
troponin complex: heterotrimer consisting of
1) troponin T: binds to a single molecule of tropomyosin
2) troponin C: Ca binding site
3) troponin I: under resting conditions is bound to actin inhibiting contraction
thick filaments
consist of a bundle of myosin molecules
myosin head contains a region for binding actin as well as a site binding and hydrolyzing ATP (ATPase)
regulatory light chain regulates ATPase activity of myosin
essential light chain stabilizes myosin head
titin: very large protein extending from M line to Z line, appears to be involved in stabilzation of thick filaments and the elastic recoil behaviour of muscle
nebulin: a large protein that interacts with the thin filaments, believed to regulate the length of thin filaments and contribute to the structural and contribute to the structural integrity of myofibrils
sarcomere (bands and line/discs)
z disk: zigzag protein structure that is the attachment site for the thin filaments
I bands- lightest band of sacromere, region occupied only by actin
a band: darkest band, encompasses entire lenght of the thick filament, including very dark are where thin and thick filaments overlap
H zone: central region of A band, consists only of thick filaments.
M line- proteins form the attachment site for the thick filaments, equilvalent to z disk for thin filaments
neuromuscular junction
point of synaptic contact between somatic motor neuron and individual muscle fibre
the synapse of a lower motor neuron to a muscle fiber
brain regions involved in voluntary movement
primary motor cortex
-basal ganglia
- premotor cortex
- thalamus
- cerebellum
- midbrain
corticospinal tract: descending tract (ventral and interior lateral white matter)
upper motor neuron: brain to brainstem or spinal cord
alpha (lower) motor neuron: spinal cord or brain stem to muscle
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
neurodegenerative motor neuron disease
upper and lower motor neurons degenrate leading to muscle atrophy and weakness from disease
alpha motor neuron and motor units
the amount need varies b/c.
large, myelinated axon, 15-120 m/sec
each axon branches and inneravtes serveral muscle fibers
all muscle fibers respond simultaneously (all or nothing)
number muscle fibers/motor units varies
- <10 for delicate precise work
>100’s for powerful, less precise contractions
nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
where are they found?
sacrolemma of muscle fiber contains nicotonic acetlycholine receptors
ceasing neural transmittion
once AP’s stop firing in the alpha motor neuron acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft must be removed and will diffuse away or be broken down to acetate and choline by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase
choline is transported back into the motor neuron and combined with acetyl CoA produced from mitochondria by the enzyme choline acetyltransferase to make acetylcholine
myasthenia gravis
means severe weakness of muscle
disorder of neuromuscular transmission
can be restricted to extracular muscles or generalized
autoimmune: body produces antibodies that bind to ACH receptors
excitation-contraction coupling
the ultimate intracellular signal that triggers contraction in all muscle types is a rise in intracellular calcium
depending on the muscle type, Ca can enter the sacroplasm from the extracellular space via voltage gated Ca channels or can be release into sacroplasm from the intracellular SR
the process by which electrical excitation of the surface membrane triggers an increase of Ca in muscle is known as excitation-contraction coupling
T- tubules
t tubule penetrate the muscle fiber and surround the myofibrils at two points in each sacromere, at the A and I band junctions
along its length the tubules are associated with two cisternae (specialized end regions of the SR) to form a traid
DHP receptor
RyR ryanodine receptor
DHP receptor: L-type Ca channel, voltage sensitive
RyR ryanodine receptor: Ca release channel on SR
DHP receptor opens RyR Ca release channels in SR, and Ca enters the cytoplasm
An increase in Ca triggers contraction by removing
the inhibition of cross bridge cycling
Ca binds low affininty sites on troponin C which induces a conformational change in the troponin complex:
causes the troponin complex as well as tropomyosin to move revealing the myosin binding site on the actin.
sliding filament theory
1) ATP binding: ATP binds to the head of myosin heavy chain reducing affinity of myosin for actin
2) ATP hydrolysis: ATP is broken down to ADP and inorganic phosphate resulting in the myosin head pivoting around hinge into cocked state. the cocked head is now aligned with and binds to a new actin molecule on thin filament.
