Blood Flow to the heart Flashcards
Posterior descending Artery
Posterior ⅓ of the IV septum
Posterior walls of the ventricles (L and R)
Posteromedial Papillary muscle
Right coronary
AV - AV nodal branch
SA- SA nodal branch
Left circumflex
Lateral part of the left ventricle
Posterior wall of the left ventricle
Anterolateral papillary muscle
Left Ascending artery
Anterior ⅔ of the IV septum
Anterior wall of the left ventricle
Anterolateral part of the papillary muscle
Orientation of the heart
Most posterior part: Left atrium (esophageal compression, and hoarseness with enlargement
Apex: Left ventricle
Right border of the heart (sternocostal border): Right ventricle and Right Atria
Base of the heart: mostly the left atrium
Diaphragmatic: ventricles
Superior border: Where the great vessels enter (atria)
Right (acute) Marginal Artery
Supplies the Right ventricles