he’s staining her innocence:
“the lilies..stain you” - Marquis corrupts her true self - influences and shapes her movements
she’s forced to act around him:
“forced to always mimic surprise”
narrative perspective:
BEFORE she finds the dead exes
“midst of my bridal triumph” - she’s excited over the marriage
narrative perspective:
AFTER she finds the dead exes
“mimicking the new bride” - facade of marriage has faded - aware of the reality of being with the Marquis
a quote that shows she’s lost her self in becoming his wife
“ceased to be her kind, in becoming his wife” - ownership objectification - she cannot play both roles
she’s aware that corruption is inevitable - inner desire perhaps?
“i sensed in myself a potentiality for corruption”
description of the Marquis
“cobra-headed” lily / “leone-headed and dark mane”
example of deception within the text:
“like a mask” - his monstrosity is hidden
animalistic description of the Marquis:
“appetite did not diminish”
marriage is driven by the Marquis’ lust and desire
“nudging between my thighs” - ownership of her body
the Marquis is driven by her fear
“anticipation is the greatest form of pleasure”
- isolation
“faery solitude”
“cut of by the tide” (link to ‘The Woman In Black’)
- castle
“marvellous castle”
- represents the different parts of him and his identity; chamber = core of his identity / office is his facade
background of the Marquis: women
“gallery of beautiful women”
comparison to the Marquis:
piano tuner
“he was blind” - instead of using male gaze, he has to listen to her in order to know her - caused the girl unable to feel the need to play a role / conform
the girl going against what her mother says - when asked if she loves him
“I’m sure I want to marry him”
- she is marrying his lifestyle and wealth, rather than him
jewellery foreshadowing her fate -
“choker of rubies”
- wearing death upon her neck
- contrasting death with wealth
Carter differentiations her texts from classical Gothic texts by communicating that women do feel lust and desire
“I felt both a strange, impresonal arousal at the thought of love”
forcing pleasure onto her / murdering
“impaled a dozen brides”
example of the Marquis hurting the girl
“i had bled”