3) the powerstroke: disassociation of Pi from myosin head strenghtens bond between actin and myosin and triggers power stroke, a conformational change in which the myosin head returns to its un-cocked state and while doing so pulls the actin generating force
4) ADP releases: dissociation of ADP from myosin casues myosin to remain bound to actin until ATP initiates the cycle again
termination of contraction requires removal of Ca
one the AP has subsided Ca must be removed so myosin binding site on actin can be covered by tropomyosin
Ca can be remove to the extracellular space by the Na-Ca exchanger or by the Ca pump which uses ATP
-would eventually deplete the cell of any CA, leaving the SR empty and becasue of this plays a minor role
rigid mortis
development of rigid muscle several hours after death
Ca leaks into the sarcoplasm and binds to troponin
ATP production stops:
Ca cannot be removed
ATP needed to release myosin head from actin
remains in latched cross bridge formation until muscle begin to deteriorate
timing of E-C coupling
slight delay between motor neuron AP and muscle fiber AP (synaptic release)
delay between muscle fiber AP and contraction time when Ca is being release and binding to troponin
ATP is needed for
and sources of ATP
myosin ATPase (contraction)
Ca Atpase: SERCA (relaxation)
Na/K ATPase (after AP in muscle fiber)
sources: free intracellular ATP (few seconds)
ATP formed from phosphcreatine (10 seconds)
ATP produced through anaerobic metabolism
ATP produced through aerobic metabolsim
anaerobic metabolism
process has no oxygen
one glucose molecule can then be broken down to pyruvate by glycolysis resulting in the production of two ATP molecules
takes place in the sacroplasm of the muscle
oxidative (aerobic) metabolism
if O2 and mitochondria are present
after glycolysis pyruvate then enters the citric acid cycle producing two more molecules of ATP as well as high energy electrons and H
the high energy electrons and H combine with O2 in the electron trasnport chain to produce an additional 26-28 molecules of ATP
occurs in mitochondria and oxygen is neccesary
muscle fatigue
a decrease in muscle tension as a result of previous contractile activity that is reversible with rest (hours)
central fatigue
peripheral fatigue
central fatigue: feeling of tiredness and a desire to cease activity. Precedes physiological cell fatigue meaning your muscles are not fatigue yet
peripheral fatigue: at the NMJ : proposed ACH synthesis cant keep up with neuron firing, decreased neurotransmitter release> decrease ACHR activation on muscle>muscle fails to reach threshold for firing AP
most experimental evidence
very unlikely theory tho
points to problems with EC coupling or the process following
action potential propgation: at the t tubule: potassium build up in the t tubule the amount of K leaving will be higher than the speed of the sodium-potassium ATPase putting it back causing hypoclemia
determinants of muscle force/tension development
force/muscle cell
fiber diameter
- fatiguability
- initial resting length
- frequency of activation
force/entire muscle
number of muscle cell activated
number of muscle cells/motor unit
number of motor units activated
how does muscle length influence tension development
the overlap between actin and myosin
single twitch vs summation
what causes a twitch? how long does it last
a single AP in a single muscle fiber results in a individual muscle twitch
muscle can relax between stiumuli
AP last 1-3ms twitch lasts up to 100ms
summation: AP occurs before the muscle fobre is allowed to relax a more forceful contraction occurs.
a single AP does not cause a release of the entire Ca store from the SR
the Ca released from one AP may not lead to all troponin complexes being activated for a sufficient amount of time, some regions of actin may be recovered by tropomyosin before crossbridge cycling can actually begin
a second AP causes a sceond wave of Ca that may keep additional troponin complexes activated allowed for more cross bridges to be formed
Ca remains elevated for a longer period of time allowing increased cross bridge cycling and further shortening of the sacromeres
a maintained contractile response to a repeated stimuli
unfused tetanus: reaches steady state of contraction but stimuli are far enough apart that the muscle fiber slightly relaxes between stimuli
fused tetanus: the stimulation rate is fast enough that the fibre does not relax, instead it reaches max tension and remians there
to increase tension developed by muscle fiber increase the rate AP occur in the fibre
motor unit
motor neuron pool
motor unit: a single motor neuron and all the muscle fibres it innervates; one motor neuron innervates one fibre type
motor neuron pool: the group of all motor neurons innervating a single muscle
why doesnt the large diameteer neuron reach threshold?
yes, cytoplasmic resistance would be lower in larger diamter neuron but current would encounter resistance over a much greater distance
more leakage in large diameter due to the large length
in small neurons, its smaller distance
size principle
small motor neurons innervate smaller muscle fibres and smaller motor units (type 1 slow oxidative)
intermediate size motor neurons innervate intermediate number of muscle fibers establishing intemediate sized motor units (type iia fast oxidative glycolytic
large motor neurons tend to innervate a large number of muscle fibres making up large motor units
slow oxidative–> fast oxidative glycolytic—> fast glycolytic
asynchronous recruitment
during submaximal contraction the CNS modulates firing rates of upper motor neurons to allow different motor units to maintain contraction in order to prevent to fatigue
isotonic contrations (con/ecc)
concentric: muscle shortens while generating force
eccentric: muscle lengthens while generating force
acts to decelerate the joint at the end of a movement
how do the sacrcromeres shorten during isometric contraction without the muscle changing lenght?
