bmat Flashcards
general method
read question
read argument
discard and decide
conclusion finding method
look for a conclusion indicator (thus, theregore, in conc)
is it the most important opinion in the passage from the author?Q
what is an assumption
he unwritten link between the reasons and the conclusion. You can think of it as something the author must believe to be true, for the conclusion to hold.
method for assumptions
find the conclusion
find the main reasons
find the mismatch between the reasons and the conclusion
link the reason with the mis matched concept in the conclusion
discard and decide
method for flaws
find conclusion
is the flaw obvious?
if not, find the assumption
common flaws
absolute numbers vs percentages correlation vs causation overlooking alternatives illogical comparisons projecting jumping to conclusions
what are strengthening and weakening q
These questions require you to add a sentence to the argument in order to strengthen or weaken it.
This is a simple case of applying each answer choice to the argument, and deciding if it strengthens or weakens the conclusion. Often, the argument can be strengthened by stating or validating the assumption. Likewise, the argument can usually be weakened by negating the assumption.
method for strengthening or weakening
Read the Question and decide if you’re looking for something to Strengthen or Weaken.
Find the conclusion and assumption.
Go through the answer choices and discard incorrect answers and decide on the correct answer
what are inferences
conclusions that logically follow from the reasons given in the argument
method for inferences
Read the Question
Read the Argument aggressively
Go through the options and Discard and Decide.
method for principles
find the principle in an argument and then pick an answer choice which illustrates the same principle.
waht are principles
the foundation of the chain of reasoning. needs to be read and generalised into its skeleton
what could be the principle
generalised argument
arguments conclusion
what are reasoning parallels
Which of the following most closely parallels the reasoning in the above argument?
method for reasoning parallels
Rewrite the argument in shorthand (A,B,C,D for each action, thought or factor)
Rewrite each answer in shorthand. Discarding as you go.
As soon as you reach the answer, mark it on your answer sheet; and on to the next one!