Blood Supply Flashcards
What artery does all blood supply of upper limb start from?
Subclavian artery
What happens to cause artery names change
Pass certain structures
Artery pathway upper limb
Subclavian to axillary to brachial to radial and ulnar
What landmarks pass through to change artery path
1st rib, teres major, elbow
Venous pathway of upper limb
Radial & ulnar vein to brachial vein to axillary vein to subclavian vein
Cephalic vein
Lateral aspect of dorsal venous network of hand, up lateral forearm into lateral aspect arm
Central line
Deltoid blood supply
posterior circumflex humeral artery
Supraspinatus blood supply
suprascapular artery (branch of thyrocervical)
infraspinatus blood supply
suprascapular artery
What does the suprascapular artery supply blood to?
Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor
Teres minor blood supply
subscapular artery & circumflex scapular artery
teres major blood supply
circumflex scapular artery
What does circumflex scapular artery supply blood to ?
Teres minor & major
Subscapularis blood supply
subscapulary artery
Suprascapular artery located
artery goes over the superior transverse ligament of scapula on suprascapular notch, through the suprascapular foramen
Army over bridge
Navy under bridge
where does posterior circumflex humeral artery pass through?
quadrangular space
where does cicumflex scapular artery seen through
triangular space
Subclavian artery branches before axillary
suprascapular artery & dorsal scapular arterya
axillary artery branches before brachial
thoracoacromial, lateral thoracic, subscapular, circum flex humeral arteries
Axillary artery course/branch where
outer border 1st rib and upper border pec minor gives off superior thoracic artery
deep to pec minor gives rise to thoracoacromila and lateral thoracic arteries
low border of pec minor to low border teres major gives off subscapular, anterior circumflex humeral, posterior circumflex humeral arteries
Low border of teres major become brachial artery
Arterial anastosmosis
scapular, acromial, circumflex
scapular anastosmosis
subclavian artery branches (suprascapular & dorsal scapular arteries)
axillary artery branches (subscapular & circumflex scapular arteries)
acromial anastomosis
acromila branches of suprascapular, thoracoacromial, posterior circumflex humeral arteries on acromion
circumflex anastomosis
anterior and posterior circumflex humeral arteries (surgical neck humerus)
blood supply pec major
thoracoacromial artery (pec branch)
blood supply pec minor
pec branch of thoracoacromial artery & lateral thoracic artery
thoracoacromial artery branches
pectoral, acromial, clavicular, deltoid
Important collateral vessel to axillary artery obstruction
lateral thoracic artery travels with what?
long thoracic nervel
Lateral thoracic artery distribution
serratus anterior, pectoralis muscle & lateral aspect of breast
Subscapular artery distribution and branches
subscapularis, serratus anterior, latissimus dorsi, teres major and contribute to scapular anastomosis
Branch: circumflex scapular artery & thoracodorsal artery
distribution of anterior circumflex humeral artery
shoulder joint and surrounding muscles (smaller than posterior circumflex)
distribution of posterior circumflex humeral artery
deltoid muscle, shoulder joint and humeral head
larger than anterior circumflex, accompanies axillary nerve
axillary vein forms from what?
brachial and basilic veins at lower border of teres major
also receives cephalic vein
cephalic vein course
through deltopectoral triangle and pierce clavipectoral fascia before terminating by joining axillary vein below clavicle
blood supply of breast
medial to lateral to deep to nipple areola complex
medial supply of breast
internal thoracic/mammary artery (from subclavian)
lateral supply of breast
lateral thoracic artery
deep supply of breast
branches of anterior intercostal arteries (2-4th)
nipple areola complex supply of breast
subareolar plexus (anastomoses of arteries)
venous drainage of breast
superficial veins to deep veins to axillary vein
superficial veins of breast
network that drain skin & subcutaneous fluid, create anastomotic circle around nipple areola complex
deep veins of breast
follow arteries
internal thoracic vein, lateral thoracic vein and intercostal vein
axillary vein of breast
majority of breast venous drainage
75% of drainage follow diresct path through humeral lymph nodes into central and apical nodes (4-6)
25% of drainage through pectoral & subscapular lymph node
blood supply biceps brachii
brachial artery
blood supply corachobrachialis
brachial artery
blood supply brachialis
brachial artery
blood supply triceps brachii
deep brachial artery
blood supply aconeus
deep brachial artery