elastic elements in tendons, elastic and connective tissue in and around muscle fibres
skeletal muscle adpatations
increase in ATP synthesizing capacity
increase in mitochondria size and number
increased capillary density increase in glycolytic enzymes
neural adaptations: increased ability to recruit more units
reduced inhibitory input from GTO
muscle hypertrophy
when skeletal muscle is subjected to an overload stimulus, it causes perturbations in muscle fibers and the related extracellular matrix. this sets off a chain of myogenic events that ultimately leads to:
increase size in sarcomeres and number of contractile proteins
increased number of sarcomeres within a muscle length increased myofibrils
increased sacroplamic storage (glycogen)
more in type ii fibres
skeletla muscle atrophy
protein degradtion > protein synthesis
can occur due to disuse: immobilization, bed rest, and unloading (0 gravity)
weakness and or wasting due to chronic disease
cancer is often associated with a loss of weight and weakness of muscles
skeletal muscle reflexes
involved in almost all movements
receptors sense changes in joint movements, muscle tension and muscle lenght and feed info into the CNS which responds in one of two ways:
if muscle contraction is needed the CNS activates motor neurons to the muscle fibres
if relaxation is needed sensory input activates inhibitory interneurons in CNS which inhibit activity in motor neuron leading to relaxation
four components: sensory receptor, integrating center, efferent neurons, effectors
monosynaptic reflex
polysnaptic reflexes
monosynaptic reflex: has a single synapse between the afferent and efferent neurons
polysynaptic reflexes: has two or more synapses. this somatic motor reflex has both synapses in CNS
provide info into the CNS about the position of our limbs in space, movements, and the effort exerted by skeletal muscles
muscle spindles
small elongated stretch receptors scattered among and arranged parallel to skeletal muscle fibres.
send info to the CNS about muscle length and changes in muscle length
made up of sensory neuron wrapped around intrausal muscle fibres
extrafusal muscle fibres are regular muscle fibres innervated by alpha motor neurons
tonically active (muscle tone) meaning always firing AP to the CNS
causes a contraction in the agonist
golgi tendon organ
sensory neuron interwoven among collagen fibres inside a connective tissue capsule
respond to muscle tension (not tonically active)
originally proposed to primarily control inhibitory reflexes to prevent muscle damage
control force within muscles and stability around joints
GTO causes relaxation in the agonist muscle
joint receptors
these are found in the capsules and ligaments around joints and are stimulated by mechanical distortion that accompany changes in position of bones
dont iniate skeletal muscle reflex
alpha gamma neuron
it fires when the alpha neuron fires
get contraction on the ends, make sure there is some tension in the middle
when muscle contracted make sures the ends contract
maintains spindle function when muscle contracts
a flexion reflex pulls limbs from painful stimuli? what is it driven by
what is crossed extensor
painful stimulus activates nociceptor
prim sensory neurons enters the spinal cord and diverge
one collateral activates ascending pathways for pain and postural adjustment
withdrawl reflex pulls foot away from painful stimulus
crossed extensor reflex supports body as weight shifts away from painful stimulus
cardiac muslce
what is it made of
what connects them electrically and mechanically
made up of cardiac myocytes, which are shorter, branched cells and usually contain a single nucleus
interconnected by intercalated disks: desmosomes link mechanically
gap junctions link them electrically
its striated and has sacromeres like skeletal
does cardiac muscle have larger t tubules compared to skeletal muscle?
less or more of SR
less abundant but larger T tubules
smaller amounts of SR, requires the entry of extracellular Ca
a abundance of mitochondria (1/3 of cell volume)
contraction is not initiated by neurons for cardiac
approx 1% of myocardial cells are specialized non-contracting authorhytmic cells (pacemakers) that generate AP spontaneously. the depolarization begins in the sinoatrial node (main pacemaker of the heart)
smaller and contain few contractile fibres
dont produce force
AP’s in autorhythmic myocardial cells
unstable resting membrane potential at -60mV, never truly rest
HCN channels (funny current) open from -60 to nearly -40mV and allow a net influx of Na, causing the cell become depolarized
just before reaching threshold (-40mV) HCN channels close and T-type Ca channels open, allowing Ca to flow in, further depolarizing the cell to reach threshold
one reaching threshold L-type Ca open allowing an influx of Ca, causing the depolarizing spike of the AP
L-type Ca close and K channels open causing K to flow out of the cell, casuing the cell to repolarize and return to -60 now HCN channels open adn start the cycle again
AP’s in contractile myocardial cells
2 potassium channels (slow and fast)
1 Ca voltage gated channel
1 Na voltage gated channel
ions that entered from an AP transfered to adjacent cells through gap junctions leading to depolarization of adjacent cell
RMP is -90mV
once reach threshold voltaged gated Na channels open causing the Na spike of AP.
