Blood Vessels Flashcards
Blood from the body to the heart
Blood from the heart to the body
Small arteries
Smallest arterial vessels.
Where vnous return starts at the capillary level… Very small veins… Deoxygenated blood!
Tunica Intima
Inner lining of blood vessels (endothelium)
Tunica Media
Middle layer of the vessel. Includes smooth muscle portion and is the thickest of layers.
Tunica Adventitia
Outer layer of the vessel.
Coronary arteries
Artery that supplies the heart muscle (myocardium)
Right coronary artery
Devides into branches on the right side of heart.
The branches supply the blood flow to RIGHT ATRIUM and RIGHT VENTRICLE, and under (inferior portion) of the LEFT VENTRICLE.
It also supplied blood to the conduction system(SINUS AND AV NODES)
Left coronary artery
Divides into two branches.
Supplies blood to most of the left ventricle, intraventricular septum, and sometimes the AV node.
Two branches of the LEFT coronary artery
Left Anterior Descending
Circumflex Coronary Arteries
Ascending Aorta
Arises from the lest ventricle. Has two branches (left and right main coronary arteries)
Aortic arch
Three major arteries arise from the aortic arch:
brachiocephalic artery
left common carotid artery
left subclavian artery.
Descending aorta
Longest portion of the aorta.
Consists of Thoracic and Abdominal aorta.
First vessel to branch from the aorta
Divides into right subclavian and right carotid.
Carotid bifurcation
Point of division at which the common carotid artery branches into the internal and external carotid.
Carotid Sinus
Superior to the carotid bifurcation…. Regulates blood pressure
Calcium deposits in the arterial walls.
Hardens the arteries.
Reduction in blood flow.
Part of coronary artery disease
Pulmonary Circulation
Carries blood to the lungs
Systemic Circulation
Carries blood to the body (system)
Ascending aorta
Arises from the left ventricle and consists of the right and left coronary arteries. CIRCULATION TO THE HEART MUSCLE
Carotid Bifurcation
Where the carotid divides into the internal and external carotids
Carotid Sinus
In the Carotid Bifurcation. Important in regulating blood pressure.
Basilar Artery
Where the left and right vertebral arteries meet.
Mass of nerve fibers at the end of the medulla oblongata
Part of the brain that is dorsal to the Pons and is responsible for coordination and balance.
Carotid Canals
Where the arotid arteries enter the cranial vault
Cerebral Arteries
Supply blood to the large portions of the brain cortex.
Circle of Willis
Interconnection of arteries delivering blood to the brain.
Palmer arches
Arteries in the hand from the radial artery and ulnar artery.
Visceral Arteries ]
Supply blood to the organs
Parietal Arteries
Supply blood to the walls.
Raynauds Phenomenon
While and Cool fingertips from stress or cold exposure.
Femoral Arteries
big artery by the femur
Dorsalis Pedis Artery
Pedal pulse spot. artery on the superior portion of the foot.
Mesenteric Angine
Blockage of arterial blood flow to the digestive system.
Venous Sinuses
Drain blood from the brain into the internal jugular vein.
Hepatic Portal System
Part of the venous system. Drains blood from the liver, stomach, intestines, and spleen.
Inflammation of superficial and small veins
Blood clots
Pulmonary embolism
Embolism travels into the lungs