the positive voltage charge of the AP slowly opens L-type Ca channels.
there is a brief repolarization from fast K channels before the Ca influx
L-type Ca channels occur and the fast K channels close leading to sustained depolarization (the plateau)
once the Ca channels open, slow K channels repolarize the cell
how the autorhytmic and contractile myocardial connected
there would be spontaneous AP firing in the autorhymic, causing an inc in Ca
the Ca that comes in will go into the next cell (the contractile)
gap junctions will be linking the autoryhtmic cell 1 to contractile cell 2
Ca will be travelling through the gap junctions
high Ca will bring the membrane to threshold, opening the voltage gated channels in the next contractile cell
very long refractory period is caused by the contractile myocardial cell. which prevents summation in the heart, need a brief pause in between contractions so there can be blood in the heart
Excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac muscle
in cardiac muscle L-type Ca channels (DHP receptors) are not mechanically coupled to ryanodine receptors therefore Ca entry is necessary for contraction
Ca induced Ca release
Ca coming in during the AP from the extracellular fluid binds to ryondine receptors, iniating Ca release
but same that Ca binds to troponing ripping off tropomyosin allowing contraction
enhancing contractile force in cardiac muscle
in cardiac an increase in intracellular Ca in the cardiac myocytes enhances contractile force
cardiac muscle is capable of graded single twitch contractions (force can be different)
if cytosolic Ca is low some actin remains covered by tropomyosin
increased Ca—> additiional troponin complexes activated and increased cross bridge formation leading to inc force of contraction
length tension relationship: cardiac muscle generates a greater force when slightly stretched
in cardiac muscle, the SERCA pump
it is regulated by phospholamban
it will influence the SERCA pump activity
when it is dephosphorylated PLN inhibits SERCA
when phosphorylated: it increase Ca removal, enhancing relaxation and contractability
rate and uptake of Ca is inc
causing quicker relaxation and a larger store of Ca
the heart has neuronal input that modifies conduction/contraction
the sympathetic increases heart rate/conduction and contractibility (autorhymic and contractile)
the parasympathetic decreases heart rate/ conduction (autorhythmic)
phosphorylation effect on Ca, ryanodine receptors, and SERCA
phosphorylation of Ca channels increases Ca during action potentials
phosphorylation of ryanodine receptors enhance sensitivity to Ca, inc release of Ca from SR
increases rate of myosin ATPase
phosporylation of SERCA (PLN) inc the speed up of Ca re-uptake which in Ca storage
cardiac length tension relationship
a slightly stretched sarcomere inc the Ca sensitivity of the myofilaments
a stretched sarcomere has a decreased diameter which may reduce the distance that Ca needs to diffuse, increasing probability of cross-bridging cycling
a slightly stretched sarcomere puts additional tension on stress-activated Ca channels, increasing Ca entry from extracellular space and increasing ca induced Ca release
heart rate is under tonic control
autorhythmic cells can be modulated by sympathetic and parasypathetic neurons and therefore heart is under tonic control
Sa node would fire 90 Ap per min
if you want to lower, below 90 there has to be inc in parasympathetic input in the Sa node
at resting heart rate of 70-72 BPM parasympathetic is dominant
sympathetic would be 90<
modulating pacemaker activity (parasympathetic)
parasympathetic neurons containing ACH mainly innervate the SA and AV node
influnecing autorhymic myocardial cells, decreasing the frequency of AP (dec heart rate)
ACH acts on muscarinic cholinergic receptors opening K channels and closing T-type Ca channels and HCN channels.
since the pacemaker activity does not usually reside within the AV node, theses mechanisms act at the AV node to dec conduction velocity
modulating pacemaker activity (sympathetic)
beta1 adrenergic receptors can be activated by NE released from sympathetic neurons or epinephrine from the adrenal medulla
increased Na conductance through HCN channels and Ca through T-type channels causes:
cells reach threshold rapidly
a decreased level of repolarization